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1987年畢業於成都理工大學水文系工程地質專業;1990年於中國科學院蘭州寒區旱區環境工程研究所獲地理學(極地冰川學)專業碩士學位;畢業後在該所任助理研究員從事極地雪冰化學和冰岩芯科學的研究。1992年應日本國科學技術廳邀請赴日本科學技術廳長崗雪冰防災實驗研究所作訪問學者,隨後作為日本文部省國費外國人獎學生入選UNISCO在日本名古屋大學設立的研究生特別課程。1996年於日本名古屋大學大氣水圈科學研究所再次獲碩士學位;1997年獲日本科學振興會特別研究員稱號並得到科學振興會全額資助在日本名古屋大學地球行星科學系攻讀遙感與GIS方向博士學位。2000年3月獲博士學位,同年9月被南京大學特聘為教授,2000年年底回國在南京大學國際地球系統科學研究所從事遙感與GIS及水文與水資源研究, 2001年3月取得博導資格。




1.遙感與GIS全球變化研究: 大氣圈、水圈、生物圈全球變化遙感與GIS套用研究;

2.環境與災害遙感研究: 針對大氣圈、水圈、生物圈的環境與災害的遙感分析、模型構建研究;







A: 目前在研項目情況:

1、 國家自然科學基金面上項目“基於分散式水文模型的流域尺度土壤濕度遙感數據同化研究”,項目時限:2009-2012;

2、 國家自然科學基金面上項目“基於TOPMODEL概念和新安江模型框架的陸面模式構建及與RIEMS區域氣候模式的藕合研究”,項目時限:2011-2014;

3、 國家重點基礎發展計畫(973),子課題“高亞洲流域雪冰-水文-生態集成模式與預測研究”,子課題負責人,項目時限:2011-2015;

B: 已完成代表性項目情況:

1、 國家重點基礎研究發展規劃項目“複雜自然環境時空定量信息獲取與融合處理的理論與套用”第四課題“中國水圈環境關鍵與典型事件時空尺度定量遙感信息系統與套用示範”,課題負責人,項目時限:2002-2007;

2、 海外傑出青年基金(B類)“遙感在長江陸面水文過程中的研究與套用”,中方合作負責人, 項目時限:2002-2005;

3、 國家重點基礎研究發展規劃項目“北方乾旱化與人類適應”第二課題“半乾旱區地表生態和水文過程及其相互作用的研究”,子課題負責人, 項目時限:2006-2011;

4、 中國科學院“百人計畫”擇優支持項目“遙感與GIS陸面過程、水文及全球變化研究”,項目負責人,項目時限:2006-2009;

5、 國家氣象局行業專項“面向TIGGE的集合預報關鍵套用技術研究”,,子課題負責人,項目時限:2007-2010;

6、 國家氣象局行業專項“基於多模式集合預報的互動式套用技術研究”,子課題負責人,項目時限

7、 國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項“淮河流域綜合管理平台構建子任務”,課題編號子課題負責人,項目時限

8、 中國數字科技館體驗館2007年二級子項目“中國數字科技館3S技術體驗館”,課題編號:無,子課題負責人,課題時限













1. XU Jingwen, ZHANG Wanchang*, ZHENG Ziyan, CHEN Jing and JIAO Meiyan, 2012: Early flood warning for Linyi watershed by the GRAPES/XXT model using TIGGE data

2. XuJingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, ZhengZiyan, et al., 2012: Establishment of a hybrid rainfall runoff model for use in the Noah LSM. Acta Meteor. Sinica

3. Zhao Dengzhong and Zhang Wanchang*, 2012, Estimation of Daily Actual Evapotranspiration from MODIS with Limited Meteorological Data under a Clear Sky over the Weihe Basin, China. Journal of Hydrology, in publication.

4. Jiongfeng Chen, Wanchang Zhang*, 2012, A Simplified Hydrological Model for Simulating Top Surface Soil Moisture Changes at Watershed Scale. Journal of Hydrology, in publication.

