
慕尼黑上海分析生化展(analytica China)是分析、生化技術和實驗室技術的國際性博覽會,專門面向飛速發展的中國市場。憑藉著analytica 的國際品牌,analytica China 吸引了來自全球主要工業國家的分析、診斷、實驗室技術和生化技術領域的廠商。繼2002年首次成功舉辦以來,analytica China 已經成為國內最大的分析、實驗室技術和生化技術領域的專業博覽會,每兩年舉辦一次,是業內領軍企業全面展示最新技術、產品和解決方案的最佳平台,這也是該展會能夠吸引越來越多展商和觀眾的關鍵所在。同期舉辦的analytica China 國際研討會也是業內人士關注的焦點,其聚焦整個行業的發展,是科學技術和行業技術相互傳遞的理想平台。
analytica China is an international exhibition of analytical, biochemical and laboratory technologies, targeted specifically to the fast-developing Chinese market. By virtue of analyica’s international reputation, analytica China has attracted manufacturers from the world’s leading industrial countries in the fields of analysis, diagnosis, laboratory technologies and biochemical technologies. Since its first successful staging in 2002, analytica China has become the largest professional exhibition in its field in China. It is held every second year and is the best platform for industry leaders to comprehensively showcase their latest technologies, products and solutions, and this exhibition is attracting increasing numbers of exhibitors and visitors. The symposium held concurrently focuses on industry-wide development, and it is a focal point for industry professionals and an ideal platform for interaction between scientists and industrialists.



