

徐瑩,男,1982年出生,湖南嶽陽人,香港理工大學建築及房地產系博士,現為湖南大學法學院公共管理系副教授,碩士生導師。SSCI來源期刊"Habitat International”, "Journal of Urban Planning and Development”, "Journal of Urban Affairs"的審稿人。 主要研究方向:城市發展和管理,房地產投資與規劃

徐瑩,男,1982年出生,湖南嶽陽人,香港理工大學建築及房地產系博士,現為湖南大學法學院公共管理系副教授,碩士生導師。SSCI來源期刊"Habitat International”, "Journal of Urban Planning and Development”, "Journal of Urban Affairs"的審稿人。



1. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 ), Chan, H. W., & Yung, H. K. (2014) The overwhelming farmland conversion for urban development in transitional China: a case study of Shanghai, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000215. (SCI & SSCI雙收錄,已接收,出版中)

2. Jing Li & Xu, Y. (徐瑩 ). (2014). Property Price and Housing Affordability: A Regional Comparison Dimension, Journal of Comparative Asian Development, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15339114.2014.927747

3. Yung, H.K., Chan, H.W. & Xu, Y (徐瑩 ). (2014). Sustainable development and rehabilitation of historic urban districts – Social considerations in the case of Tianzifang in China, Sustainable Development, 22(2), 95-112. (SSCI收錄)

4. Heikkila, E. J. & Xu, Y. (徐瑩 ). (2014). Seven Prototypical Chinese Cities, Urban Studies, 51(4), 827-847頁. (SSCI收錄)

5. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 ),Chan, H.W. & Yung, H.K. (2014). Analysis of the mechanisms contributing to spatial mismatch in transitional Chinese cities, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 140(2), 1-7. (SCI & SSCI雙收錄)

6. Yung, E. H., Chan, E. H. & Xu, Y. (徐瑩 ). (2014). Community-Initiated Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings and Sustainable Development in the Inner City of Shanghai. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 140(3), 05014003. (SCI & SSCI雙收錄)

7. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 ),Chan, H.W. & Yung, H.K. (2012). Neighborhood change in semi-urbanized villages: A case study based on Shanghai, China, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 174(3). 235-243 (SCI & SSCI雙收錄)

8. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 ), Tang, B.S. & Chan, H.W. (2011). State-led land requisition and transformation process of rural villages in transitional China: a case study of Shanghai, Habitat International, 35 (1), 57-65. (SSCI收錄)

9. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 )& Chan, H.W. (2011). The“Community Question”in Transitional China, a Case Study of State‐Led Urbanization in Shanghai, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 173(4), 416-424. (SCI & SSCI雙收錄)

10. 徐瑩.大學對周邊住宅價格影響範圍的實證研究,中國物價, 2009, 4: 39-45.

11.錢瑛瑛,陳哲, 徐瑩.基於空間失配理論的上海市中低價位商品房選址研究,現代城市研究, 2007, 22(3): 31-37. (CSSCI收錄)


1. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 )Chan, H.W. & Qian, Q. (2011). Application of Benefit-cost Analysis (BCA) to Evaluate Environmental Regulations, Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, 23-25, September, 2011, Chongqing, China, 135-141.(ISTP收錄)

2. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 )& Chan, H.W. (2010). The “community question” in urban resettlement housing districts, a case study in Shanghai, China, Proceedings of 15Annual Symposium towards Sustainable Development of International Metropolis, 7-8, August, 2010, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 225-233.

3. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 ), Chan, H.W. & Li, J. (2010). The conflicts on farmland conversion at the rural-urban fringe of Chinese cities, evidence from Shanghai, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 28-30 Jun, 2010, Paris, France, 1654-1664.

4. Xu, Y ( 徐瑩 )& Chan, H.W. (2010). Urbanization and the “community question”, an overview, Proceedings of the Second International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment, 1-2 June, 2010, Hong Kong, 538-546.

5. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 )& Chan, H.W. (2009). Overview: Conflicts in the Rural-urban Fringe, Proceedings of the 10th Asian Urbanization Conference, 16-19 August, 2009, Hong Kong.

6. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 ), Chan, H.W. & Tang, B.S. (2009). Space negotiation: an appropriate perspective for built environment research in rural-urban fringe of Chinese cities, Proceedings of the First International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment, 5-6 June, 2009, Hong Kong, 179-186.(ISTP收錄)

7. Xu, Y. ( 徐瑩 ), Chan, H.W. & Tang, B.S. (2008). Built environment research for rural-urban fringe of Chinese cities, Proceedings of CRIOCM 2008 International Research Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, 31 Oct – 3 Nov, 2008, Beijing, 53-60.(ISTP收錄)