5. ZhengZiyan, Zhang Wanchang*, XuJingwen, et al., 2012: Numeric Simulation and Evaluation of a New Hydrologic Model Integrated with GRAPES, Acta Meteor. Sinica

6. ZHENG Ziyan,ZHANG Wanchang*,XU Jingwen, 2011,A trial of ensemble flood simulation experiment based upon TIGGE data with a coupled atmosphere-hydrology model.

7. Yuanming Liu, Wanchang Zhang*, 2011, A model of caching geo-data sharing based on computer cluster technology

8. PengkunXu, Wanchang Zhang*, 2011, Estimation of Terrestrial Water Storage and Ice Mass Changes from GRACE: A Review

9. ZHENG Ziyan, ZHANG Wanchang* XU jingwen, YAN Zhongwei, LU Xuemei, 2011, Surface soil moisture simulation for typical torrential event with a modified Noah LSM coupling to NWP model, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters

10. ZHANG Wanchang* GaoYongnian, 2011, Topographic correction algorithm for remotely sensed data accounting for indirect irradiance, International Journal of Remote Sensing

11. W. -C. Zhang*, J. Chen, K. Ogawa and Y. Yamaguchi, 2005. An approach to estimating evapotranspiration in the Urumqi River Basin, Tianshan, China, by means of remote sensing and a geographical information system technique. Hydrological Processes

12. JunfengJi, Jun Chen*, Li Jin, Wanchang Zhang, William Balsam, Huayu Lu, 2004. Relating magnetic susceptibility (MS) to the simulated Thematic Mapper (TM) bands of the Chinese loess: the application of TM image for soil MS mapping on Loess Plateau. Journal of Geographic Research

13. W. -C. Zhang*, Y. Yamaguchi and K. Ogawa, 2001. Evaluation of the effect of pre-processing of the remotely sensed data on the actual evapotranspiration, surface soil moisture mapping by an approach using Landsat TM, DEM and meteorological data. Geocarto International.

14. W. -C. Zhang*, Y. S. Zhang, K. Ogawa and Y. Yamaguchi, 1999. Observation and estimation of daily actual evapotranspiration and evaporation on a glacierized watershed at the Headwater of Urumqi River, Tianshan, China. Int. J. Hydrol. Processes

15. W. -C. Zhang*, J. K. Han, Z. C. Xie, X. J. Wang, L. Albert and K. Goto-Azuma. 1993. A preliminary study of ice texture and fabric on an ice core to the bedrock extracted from Glacier No.1 at the headwater of Urumqi River, Tianshan, China. Bulletin of Glacier Research

16. Liu Yonghe, Zhang Wanchang*, Shao Yuehong, 2011, A comparison of four distributions of precipitation amounts used in stochastic daily precipitation models, Advances in Atmospheric Science

17. YongnianGao, Wanchang Zhang*. LULC Classification and Topographic Correction of ETM+ Imagery in the Yangjia River Basin: the Influence of DEM Resolution

18. Y.-H. Liu, W.-C. Zhang* and J.-W. Xu, Another fast and simple DEM depression-filling algorithm based on priority queue structure, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett

19. Y.-H. Liu, W.-C. Zhang*, Y.-H. Shao and J. –Y. Zhang, A Comparison of Several 5-Minute Radar-Rainfall Estimation Models. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett.

20. YongnianGao, Wanchang Zhang*. A simple empirical topographic correction method for ETM+ imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing

21. XuJingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, Sun Chengwu, FU Congbin. 2009,An Efficient Method on Deriving Topographic Index from DEM for Land Surface Hydrological Model TOPMODEL Simulation. Acta Meteorologica Sinica.

