










主要研究方向 (1)紅細胞膜上帶3蛋白和葡萄糖轉運蛋白的轉運特性,生物膜上蛋白質相互作用對物質轉運的調控; (2) 生物膜上離子通道特性,特別是機械敏感性離子通道功能的調控機理; (3) 膜蛋白的結構生物學,目前主要研究帶3蛋白胞質段與帶4.2間的相互作用; (4) 用蛋白質組學技術研究糖尿病患者紅細胞膜蛋白質組的異常; 5)失神經肌肉萎縮的蛋白質組學研究。



1. 張志鴻,劉文龍 (1987), “膜生物物理學”, 高等教育出版社。

2. Zhi-hong Zhang and A.K.Solomon (1992), Effect of pCMBS on Anion Transport in Human Red Cell Membrane Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1106:31-39.

3. Zhou Han-qing and Zhang Zhi-hong (1994), The Measurement of Anion Permeability by Hemolytic Kinetics of the Red Cells, Chin. J. Biochem. Biophys. 26:119-126.

4. Peng Feng and Zhang Zhihong (1996), Effect of DIDS on the Function of Glucose Transport Protein in Red Cell Membranes, Chin. Sci. Bull. 40:68-72.

5. Minqin Chen, Changchuan Yin, Wei Zhang, Yumin Mao, and Zhihong Zhang (1998), Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Diffraction Studies on the Thermostable Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase of Bacillus stearothermophilus Expressed in Escherichia coli Acta Crystallgraphica D54:446-447.

6. Xiao-jian Hu, Feng Peng, Han-qing Zhou, Zhi-hong Zhang, Wei-ying Cheng and Hang-fang Feng (2000), The Abnormality of Glucose Transporter in the Erythrocyte Membrane of Chinese Type 2 Diabetic Patients, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1466: 306-314.

7. Y.A.Mei, M.M..Wu, C.L.Huan, J.T.Sun, H.Q.Zhou, Z.H.Zhang (2000), 4-Aminopyridine, a Specific Bloker of K+ Channels, Inhibited Inward Na+ Current in Rat Cerebellar Granule Cells, Brain Res. 873:46-53.

8. Wei Hua, Mei Yan-Ai, Wu Ming-ming, Sun Jia-ting, Zhou Han-qing, Zhang Zhi-hong (2000), Swelling-activated chloride currents in embryonic chick heart cells,

Acta Pharmacol Sin 21(11): 986-990.

9. Y.A.Mei, P.P.N.Lee, H.Wei, Z.H.Zhang and S.F.Peng (2001), Melatonin and its analogs potentiate the nifedipine-sensitive high-voltage-activated calcium current in the chick

embryonic heart cells, J. Pineal Res 30:13-21.

10. 張志鴻 (2001), 新世紀推動生物科學發展的“Bio-X”, 生物物理學報 17(1):1-9.

11. TANG Lin, SUN Qing'an, LI Qingguo, HUANG Yibo, WEI Qingqing, ZHANG Yi, HU Jun, ZHANG Zhihong, LI Minqian & YANG Fujia (2001),imaging bacteriorhodopsin-like molecules of claret-membranes from Tibet

halobacteria xz515 by atomic force microscope, Chinese Science Bulletin 46(22): 1897-1900.

12. Li Y-Z, Zhou H-Q, Peng F and Zhang Z-H (2001), Effect on glucose transport and

anion exchange in human erythrocytes by mechanical force factors, Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sinica 33(5):489-496.

13. HUAN Chun-lei, ZHOU Mi-ou, WU Ming-ming, Zhang Zhi-hong, MEI Yan-ai (2001), Activation of melatonin receptor increases a delayed retifier K+ current in rat

cerebellar granule cells, Brain Research 917: 182-190.

14. JIANG Weihua, DING Yu, HU Xiaojian, PENG Feng, ZHOU Hanqing & ZHANG Zhihong (2002), Effect on membrane transport in the erythrocytes by band 3 cross-linking, Chinese Science Bulletin 47(22): 1889-1892.

15. Hua WEI, Yan Ai MEI, Jia Ting SUN, Han Qing ZHOU, Zhi Hong Zhang (2003), Regulation of swelling-activated chloride channels in embryonic chick heart cells, Cell Research 13 (1): 21-28.

16. Ming Jiang, Linzhi Jia, Weihua Jiang, Xiaojian Hu, Hanqing Zhou, Xin Gao, Zhiqiang Lu, and Zhihong Zhang (2003), Protein disregulation in red blood cell membranes of type 2 diabetic patients, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 309: 196-200.

17. Yu Ding, Weihua Jiang, Yang Su, Hanqing Zhou, and Zhihong Zhang (2004), Expression and purification of recombinant cytoplasmic domain of human erythrocyte band 3 with hexahistridine tag or chitin-binding tag in Escherichia coli., Protein Express. Purif. 34:167-175.

18. Linzhi Jia, Lei Xu, Ming Jiang, Yudong Gu, and Zhihong Zhang (2005), Protein abnormality in denervated skelatal muscles from patients with brachial injury, Microsurgery 25(4): 316-321.

19. Yu Ding, Ming Jiang, Weihua Jiang, Yang Su, Hanqing Zhou, Xiaojian Hu, and Zhihong Zhang (2005), Expression, purification, and characterization of recombinant human flotillin-1 in Escherichia coli . Protein Express. Purif. 42: 137-145 .

20. 張志鴻,"同步輻射套用概論"(馬禮敦,楊福家主編,2001年第一版,2005年第二版),第十二章 "同步輻射在生命科學中的套用",復旦大學出版社。.

21. 張志鴻 (2005), "生物膜"(楊福愉主編) 第七章 "生物膜蛋白質組學",科學出版社。.

22. Weihua Jiang, Yu Ding, Yang Su, Ming Jiang, Xiaojian Hu, Zhihong Zhang (2006), Interaction of glucose transporter 1 with anion exchanger 1 in vitro, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 339: 1255-1261.

23. Yang Su, Yu Ding, Ming Jiang, Weihua Jiang, Xiaojian Hu and Zhihong Zhang (2006), Associations of protein 4.2 with band 3 and ankyrin, Mol. Cell. Biochem. 289:1255-1261.

24. Ming Jiang, Yu Ding, Yang Su, Xiaojian Hu, Jinying Li, Zhihong Zhang (2006), Arginase-flotillin interaction brings arginase to red cell membrane, FEBS Lett. 580: 6561-6564.

25. Yang Su, Yu Ding, Ming Jiang, Xiaojian Hu, Zhihong Zhang (2007), Protein 4.2 Komatsu (D175Y) associated with the lack of interaction with ankyrin in human red blood cells, Blood Cell. Mol. Dis. (Epub ahead of print, 2006)



