
eration design relation

戴樂斯起始於1971年。作為全球知名的鑽石公司,分支機構遍布全球各地,其總部位於香港,專門從事大顆鑽石和彩鑽的經營。目前已經是全球最重要的大顆鑽石和彩鑽的供應商之一,也是美國寶石學院(GIA/Gemological Institute of America)理事會成員。戴樂斯專注於為高端客戶服務,我們客戶包括世界一線珠寶品牌零售商、皇室成員、國家元首、社會名流等等。
Dehres which is a three-generations owned business continung since 1971 is known worldwide for cutting and dealing in some of the most important famous diamonds in the world, including the recutting of the 69 carats Burton-Taylor Diamond and the 64 carats matching pair of Faith. The company is renowned for manufacturing an outstanding selection of stylish masterpieces ranging from the classical and the contemporary designs to the one of a kind jewelry pieces. Its customers include some of the most recognized brands as well as royalty, heads of State, celebrities and public figures alike. Dehres’ main aim is to continue supplying its exceptional jewelry pieces to its existing clientele worldwide and enter into new partnerships in an effort to build a long-term relationship with high-end jewelry retailers and leading brands. Dehres welcomes such clients to come and explore opportunities of working together.


