
Debye radius
德拜半徑(也叫德拜長度)是以荷蘭物理學家、化學家德拜(Peter Debye)的名字命名的等離子物理中常用的一個物理量。他表征了在電漿和其他導體中運動帶電體(如電子)對於電場禁止的尺度。換言之,德拜半徑就是電荷能夠起作用的最遠的距離。通常所說的“德拜球”就是以德拜長度為半徑的球體,它表示了一個球體範圍,在該球體範圍以外電荷都是被禁止的。
德拜長度這一概念本質上來源於考慮由於帶電離子電子云對於電勢的禁止效應,其中帶電離子的能量決定了其密度。如果被禁止的勢能用φ來表示,則帶電量為q的電荷在該電場中能量為qφ。為了方便起見,可以取電荷電量q為一個單位電荷。The Debye length arises naturally in considering the screening of a source of electric potential by a cloud of charged particles whose density is determined by their energy in the electrical potential. If the potential to be screened is denoted by , the energy of a charged particle of charge q in this potential is qφ. It is convenient to take the charge q as the elementary charge of the electron. Assuming the likelihood of finding a particle with this energy is determined by a Boltzmann distribution, the number of particles at a location where the potential is φ becomes:
I 是離子力, ε0 真空中的電介質常量, εr是溶液的相對電介質常量, k 是波爾茲曼常數, T 是絕對溫度, NA 是阿伏伽德羅常量. e 是元電荷所帶電量,