1996年8月至2000年9月在清華大學執教,2000年9月至2006年9月在(加拿大)西安大略大學和(紐西蘭)惠靈頓維多利亞大學作訪問教授和研究員,2006年9月回國到廈門大學經濟學院金融系任教,受聘為廈門大學王亞南經濟學特聘教授。2009年9月,來中國人民大學財政金融學院任教。 張順明教授主要從事經濟學與金融學的教學與研究,在數理經濟學、金融經濟學、經濟理論、 經濟政策、國際貿易、中國經濟等方面頗有學術貢獻,在國際專業期刊權威雜誌發表論文多篇。發表論文的雜誌包括Journal of Mathematical Economics, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Mathematical Finance, Journal of Global Optimization, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Economics Letters, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of Development Economics等。在金融學領域的研究包括不完全資產市場理論、具有市場摩擦的無套利定價理論、衍生資產定價理論、效用表示理論、多重風險分析等。
1988年06月-1990年09月 襄樊學院(原襄陽師範高等專科學校)數學系教師
1996年08月-2000年09月 清華大學經濟管理學院金融與國際貿易系金融學副教授
1998年06月-1998年08月 香港城市大學計算機科學系研究員(Senior Research Assistant)
1998年08月-1998年12月 麻省理工學院Sloan管理學院訪問學者(Visiting Scholar)
1999年06月-1999年09月 香港城市大學計算機科學系研究員(Research Fellow)
2000年06月-2000年09月 香港城市大學計算機科學系研究員(Research Fellow)
2000年09月-2001年04月 西安大略大學經濟學系訪問教授(Visiting Professor)
2001年05月-2005年08月 西安大略大學經濟學系博士後研究員(Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)
2005年08月-2006年08月 惠靈頓維多利亞大學經濟金融學院研究員(Research Fellow)
2006年09月-2009年08月 廈門大學經濟學院金融學系金融經濟學特聘教授
2009年09月-今 中國人民大學財政金融學院教授教授
1984年09月-1988年06月 華中師範大學數學系基礎數學專業本科
1990年09月-1993年07月 中國科學院系統科學研究所數理經濟學碩士
1993年09月-1996年07月 中國科學院系統科學研究所數理經濟學博士
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Quantitative Finance
The World Economy
Journal of International Economics
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics
Economic Modelling
Journal of Policy Modeling
Energy Economics
Energy Policy
The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
European Journal of Operational Research
Journal of Global Optimization
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
IIE Transactions
Theoretical Computer Science
Future Generation Computer Systems
[2011] Xiaojun Shi, Hiroshi Tsuji and Shunming Zhang (2011), Introducing Managers’ Attitudes Heterogeneity into the Behavioral Risk-Scoring for Software Offshoring, Forthcoming in Systems Research and Behavioral Science (SSCI and SCI)
[2011] Yitao Jiang, Xiaojun Shi, Shunming Zhang and Jingjing Ji (2011), The Threshold Effect of High-level Human Capital Investment on China’s Urban-Rural Income Gap, Forthcoming in China Agricultural Economic Review (SSCI and SCI)
[2011] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2011), Distance Measures between Free Trade and Autarky for the World Economy, Forthcoming in Economic Modelling (SSCI)
[2011] John Whalley, Jun Yu and Shunming Zhang (2011), Trade Retaliation in a Monetary-Trade Model, Forthcoming in Global Economy Journal
[2011] Jun Yu and Shunming Zhang (2011), Optimal Trade Policy in Tariff Games with Inside Money, Forthcoming in Economic Modelling (SSCI)
[2010] 葉志強 陳習定 張順明(2010),我國定期存貸款利率隱含波動率研究---基於無模型隱含波動率分析, 《管理科學學報》即將發表
[2010] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2010), Tax Induced Multiple Equilibria, Forthcoming in Applied Economics Letters (SSCI)
[2010] Hui Huang, Xiaojun Shi and Shunming Zhang (2010), Counter-Cyclical Substitution between Trade Credit and Bank Credit, Forthcoming in Journal of Banking and Finance (SSCI)
[2011] Zhuming Chen and Shunming Zhang (2011), Optimal Timing and Equilibrium Price for SOE Property Rights Transfer under Imperfect Information, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 2011, Volume 10, Issue 2, Page 353-372 (SSCI and SCI)
[2011] Yao Li, John Whalley, Shunming Zhang and Xiliang Zhao (2011), The Higher Educational Transformation of China and Its Global Implications, The World Economy, 2011, Volume 34, Issue 4, Pages 516-545 (SSCI)
[2011] 葉志強 陳習定 張順明(2011),金融發展能減少城鄉收入差距嗎?----來自中國的證據, 《金融研究》,2011年, 第33卷, 第2期,第42-56頁
[2011] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2011), On the Arbitrariness of Consumption, Applied Economics Letters 2011, Volume 18, Number 4, Pages 301-304 (SSCI)
[2011] Xiaojun Shi, Hiroshi Tsuji and Shunming Zhang (2011), Eliciting Experts' Perceived Risk of Software Offshore Outsourcing Incorporating Individual Heterogeneity, Expert Systems with Applications, 2011, Volume 38, Number 3, Pages 2283-2291 (SCI and SSCI)