22. Hongming He*, Jie Zhou, Yongjao Wu, Wanchang Zhang, XiupingXie. 2008. Modelling the Response of Surface Water Quality to the Urbanization in Xian, China, Journal of Environmental Management, 86(2008): 731-749. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman

23. Hongming He*, Jie Zhou, Yongjao Wu, Wanchang Zhang, XiupingXie. 2008. Modeling the Interaction of Urbanization and Surface Water Quality Environment. Environmental Forensics

24. Hongming He*, Jie Zhou, Wanchang Zhang*. 2008. Modelling the impacts of environmental changes on hydrological regimes in the Heihe River Watershed, China. Global and Planetary

25. Yong, B., Zhang, W.-C*.,Niu G. Y., etal., 2008, Spatial statistical properties and scale transform analyses on the topgraphic index derived from DEMs in China. Computer & Geosciences

26. W. C. Zhang* S. Zhong and S. Y. Hu, 2008, Spatial Scale Transferring Study on Leaf Area Index Derived by Remote Sensing in the Heihe River Basin. 《Acta Ecologica Sinica》

27. Hongming He*, Jie Zhou, Yongjao Wu, Wanchang Zhang, XiupingXie. 2007. Estimating water quality pollution impacts Based on Economic Loss Models in Urbanization process in Xi' an, China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development

28. 張萬昌*,韓建康. 南極洲喬治王島柯林斯冰帽小冰穹頂冰芯數學模式初步斷代, 《南極研究》

29. 張萬昌*, 高永年. 區域土壤植被系統蒸散發二源遙感估算. 《地理科學》

30. 張萬昌*, 劉三超, 趙登忠, 蔣建軍, 2004, 基於GIS技術的黑河流域地表通量及蒸散發遙感反演, 《海洋科學進展》, 第22卷增刊

31. 高永年, 張萬昌*. 遙感影像地形校正物理模型的簡化與改進. 《測繪學報》

32. 雍斌,任立良,陳喜,張運,張萬昌,符淙斌,牛國躍, 2009,大尺度水文模型TOPX構建及其與區域環境系統集成模式RIEMS的耦合. 《地球物理學報》

33. 邵月紅, 張萬昌*. 統計權重矩陣法在都卜勒雷達估測降水集成分析中的套用. 《水科學進展》.

34. 邵月紅, 張萬昌*, 劉永和. 2009, 沂沭河流域不同都卜勒雷達降水量估算方法的效果評估. 《大氣科學》

35. 雍斌, 張萬昌*, 符淙斌, 2007, 用於區域氣候模式的地形指數空間尺度轉換效果分析. 《自然科學進展》

36. 陳艷華, 張萬昌*, 雍斌, 2007, 基於分類知識利用神經網路反演葉面積指數.《生態學報》

37. 徐精文, 張萬昌*, 符淙斌. 2007, 適用於大尺度水文氣候模式的DEM窪地填充和平坦區處理的新方法. 《水利學報》

38. 黃清華, 張萬昌*, 2004, SWAT分散式水文模型在黑河幹流山區流域的改進及套用, 《南京林業大學學報》自然科學版, 第28卷第2期, 該文章獲2008年度《南京林業大學學報》創刊50周年優秀論文獎,是該雜誌自創刊以來引用率Top 10中占第二的文章。


1. XuJingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, Wang Changquan, Zhu Xue Mei and Chen Jiongfeng, Development of a distributed agriculture drought prediction model based on TOPMODEL and GIS, Proc. SPIE

2. XuJingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, Wang Changquan, Zhu ZhengZiyan and Chen Jiongfeng, Development of a soil moisture prediction model based on Xinanjiang Model and GIS, Proc. SPIE.

