生於法國阿登省,少年忘夫,家境貧寒。拉開耶在波旁公爵資助下在巴黎的利雪學院(College de Lisieux)學習神學。但是,畢業後專注科學研究。工作早期從事海岸線測量等工作。1739—1740年進行子午線測量工作,修正了前人的結果,獲得聲譽。隨後被聘為馬薩林學院數學教授,專門從事天文學及數學的研究。
傾慕與南半球的星空,於1750年前往非洲好望角,一系列偉大成就隨之出現。1754年,被瑞典皇家科學院選為外籍院士。月球上的La Caile火山口以他的名字命名。
Astronomiae Fundamenta (1757), containing a standard catalogue of 398 stars, re-edited by F. Baily (Memoirs Roy. Astr. Society, v. 93) Tabulae Solares (1758) Coelum australe stelliferum (1763) (edited by J. D. Maraldi), giving zone observations of 10,000 stars, and describing fourteen new constellations Observations sur 515 étoiles du Zodiaque (published in t. vi. of his Ephémérides, 1763) Leçons élémentaires de Mathématiques (1741), frequently reprinted ditto de Mécanique (1743), &c. ditto d'Astronomie (1746), 4th edition augmented by Lalande (1779) ditto d'Optique (1750), &c. Calculations by him of eclipses for eighteen hundred years were inserted in L'Art de vérifier les dates by Benedictine historian Charles Clémencet (1750) He communicated to the Academy in 1755 a classed catalogue of forty two southern nebulae[2], and gave in t. ii. of his Ephémérides (1755) practical rules for the employment of the lunar method of longitudes, proposing in his additions to Pierre Bouguer's Traité de
Navigation (1760) the model of a nautical almanac.