[2010] 石曉軍 張順明 (2010),經濟周期中商業信用與銀行借款替代行為研究,《管理科學學報》,2010年, 第13卷,第12期,第10-22頁
[2010] Xiaojun Shi and Shunming Zhang (2010), Exploring Multiple Equilibria for Symmetric 2×2 CES / LES Pure Exchange Economies, Applied Mathematics – A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2010, Volume 25 (B), Number 2, Pages 137-154 (SCI)
[2010] Xiaojun Shi and Shunming Zhang (2010), An Incentive-Compatible Decision on Trade Credit Term Considering Default Risk, European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, Volume 206, Number 1, Pages 178-196 (SCI and SSCI)
[2010] 石曉軍 張順明 (2010),商業信用、融資約束及效率影響——基於中國上市公司的實證研究,《經濟研究》,2010年, 第45卷,第1期,第102-114頁
[2009] 石曉軍 張順明 李 傑 (2009),商業信用對信貸政策的抵消作用是反周期的嗎?來自中國的證據,《經濟學季刊》,2009年, 第9卷,第1期,第213-236頁
[2009] Hui Huang, John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2009), Exploring Policy Options in Joint Intertemporal-Spatial Trade Models Using an Incomplete Markets Approach, Economic Theory, 2009, Volume 41, Number 1, Pages 131-145 (SSCI)
[2009] 張順明 余 軍 (2009),內部貨幣與我國最優關稅政策研究,《經濟研究》,2009年, 第44卷,第2期,第18-31頁
[2008] 石曉軍 張順明 朱芳菲 (2008), 多因素視角下商業信用期限決策的雙層規劃模型與實證研究, 《中國管理科學》, 2008年, 第16卷, 第6期,第112-122頁
[2007] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2007), A Numerical Simulation Analysis of Labour Mobility (Hukou) Restrictions in China, Journal of Development Economics, 2007, Volume 83, Issue 2, Pages 391-410 (SSCI)
[2006] Housheng Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Ping Li and Shunming Zhang (2006), On Default Correlation and Pricing of Collateralized Debt Obligation by Copula Functions, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 2006, Volume 5, Number 3, Page 483-493 (SCI)
[2006] Xiaotie Deng, Yonggeng Gu, Shouyang Wang and Shunming Zhang (2006), On Convergence of a Semi-analytical Method for American Option Pricing, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2006, Volume 313, Issue 1, Pages 353-365 (SCI)
[2005] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2005), VAT Base Broadening When the Location of Some Consumption is Mobile, Economics Letters, 2005, Volume 87, Issue 2, Pages 199-205 (SSCI)
[2004] Xiaotie Deng and Shunming Zhang (2004), On the First Fundamental Theorems of Asset Pricing in General State Space, Chinese Journal of Economic Theory, 2004, Volume 1, Number 2
[2004] Xiaotie Deng, Chunlei Xu and Shunming Zhang (2004), Dynamic Arbitrage-free Asset Pricing with Proportional Transaction Costs, in Progress in Economics Research, Volume 7 (Edited by Albert Tavidze), 2004, Pages 95-111
[2004] Hui Huang and Shunming Zhang (2004), Propositions of Five Equilibria Examples for 3X2 CES / LES Pure Exchange Economies, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 2004, Volume 3, Number 4, Page 583-604 (SCI)
[2004] Shunming Zhang, Shouyang Wang and Xiaotie Deng (2004), Portfolio Frontier with Different Interest Rates for Borrowing and Lending, Journal of Global Optimization, 2004, Volume 28, Number 1, Page 67-95 (SCI)
[2002] Shunming Zhang, Chunlei Xu and Xiaotie Deng (2002), Dynamic Arbitrage-free Asset Pricing with Proportional Transaction Costs, Mathematical Finance, 2002, Volume 12, Number 1, Page 89-97 (SSCI and SCI)
[2001] Shunming Zhang (2001), Discrete-time Stochastic Equilibrium with Infinite Horizon Incomplete Markets, Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2001, Volume 16 (B), Number 2, Pages 203-218 (SCI)
[2000] Xiaotie Deng and Shunming Zhang (2000), On the First Fundamental Theorems of Asset Pricing in General State Space without and with Transaction Costs, Intelligent Data Engineering and Automate Learning - IDEAL, 2000, Page 551-558 (SCI)
[1999] Shunming Zhang (1999), Existence of General Equilibrium for Stochastic Economy with Infinite-dimensional Commodity Space and Incomplete Asset Markets, Applied Mathematics – A Journal of Chinese Universities, 1999, Volume 14(B), Number 2, Page 177-190 (SCI)