3. Shao Yuehong, Zhang Wanchang*, Analysis of quantitative precipitation estimation with different methods by using doppler radar data. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing

4. Shao Yuehong, Zhang Wanchang*, Application of back-propagation neural network to estimate precipitation with doppler radar in Yishuhe watershed of China. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing

5. XuJinwen, Zhang Wanchang*, A new method of obtaining surface runoff parameters of SIMTOP from DEM. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing

6. Zhang Wanchang*, Jiongfeng Chen, Distributed hydrological model with new soil water parameterization for integrating remotely sensed soil moisture at watershed scale. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing

7. Jiongfeng Chen, Zhang Wanchang*, Soil moisture mapping in typical semi-arid regions of China by using ENVISAT ASAR data. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing

8. Jiongfeng Chen, Zhang Wanchang*, 2008, Spatial variability of surface soil moisture in semi-arid region of northern China. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing

9. Bi Xuemei, Zhang Wanchang*, Long term analyses on spatial and temporal evaluation of snow covers in northern china by using RS and meteorological data. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing

10. L. H. Cui , W. C. Zhang*, S. J. Xu, 2008, The WebGIS Based Jiangsu Oilfield Management System Implemented with a Spatio-temporal Data Model. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

11. YongnianGao, Wanchang Zhang*. Variable Empirical Coefficient Algorithm for Removal of Topographic Effects on Remotely Sensed Data from Rugged Terrain. Proceeding of IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium

12. YongnianGao, Wanchang Zhang*, Jing Wang and Chuansheng Liu. LULC Classification of Landsat -7 ETM+ Image from Rugged Terrain Using TC, CA and SOFM Neural Network. Proceeding of IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium

13. Chuansheng Liu, Wanchang Zhang*, Dengzhong Zhao and YongnianGao. Remotely-sensed Evapotranspiration of Typical Oasis in the Southern Edge of Tarim Basin and Its Relationship to Land Cover Changes. Proceeding of IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium

14. Xuemei Bi, Wanchang Zhang* and Hongchang Hu, 2007, The spatial-temporal evaluation and valiability study on aridity of Northern China using ESDA, Geoinformatics 2007: Geospatial Information Science, edited by Jingming Chen, YingxiaPu, Proc. of SPIE

15. Zhang Wanchang*, Chen Yanhua and Hu Shaoying, 2007, Retrieving Leaf Area Index in the Heihe and the Hanjiang River Basins Using Landsat Images for Accuracy Evaluation on MODIS LAI Product. IGARSS: 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM

16. Wanchang Zhang*, Yefei Zhu, Shijin Xu. Mono-window Algorithm for Retrieval of Land Surface Net Long-wave Radiation in Mountainous Area. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

17. Bin Yong; Wanchang Zhang*; Dengzhong Zhao, A study on the spatial scaling properties of topographic index for China, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

18. Bin Yong; Wanchang Zhang*; Chuansheng Liu, A two-parameter exponential function approach to simply and accurately characterize spatial regime of topographic index for land-surface parameterizations, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

19. XuJingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, 2007, A Novel method for Filling the Depressions in Massive DEM Data, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

20. Chen Jiongfeng, Zhang Wanchang*, 2007, Closely Coupling Genetic Algorithm with Pareto Preference Ordering for Conceptual Hydrological Model Calibration, IGARSS2007, Barcelona

21. Chen Jiongfeng, Zhang Wanchang*, 2007, Simplified Method in Parameter Optimization Based on Model Hierarchy Analysis: Application of Genetic Algorithm for Xinanjiang Model Calibration, IGARSS2007, Barcelona, Spain,

22. Chuansheng Liu; Wanchang Zhang*; Bin Yong, Using lacunarity index and wavelet analysis to characterize scale-dependent landscape heterogeneity of Hotan Oasis in China, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

23. Dengzhong Zhao, Wanchang Zhang*, Chuansheng Liu, 2007. A Modified S-SEBI Algorithm to Estimate Evapotranspiration Using Landsat ETM+ Image and Meteorological Data over the Hanjiang Basin, China. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

24. Dengzhong Zhao, Wanchang Zhang*, Xu Shijin, 2007. A Neural Network Algorithm to Retrieve Near-surface Air Temperature from Landsat ETM+ Imagery over the Hanjiang River Basin, China. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

