
宗教歷史文學中的換稱 (Antonomasia) 一個專有名詞,如果具有某些家喻戶曉的特點,它就可以成為某種象徵。以此代換一個普通名詞,必然喚起固有的聯想,而賦予這個普通名詞以同樣的聯想。換言之,一個專有名詞,作為一座橋樑,聯繫不同背景的共同特徵,藉助原有的聯想,迅速建立新的聯想,這在英語修辭學中就是換稱。



這三點淵源突出了文化背景在運用換稱上的重要性。古希臘文化和希泊來文化(Hellenism and Hebraism)是換稱上的重要淵源。

西方文化繼承的傳統,就是西方史學界所謂的“二希” --希臘文化(Hellenism)和希伯來文化(Hebraism) 羅馬文化是繼承希臘文化而演變來的。希伯來人(Hebrews)就是古以色列人,Hebraism就是猶大教 (Judaism),而基督教(Christianity)正是從猶太教派生出來的,所以基督教文化就是繼承希伯來文化並吸收一些希臘的影響演變而來的。這“二希”就 是西方文化的源泉。

基督教的文獻,主要是《聖經》,即《新舊約全書》 (The Holy Bible—The Old Testament and the New Testament) 包括《舊約》39卷,《新約》27卷,共66卷;此外, 還有《次經》(Apocrypha)14卷,總計80卷。 《舊約全書》,又稱《希伯來聖經》(the Hebrew Bible),是猶太教的經典,分四部分;

(1)經部一律法(the five books of the law), 又稱摩西五經,其中的第一卷就是《創世紀》(Genesis) (2)先知(the Prophets); (3)史部(the Writings); (4)集部(the Scrolls)。

《新約全書》是基督教自己的教義,也分四部分: (1)福音書(the Gospels)4卷 是耶穌的傳記; (2)使徒行傳(the Acts of the apostles)1卷; (3)使徒書信(the creed of the apostles)21卷, (4)啟示錄(the Revelation或稱the Apocalypse) l卷。其中的故事在西方,同希臘、羅馬的神話一樣,是家喻戶曉,傳誦不衰的。


換稱(Antonomasia)和借代(Metonymy)不同之點 在換稱中的專有名詞通常來自三種淵源:宗教,古代及當代的歷史和文學。而借代中的專有名詞則無須具有類似的起端。:


Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)--the United States(美國)

Fleet Street(艦隊街)--the British press(英國報界)

the Pentagon(五角大樓)--U.S Defence Department (美國國防部)

Foggy Bottom(霧谷)--U.S. State Department (美國國務院)

Hollywood(好萊塢)--American film-making industry (美國電影製片業,電影界)

10,Downing Street(唐寧街10號)--the residence and office of the British prime minister(英國首相官邸)

Ivan(伊萬)--the Russian people(俄羅斯人民)


(1)宗教或神話淵源(biblical or mythological figures)

Solomon(所羅門)—awise man(聰明人)

Daniel(但尼爾)—awise and fair judge (聰明而公正的法官)

Judas(猶大)—a traitor(叛徒)

Hercules(赫丘利)—a hero of strength and bravery (大力神)

(2)歷史淵源(historical figures)

the Rubicon(魯比肯河)--an irrevocable step (破釜沉舟,無可挽回)

Nero(尼祿)—a tyrant(暴君)

John Wayne(約翰·韋恩)—a modern figure of a tough man(粗獷型男子漢形象)

(3)文學淵源(literary figures)

Uncle Tom(湯姆大叔)—a Negro who compromises and conforms with the Whites (與白人妥協順應的黑人)


Language Origin Analysis of the Simultaneous Use of the《Bible》Characters in Allusion and Antonomasia



現代漢語的語文辭典,對於“換稱詞語”的處理還可以更有計畫、更全面、更有科學性, 語言學中的“換稱’(a ntonomasia,一譯“代類名,’),指的是:用形容詞定語來指代專有名詞,

如用the Alm咭hty(全能的)來指代God(上帝);或用專有名詞(及詞組)來代替一般名詞(及詞組),







一:換稱(Antonomasia)的定義與用法:定義:用頭銜、綽號和稱呼等代替姓名或稱謂或用專有名詞代替普通名詞的修辭手法叫做換稱。(An antonomasia is a figure of speech that involves the use of an epithet or title in place of a name, and also the use of a proper name in place of a common noun.)

用法: 用頭銜、綽號和稱呼等代替姓名或稱謂:

His Majesty(陛下)→a king or the name of the king(國王或國王的姓名)

His Honor(閣下)→a judge or the name of the judge(法官或法官的姓名)

Iron Chancellor(鐵血宰相)→Bismarck(俾斯麥)


a. 源於宗教或神話:

Solomon(所羅門)→a wise man(聰明人)

Judas(猶大)→a traitor(叛徒)

Helen(海倫)→a beautiful woman(美女)

b. 源於歷史:

Hitler(希特勒)→a tyrant(暴君)

He is the Newton of this century. 他是本世紀的牛頓。

9 a great scientist

Milton(彌爾頓)→a poet(詩人)

c. 源於文學作品:

二、轉喻(Metonymy)的定義與用法:定義:用某一事物的名稱代替另一事物的名稱的修辭手法叫做轉喻或借代。這兩種事物之間有著密切相關的聯繫。(A metonymy is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.)



Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)→Americans or the American government(美國人/美國政府)

John Bull(約翰牛)→the English nation or a typical Englishman(英國/地道英國人)

He is reading Shakespeare. 他在讀莎士比亞作品。

9 Shakespeare's works (用作者指代作品)

He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses. 他為了與鄰里攀比而負債。

9 neighbours


We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. 我們駕駛一輛福特牌小轎車到海德公園去。

9 a car whose make is Ford(用品牌名指代實物)


Finally she married money. 她最終嫁給了有錢人。

9 a rich man (用“錢”指代“有錢人”。)

I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. 我住在飛機場附近,日夜可以聽到過往的飛機聲。9 the noise made by passing planes



the big apple(大蘋果)→New York city(紐約市)

Russian bear(俄國熊)→Russians or the Russian government(俄國人/俄國政府)

British lion(英國獅)→England or the English government(英國/英國政府)

The flowerof the nation was sent off to war. 該國的壯小伙子都被送去打仗了。

9 the strong young men

(the flower通常用來指代“精英”、“精華”等。在句中,它被用來指代“壯小伙子”。)


When the war was over, he laid down the sword and took up the pen.

9 arms 9 writing


The penis mightier than the sword. 文章勝武力。

9 books and writing 9 armed force


Only the knife can save him. 只有手術刀能夠挽救他。

9 operation(用“手術刀”指代“手術”。)


I could not hear the actors. 我聽不見演員的台詞。

9 the words of the actors(用“演員”指代“台詞”。)

Some students were talking loudly in class that I could not hear the teacher clearly.

一些學生在課堂上大聲說話,我聽不清老師的課。the teacher's lecture8



He is too fond of the bottle. 他太喜歡喝酒了。

9 wine(用容器“瓶”指代內含的物質“酒”。)

The kettle is boiling. 水開了。

9 the water in the kettle


His purse would not allow him that luxury. 他錢包里的錢不允許他那么奢侈。

9 the money in his purse


Two beers, please. 請來兩杯啤酒。

9 two glasses of beer (用內含的物質“啤酒”指代容器“杯”。)


Braindrain. 人才流失。

9 talent(用“大腦”指代“人才”。)

But I was not one to let my heart rule my head. 我可不是那種讓感情駕馭理智的人。

feelings or emotions 8 9 reason or good sense


Grey hairsshould be respected. 老年人應該受到尊敬。

9 old people



He decided to enter the bar after college. 他決定大學畢業後當律師。

9 the legal profession

(the bar原意是法庭圍欄,現常用來指代律師職業)

Members of the press weren't allowed into the combat zone. 新聞記者不準進入戰鬥區域。 9 newspaper reporters

(the press原意是印刷機,現常用來指代新聞記者)

He has been appointed to the bench. 他被委任為法官。

9 position of judge

(the bench原意是法官的席位,現常用來指代法官。)


He had only a few coppers in his pocket. 他口袋裡只有幾個銅幣。

9 coins(copper是製作coin的材料。)

She was dressed in silks. 她穿絲綢衣服。

9 silk clothes(silk是製作clothes的料子。)


the White House(白宮)→the U.S. government(美國政府)

Wall Street(華爾街)→U.S. financial circles(美國金融界)

Capitol Hill(國會山)→the United States Congress(美國國會)

Foggy Bottom(霧谷)→U.S. State Department(美國國務院)

Hollywood(好萊塢)→American film-making industry(美國電影業)

Madison Avenue(麥迪遜大街)→American advertising industry(美國廣告業)

Downing Street(唐寧街)→the British government(英國政府)

Fleet Street(艦隊街)→The British press(英國新聞界)

Down Under(對跖地)→Australia or New Zealand(澳大利亞或紐西蘭)

The fieldwas won after two hours of bloody fighting.

9 the battle 經過2小時的浴血奮戰,戰鬥取得了勝利。


三、提喻(Synecdoche)的定義與用法:定義:用局部代替全體或全體代替局部,用屬代替種或種代替屬,用具體代替抽象或抽象代替具體的修辭手法叫做提喻。(A synecdoche is a figure of speech that involves the substitution of the part for the whole or the whole for the part, and the substitution of the species for the genus or the genus for the species, and also the substitution of the concrete for the abstract or the abstract for the concrete.)用法: 以局部代全體:

The poor man had six mouths to feed. 這可憐的人要養六口人。

9 people


The poor man is now left without a roof. 這可憐的人落得個上無片瓦。

9 house


He can't ride a wheel. 他不會騎腳踏車。

9 bicycle



The birds sang to welcome the smiling year. 小鳥歌唱迎新春。

9 the spring


He has gained a footing in the musical world. 他在音樂界站住了腳。

9 field



Spring vanishes with the rose. 花謝春盡。

9 flowers


It will cost you a pretty penny. 這恐怕會花費你許多錢。

9 money



I don't like to eat meat. 我不想吃豬肉。

9 pork(“肉”包括“豬肉”在內的任何一種肉。)

What a lovely creature! 多么美麗的女人啊!

9 a beautiful woman(“人”包括“女人”在內的任何一種人。)


He earned his bread as a teacher. 他以教書為生。

9 living(“麵包”指代抽象名詞“生計”。)

The wolfand the pig mingled together in his face. 他的臉上帶著兇殘和貪婪的神色。

9 fierceness 9 greediness



All the wit and learning of the world were assembled there.

9 the wise and learned scholars 所有聰明博學的人都聚集在那裡。


It was sickness and poverty together that she came to visit.

patients 8 9 poor people 她來探望的是病人和窮人。


Romeo(羅米歐)→a lover(情人)

Holmes(福爾摩斯)→a detective(偵探)



