2001.10-2004.6:Institute of Structural Physics, TU Dresden, Germany從事研究工作
2003.2-2004.3:Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Humboldtian
2004.9-2007.6: Ames Laboratory, USDOE, Iowa State University, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Assistant Scientist
2007.2: 上海大學獲教授任職資格
1, 國家自然科學基金面上項目,一種B2型稀土韌性金屬間化合物韌性機理的研究。
2, 洪堡基金會資助設備項目,Equipment Grant: 3-8151/08013。
1. G. H. Cao, D. Shechtman, D. M. Wu, A.T. Becker, L .S. Chumbley, T. A. Lograsso, A. M. Russell, K. A. Gschneidner, Jr.,Determination of slip systems and their relation to the high ductility and fracture toughness of the B2 DyCu intermetallic compound, Acta Materialia 55(2007)3765-3770.
2. G. H. Cao, P. Simon, W. Skrotzki, S.C. Wimbush, B. Holzapfel, Transmission electron microscopy and high-resolution electron microscopy investigation of the microstructure of an YNi2B2Cthin film, Chemistry of Materials 17(2005)3558-3562.
3. G. H. Cao, P. Simon, W. Skrotzki, S. C. Wimbush, B. Holzapfel, TEM characterization of YNi2B2Cthin film microstructure, Applied Physics A 81(2005)583-585.
4. G. H. Cao, P. Simon, U. Kraemer, S. C. Wimbush, B. Holzapfel, TEM and HREM study of YNi2B2Cthin film on Y2O3 buffered MgO, Chemistry of Materials 16(2004)842-845.
5. G. H. Cao, P. Simon, W. Skrotzki, TEM study of YNi2B2Cthin film growth on MgO (001), Journal of Materials Research 19(2004)1413-1416.
6. G. H. Cao, G. J. shen, Z. G. Liu, J. M. Liu, W. Skrotzki, TEM characterization of ordered domains of a Ti-46Al-1Cr-0.2Si (at%) alloy, Scripta Materialia 49(2003)797-802.
7. G. H. Cao, Z. G. Liu, G. J. Shen, J. M. Liu, Interface and precipitate investigation of a TiB2 particle reinforced NiAl in-situ composite, Intermetallics 9(2001)691-695.
8. G. H. Cao, G. J. Shen, Z. G. Liu, J. M. Liu, Microstructural characterization of V-doped single-phase titanium aluminide, Scripta Materialia 44(2001)985-989.
9. G. H. Cao, Z. G. Liu, J. M. Liu, G. J. Shen, S. Q. Wu, Interface investigations of alumina and aluminiosilicate short-fiber-reinforced aluminium-alloy composites, Composite Science and Technology 61(2001)545-550.
10. G. H. Cao, S. Q. Wu, J. M. Liu, Z. G. Liu, Wear-resistance mechanisms of an Al-12Si alloy reinforced with aluminosilicate short fibers, tribology International 32(1999)721-724.