







1989年9月~1993年6月 南京理工大學 本科 1993年8月~1996年3月 吉林工業大學 碩士 1996年3月~1999年3月 吉林工業大學 博士 1999年5月~2001年6月 華中科技大學機械學院 博士後 2000年3月~2000年12月 香港城市大學 研究助理 2001年9月~2003年8月清華大學精儀系製造工程研究所 博士後 2004年4月~2004年9月日本國東北大學精密工程研究室 訪問教授 2003年8月~現在 吉林大學機械學院 教授 博士生導師 副院長






[1]Zhang Lei, Zhang Lifeng, Li Daqi, Kuriyagawa Tsunemoto. Finite element analysis of powder blasting process. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT 2006) , 283-288頁. [2]Zhang Lei, Kuriyagawa Tsunemoto, Kaku Tsuyoshi, Zhao Ji. Investigation into electrorheological fluid-assisted polishing. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2005年, 45 卷(12-13期): 1461-1467頁. [3]Zhang Lei, Kuriyagawa Tsunemoto, Yasutomi Yuya, Zhao Ji. Investigation into micro abrasive intermittent jet machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2005年,45卷 (7-8期): 873-879頁. [4]Zhang Lei, Zheng Li. Prediction of cutting forces in end milling of pockets. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2005年, 25 卷(3-4期): 281-287頁. [5]Zhang Lei, Zheng Li, Prediction of cutting forces in milling of circular corner profiles, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2004年, 44卷(2/3期), 225~235頁. [6] Zhang Lei, Tam H Y, Prediction of Material Removal in Polishing Free-Form Surfaces with Fixed Abrasives, Key Engineering Materials, 2004年, 257/258卷, 423~428頁. [7] Tam H Y, Zhang Lei, Hua M, Material removal by fixed abrasives following curved paths, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2004年, 218卷(7期), 713~720頁. [8] Yu Miao, Zhao Ji, Zhang Lei, Wang Yiqiang, Study on the dynamic characteristics of a virtual-axis hybrid polishing machine tool by flexible multi-body dynamics, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2004年, 218卷(9期), 1067~1076頁. [9] Zhang Lei, Zheng Li, Zhang Zhihai, An investigation of cutting forces in horizontal-mode peripheral milling of curved surfaces, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2003年, 217卷(7期), 961~976頁. [10] Zhang Lei, Tam H Y, Yuan Chuming, Chen Youping, Zhou Zude, An investigation of material removal in polishing with fixed abrasives, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2002年, 216卷(1期), 103~112頁. [11] Zhang Lei, Tam H Y, Yuan Chuming, Chen Youping, Zhou Zude, Zheng Li, On the removal of material along a polishing path by fixed abrasives, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2002年, 216卷(9期), 1217~1225頁. [12] Zhang Lei, Zheng Li, Zhang Zhihai, Liu Yin, Li Zhizhong, On cutting forces in peripheral milling of curved surfaces, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2002年, 216卷(10期), 1385~1398頁. [13] 張雷, 袁楚明,周祖德,陳幼平,鄭力,模具曲面拋光時表面去除的建模與試驗研究,機械工程學報, 2002年, 38 卷(12期), 98 ~ 102頁. [14] Zhang Lei, Zheng Li, Zhang Zhihai, Numerical model for cutting forces in peripheral milling of curved surfaces. 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[33] Zhao Ji, Saito K, Kondo T, Narahara H, Igarashi S, Sasaki T, Zhang Lei, A New Method of Automatic Polishing on Curved Aluminium Alloy Surfaces at Constant Pressure, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 1995年, 35卷, (12期), 1683~1692頁.





