

n廈門大學化學系理學士(1983) n中國科學院福建物質結構研究所理學博士(2002) n美國Iowa州立大學/能源部Ames實驗室博士後(2004、2005) n化工部青島海洋塗料研究所實習研究員(1983) n華僑大學材料物理化學研究所助教(1987)、講師及研究室主任(1990)、副教授(1996)、教授(2002-)/博士生導師(2004-)


1). 新穎無機/有機雜化材料的設計合成與結構研究;

2). 無機分子納米材料的可控制備;

3). 功能無機固態化合物的結構與性能關係;

4). "Zintl相"與極性金屬間化物化學;

5). 粘土化學與粘土礦物材料


1). Geng-Geng Luo*, Hong-Bo Xiong, Jing-Cao Dai*, Syntheses,structural characterization and properties of{[Cu(bpp)2(H2O)2](tp)·7H2O}and{[Cu(bpp)2(H2O)](ip)·7H2O}complexes. New examples of organic anionic template-effect on induced assembly of water clusters, Crystal Growth & Design, 2011, 11, 507-515.

2). Jing-Cao Dai, Shalabh Gupta, John D. Corbett* , Synthesis, structure, and bonding of BaTl4. Size effects on encapsulation of cations in electron-poor metal networks, Inorg. Chem . 2011, 50 , 238-244.

3). Li Liu, Shu-Ping Huang, Guo-Dong Yang, Hao Zhang, Xiao-Li Wang, Zhi-Yong Fu, Jing-Cao Dai*, Zn[Htma][ddm]: An interesting three-dimensional chiral nonlinear optical-active zinc-trimesate framework, Crystal Growth & Design, 2010, 10, 930-936.

4). Jing-Cao Dai, Shalabh Gupta, Olivier Gourdon, Hyun-Jeong Kim, John D. Corbett*, BaHg2Tl2. An unusual polar intermetallic phase with strong differentiation between the neighboring elements mercury and thallium, J Am Chem Soc, 2009, 131, 8677-8682.

5). Guo-Dong Yang, Jing-Cao Dai,* Yun-Xia Lian, Wen-Shi Wu, Jian-Ming Lin, Sheng-Min Hu, Tian-Lu Sheng, Zhi-Yong Fu, Xin-Tao Wu, [Ph3PCH2Ph]2[Zn3(tp)3Cl2] and Ni3(tma)2(H2O)8: Two unusual clay-like framework of metal-polycarboxylate coordination polymers, Inorg Chem, 2007, 46 (19): 7910-7916.

6). Jing-Cao Dai, John D. Corbett*, Transformation of AeIn4 indides (Ae = Ba, Sr) into an AeAu2In2 structure type through gold substitution, Inorg Chem, 2007, 46 (11): 4592-4598.

7). Jing-Cao Dai, John D. Corbett*, Substitution of Au or Hg into BaTl2 and BaIn2. New ternary examples of smaller CeCu2-type intermetallic phases, Inorg Chem, 2006, 45 (5): 2104-2111.

8). Jing-Cao Dai, Xin-Tao Wu*, Zhi-Yong Fu, Sheng-Min Hu, Wen-Xing Du, Chuan-Peng Cui, Li-Ming Wu, Han-Hui Zhang, Rui-Qing Sun, A novel ribbon-candy-like supramolecular architecture of cadmium-terephthalate polymer with giant rhombic channels: twofold interpenetration of the 3D 810-a net, Chem Commun, 2002, (1): 12-13.(已被引用122次)

9). Jing-Cao Dai, Xin-Tao Wu*, Zhi-Yong Fu, Chuan-Peng Cui, Sheng-Min Hu, Wen-Xing Du, Li-Ming Wu, Han-Hui Zhang, Rui-Qing Sun, Syntheses, structures and fluorescence of the novel cadmium(II)- trimesate coordination polymers with different coordination architectures, Inorg Chem, 2002, 41(6): 1391-1396.(已被引用312次)

10). Jing-Cao Dai*, Ji-Tai Huang, Surface modification of clays and clay-rubber composite, Invited Articlefor the Applied Clay Science, 1999, 15(1-2): 51-65 .