[1999] Shunming Zhang and Zaihua Liu (1999), General Black-Scholes Model of Security Valuation, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 1999, Volume 19, Number 3, Pages 279-288 (SCI)
[1998] Shunming Zhang (1998), Existence of General Monetary Equilibrium, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 1998, Volume 15, Number 2, Page 203-224 (SCI)
[1998] Shunming Zhang and Yuyun Wang (1998), Finite Horizon Arbitrage-free Security Markets, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 1998, Volume 18, Number 2, Pages 203-211 (SCI)
[1998] Shunming Zhang (1998), Existence of General Equilibrium for Stochastic Economy with Incomplete Financial Markets, Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities, 1998, Volume 13(B), Number 1, Page 77-94 (SCI)
[1997] Shunming Zhang (1997), Extensions of Farkas-Minkowski's Lemma and Stiemke's Lemma in the Space l, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 1997, Volume 2, Number 4, Pages 856-860
[1996] Shunming Zhang (1996), Extension of Stiemke's Lemma and Equilibrium in Economy with Infinite-dimensional Commodity Space and Incomplete Markets, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1996, Volume 26, Number 2, Page 249-268 (SSCI)
NBER Working Papers
[2008] Yao Li, John Whalley, Shunming Zhang and Xiliang Zhao (2008), The Higher Educational Transformation of China and Its Global Implications, 2007, NBER working Paper 13849 (Issued on March 2008) and CIGI Policy Brief 3 (June 2008).
[2006] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2006), Modelling State-Owned Enterprise Behavioural Responses to Trade Reforms: Some Analytics and Numerical Simulation Results Using Chinese Data, NBER Working Paper No. 12780, Issued in December 2006;廈門大學與輔仁大學經濟管理學術交流研討會論文集,2007年6月,第385-413頁
[2004] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2004), Inequality Change in China and (Hukou) Labour Mobility Restrictions, NBER Working Paper No. 10683, Issued in August 2004.
NBER Working Papers
[2004] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2004), Inequality Change in China and (Hukou) Labour Mobility Restrictions, NBER Working Paper No. 10683, Issued in August 2004.
[2006] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2006), Modelling State-Owned Enterprise Behavioural Responses to Trade Reforms: Some Analytics and Numerical Simulation Results Using Chinese Data, NBER Working Paper No. 12780, Issued in December 2006;廈門大學與輔仁大學經濟管理學術交流研討會論文集,2007年6月,第385-413頁
[2008] Yao Li, John Whalley, Shunming Zhang and Xiliang Zhao (2008), The Higher Educational Transformation of China and Its Global Implications, 2007, NBER working Paper 13849 (Issued on March 2008) and CIGI Policy Brief 3 (June 2008).
CESifo Working Papers
[2005] Hui Huang, Yi Wang, Yiming Wang (2005), John Whalley and Shunming Zhang, A Trade Model with An Optimal Exchange Rate Motivated by Current Discussion of A Chinese Renminbi Float, The Area conference on Global Economy, CES-ifo, Munich, Germany (December 10 - 11, 2004), and CESifo Working Paper No. 1471, May 2005.
[2005] Hui Huang, John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2005), Trade Liberalization in a Joint Spatial Inter-Temporal Trade Model, The Area conference on Global Economy, CES-ifo, Munich, Germany, January 2004, and CESifo Working Paper No. 1463 (Category 7: Trade Policy), May 2005.
[2005] Raymond Riezman, John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2005), Metrics Capturing The Degree to Which Individual Economies Are Globalized, CES-ifo Workshop on “Dissecting Globalization” (Venice Summer Institute), July 21-22, 2004, and CESifo Working Paper No. 1450 (Category 7: Trade Policy), April 2005.
[2009] John Whalley and Shunming Zhang (2009), On the Arbitrariness of Consumption in a Pure Marriage-Shopping Mall Model, CESifo Working Paper No. 2566, February 2009.
[2009] John Whalley, Jun Yu and Shunming Zhang (2009), Trade Retaliation in a Monetary-Trade Model, CESifo Working Paper No. 2526, January 2009.
2001年01月--2003年12月“具有摩擦資產市場無套利資產定價分析” 國家自然科學基金青年基金
2001年01月--2003年12月“具有摩擦資產市場無套利資產定價分析” 國家自然科學基金青年基金