《懼月》(Scared Of The Moon),由麥可 傑克遜(Michael Jackson)和Buz Kohan於1980年創作。收錄在《麥可傑克遜:終極收藏》(《Michael Jackson:The Ultimate Collection》)中。
Alone she lays waiting
Surrounded by gloom
Invaded by shadows
Painting the room
The light from the window
Cuts through the air
And pins the child lying there
Scared of the moon
She pulls up the covers
And Shivers in fright
She hides from the colour
That rides on the night
The light through the window
That lights up the sky
And causes her moanful cry
Scared of the moon
There’s nothing wrong
Don’t be bothered they said
It’s just childish fantasies turning your head
No need to worry
It’s really too soon
But there she lies shivering
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
The years go by swiftly
And soon childhood ends
But life is still fearful
When evening descends
The fear of the child
Still intrude the night
Returning on beams of ligh
tScared of the moon
The feeling of terror
She felt as a youth
Has turned from a fantasy
Into a truth
The moon is the enemy
Twisting her soul
And taking its fearful toll
Scared of the moon
But now there are others who sit here alone
And wait for the sunlight to brighten their gloom
Together they gather
Their lunacy shared
But knowing just why they’re scared
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
Scared of the moon
"Scared Of The Moon"也正是當時MJ與Buz Kohan合作產生的一系列歌曲之一。在鋼琴和豎琴的伴奏下,麥可的嗓音盡顯威力。在充滿深情唱段中,我們只能在他給我們帶來的美之幻境中完全陶醉。這首歌曲結合了童謠和假聲演唱的特色,麥可在其中講了一個故事:一個小女孩從小害怕月光,但在成長中,她慢慢發現月亮也怕小孩子。總而言之,"Scared Of The Moon"探詢了多年以來雖隨年華流逝但卻依然長留心底的那一份純真。(引用)
(1)麥可·約瑟夫·傑克遜(Michael Joseph Jackson,1958年8月29日-2009年6月25日),是一名在世界各地極具影響力的流行音樂歌手、作曲家、作詞家、舞蹈家、演員、導演、唱片製作人、慈善家、時尚引領者,被譽為流行音樂之王(King Of Pop)。他的音樂曲風完美地融合了黑人節奏藍調與白人搖滾的獨特的MJ樂風。他魔幻般的舞步更是讓無數的明星效仿。因被私人醫生注射過量異丙酚,從而導致了他的逝世,終年50歲。 (詳見百度百科:麥可傑克遜)
(2)Kohan在好萊塢世界裡,早就是聞名遐邇的創作天才。他寫過很多歌曲,並製作過不少傳奇般的電視節目,如"摩城25周年慶典晚會"。麥可和Buz的首次合作是在1980年"迪斯尼樂園25周年慶電視特輯"錄製期間,他們構思併合作了一段串燒歌曲演唱:"When You Wish Upon A Star"/"Follow The Yellow Brick Road"/"Ease Down On The Road"。