









主持三項國家自然科學基金項目及多項省部級基金。在國內外核心化學期刊如J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Coord. Chem. Rev.等發表正式論文100多篇,其中SCI檢索論文76篇。獲中國發明專利授權1項。

1.A new method to synthesize unsymmetrical dithiolene metal complexes of 1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate for third-order nonlinear optical applications, J. Dai,* G.-Q. Bian, X. Wang, Q.-F. Xu, M.-Y. Zhou, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000,122, 11007–110.

2 .Benzenthiolate bridged binuclear group 12 metal complexes with TTF fused dithiolate ligand, anew synthetic approach using cluster-cracking reacton, Guo-Qing Bian, Jie Dai*,Qin-Yu Zhu, Wei Yang, Ze-Min Yan, Megumu Munakata and Masahiko Maekawa, Chem. Commun. 2002, 1474–1475.

3 .Luminescent 2-D double-layered polymer, [(CuI)4(CH3SCH3)3], containing helical chains constructed by flower-basket-shaped Cu4I4 clusters, J. Zhou, G.-Q. Bian, J. Dai,* Y. Zhang, Q.-Y. Zhu, W ,.Lu,Inorg. Chem.2006,45, 8486–8488.

4.One-dimensional indium sulfides with transition metal complexes of polyamines, J. Zhou, G.-Q. Bian, Y. Zhang, Q.-Y. Zhu, C.-Y. Li, J. Dai,* Inorg. Chem.2007,46, 6347–6352.

5.Effects of protonation and metal coordination on intramolecular charge transfer of tetrathiafulvalene compound, Q.-Y. Zhu,Y. Liu,W. Lu,Y. Zhang,G.-Q. Bian,G.-Y. Niu, J. Dai*, Inorg. Chem. 2007,46, 10065–10070.

6.Cationic main-group metal chalcogenide with a 1-D polymeric structure, [{In(dien)}2(InTe4)]·Cl, C.-Y. Li, X.-X. Chen, J. Zhou, Q.-Y. Zhu, Z.-X. Lei, Y. Zhang, J. Dai*, Inorg. Chem.2008,47, 8586–8588.

7. Solvothermal synthesis of group 13-15 chalcogenidometalates with chelating organic amines, J. Zhou, Jie Dai*, G.-Q. Bian, C.-Y. Li, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2009 ,253, 12211247.

8.A triadic ICT compound of tetrathiafulvalene exhibiting multi-color solvatochromism, Q.-Y. Zhu, L.-B. Huo,Y.-R. Qin, Y.-P. Zhang, Z.-J. Lu, J.-P. Wang, J. Dai*, J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 361–367.

9.Indium chalcogenido clusters coordinated by 1,10-phenanthroline, [InQ(phen)Cl]4, a simplified model of inorganic−organic hybrid material with cluster-to-ligand charge transfer, Z.-X. Lei, Q.-Y. Zhu, M.-H. Zhang, J.-B. Jiang, Y.-P. Zhang, J. Dai*, Inorg. Chem. 2010,49, 353–355.

10.Indium-sulfur supertetrahedral polymers integrated with [M(phen)3] cations, X. Zhang, W. Luo, Y.-P. Znang, J.-B. Jiang, Q.-Y. Zhu, J. Dai*, Inorg. Chem.2011, 50, 6972–6978.

11.Diamino-diamido tetrathiafulvalene for the sensing of anions and cations: a view in electrochemistry and structure, Z. Shi, Z.-J. Lu, Q.-Y. Zhu, L.-B. Huo, Q.-H. Han, G.-Q. Bian, J Dai*, 2011, 115, 3020–3026.


