
泰山王子 Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984)
時間劫匪Time Bandits (1981)
屠龍記 Dragonslayer (1981)
痴情佳人 Lady Caroline Lamb (1973)
幸運兒 O Lucky Man! (1973)
傀儡家庭 A Doll's House (1973)
愛麗斯漫遊仙境 Alice'sAdventures in Wonderland (1972)
光榮戰役 Bed Sitting Room, The (1969)
Wrong Box, The (1966)
日瓦戈醫生 Doctor Zhivago (1965)
美人局 Woman of Straw (1964)
長夜漫漫路迢迢 Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962)
出埃及記 Exodus (1960)
笑面神童 Smiley (1956)
理察三世Richard III (1955)
聖誕述異 Holly and the Ivy, The (1952)
Outcast of the Islands (1952)
一飛沖天 Sound Barrier, The (1952)
千金小姐 The Heiress (1949)
The Fallen Idol (1948)
四片羽毛 The Four Feathers (1939)
衛城記 Citadel, The (1938)
製造奇蹟的人 Man Who Could Work Miracles (1936)