25. Dengzhong Zhao, Wanchang Zhang*, Bin Yong, 2007. Analysis of thermal environment and urban heat island using remotely sensed imagery over the north and south slope of the Qinling Mountain, China. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

26. D. Zhang, W. -C Zhang*. 2006. Distributed Hydrological Modeling Study with the Dynamic Water Yielding Mechanism and RS/GIS techniques. Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VIII, edited by Manfred Owe, Guido D”Urso, Christopher M. U. Neale, Ben T. Gouweleeuw, Proc. of SPIE

27. W. -C Zhang*, D. Zhang, C. Fu. 2006. The modification and application of basin evapotranspiration simulation module in AVSWAT2000 distributed hydrological model. Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VIII, edited by Manfred Owe, Guido D”Urso, Christopher M. U. Neale, Ben T. Gouweleeuw, Proc. of SPIE

28. W. -C. Zhang*, J. Han, D. Zhao. 2006. Rainfall runoff simulations based on improved TOPMODEL to a meso-scale mountainous catchment over Heihe River Basin, northwestern China. Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VIII, edited by Manfred Owe, Guido D”Urso, Christopher M. U. Neale, Ben T. Gouweleeuw, Proc. of SPIE

29. HongchunPeng*, Haiying Li, Xin Li, Wanchang Zhang, Yanhua Chen. 2006. Mapping LAI Using BRDF Model in Arid and Semi-arid Northwestern China. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6366, Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology

30. Zhang Wanchang*, Wu Li, Zhou Jie, Qin Zhihao, Zhang Dong, 2005, Quantitative hill-slope stability assessment with a remote sensing and GIS based distributed modeling scheme. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), V4, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,

31. Zhang Wanchang*, Zhu Yefei, Qin Zhihao, Fu Chongbin, 2005, Auto-retrieval of surface reflectance and albedo from landsat TM/+ETM over rugged terrain with an advanced atmospheric correction algorithm. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), V6, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

32. Zhang Wanchang*, Liu Sanchao, Fu Congbing, Yan Xiaodong, 2005, An approach for surface fluxes estimations over heterogeneous terrain by means of remotely sensed data and DEM. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), V2, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

33. Zhang Wanchang*, Fu Congbin, Yan Xiaodong, 2005, Automatic watershed delineation for a complicated terrain in the Heihe River basin, Northwestern China. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), V4, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, p

34. Zhao Dengzhong, Zhang Wanchang*. 2005, Rainfall-runoff simulation using the VIC-3L model over the Heihe river mountainous basin, China. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

35. W. -C. Zhang*, Y. Yamaguchi and K. Ogawa, 1999. An approach for mapping the actual evapotranspiration, surface soil moisture content by using Landsat TM, DEM and meteorological data: I. Pre-processing of the image data for its application in the Urumqi River Basin, Tianshan, China. Proceedings of the 13th Conference and Workshop on Geologic application of Remote Sensing. Vancouver, British Columbia

36. W. -C. Zhang*, K. Ogawa and Y. Yamaguchi, 1999. An approach for mapping the actual evapotranspiration, surface soil moisture content by using Landsat TM, DEM and meteorological data: II. Application to the Urumqi River Basin, Tianshan, China. Proceedings of the 13th Conference and Workshop on Geologic application of Remote Sensing. Vancouver, British Columbia

37. W. -C. Zhang*, K. Ogawa, B. –S. Ye and Y. Yamaguchi. 1999. A semi-distributed monthly stream-flow model for a glacierized watershed by remote sensing and GIS. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry. Florida

38. W. -C. Zhang*, Nakawo, M., K. Azuma and Jiankang Han. 1995. Ice core analysis for reconstruction of the past environment on highland Tibetan Plateau, China. Proceedings of the 1995 Nagoya IGBP-PAGES/ PEP-II Symposium


