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張心正[南開大學教授] 張心正[南開大學教授]

☆ 納米光子學 ☆ 聚合物納米複合材料研究

☆ 凝聚態體系中的超快動力學研究

☆ 弱光下介觀尺度上的量子光學相干和非線性

2001年獲南開大學理學博士學位。2004~2006年分別在美國南卡大學和德國明斯特大學(洪堡學者)從事博士後研究。2008年入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”,2013年入選“南開大學百名青年學科帶頭人培養計畫”。是Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., Opt. Lett., Opt. Exp.等國際學術期刊審稿人,《雷射技術》期刊編委,天津市光學學會常務理事,天津市雷射技術學會理事。

主要從事弱光非線性光物理、光調控以及超快光子學方面的研究,在國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文百餘篇,他引八百餘次,授權發明專利10項(含美國專利1項,歐洲專利1項)。目前主持的研究項目有科技部納米重大計畫項目課題、國家國際科技合作專項項目、國家自然科學基金面上項目等。學位論文入選天津市2003年優秀博士論文。承擔本科生《大學物理學基礎II》和研究生《光折變非線性光學及其套用》教學, 2010年獲捷成獎教金。


[1] Photogalvanic/pyroelectric power conversion and self-pulsing of electro-wetting of LC droplet on lithium niobate (LN)-crystal, J. Molecular Liquids 267, 187-191 (2018)

[2] Laser direct writing of graphene nanostructures beyond the diffraction limit by graphene oxidation, Opt. Exp. 26, 20726-20734 (2018)

[3] Coupling of defect modes in cholesteric liquid crystals separated by isotropic polymeric layers, Polymers 10, 00805-9 (2018)

[4] Near-field imaging of graphene triangles patterned by helium ion lithography, Nanotechnology 29, 385205-6 (2018)

[5] Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Intercellular Calcium Waves Communication in Micropatterned Assemblies of Single Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 2937-2945 (2018)

[6] Nanoscale beam splitters based on gradient metasurfaces, Opt. Lett. 43, 267-270 (2018)

[7] Protection of the biconcave profile of human erythrocytes against osmotic damage by ultraviolet-A irradiation through membrane-cytoskeleton enhancement, Cell Death Discovery 3, 17040 (2017)

[8] Electrically tunable generation of vectorial vortex beams with micro-patterned liquid crystal structures, Chin. Opt. Lett. 15, 070501-5 (2017)

[9] In-Plane Electrical Connectivity and Near-Field Concentration of Isolated Graphene Resonators Realized by Ion Beams, Adv. Mater. 29, 1701083 (2017)

[10] The mechanisms and research progress of laser fabrication technologies beyond diffraction limit, Acta Phys. Sin. 66, 144207-16 (2017)

[11] Reconfigurable metasurfaces enabling light-polarization control by light, Light: Science & Applications 6, e16254 (2017)

[12] Tailorable reflection of surface plasmons in defect engineered graphene, 2D Materials 3, 045001-7 (2016)

[13] Tunable Band-Stop Filters for Graphene Plasmons Based on Periodically Modulated Graphene, Sci. Rep. 6, 26796-6 (2016)

[14] R6G molecule induced modulation of the optical properties of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets for use in ultrasensitive SPR sensing, Sci. Rep. 6, 21254-8 (2016)

[15] Efficient phase-matching for difference frequency generation with pump of Bessel laser beams, Opt. Exp. 24, 901 (2016)

[16] Compartmentalized liquid crystal alignment induced by sparse polymer ribbons with surface relief gratings out-of-plane surface relief gratings for micro-structured liquid crystal alignment, Opt. Lett. 41, 336 (2016)

[17] Analysis of the laser oxidation kinetics process of In-In2O3 MTMO photomasks by laser direct writing, Opt. Exp.23, 29193 (2015)

[18] Random laser with superscatterers at designable wavelengths, Opt. Exp. 23, 24407 (2015)

[19] Convenient ultra-broadband femtosecond optical gating utilizing transient beam deflection effect, Opt. Exp.22, 31417 (2014)

[20] Alignment of MoS2 Nanotubes in a Photopolymerizable Liquid−Crystalline Material, J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 26396 (2014)

[21] Numerical analysis of the sub-wavelength fabrication of MTMO grayscale photomasks by direct laser writing, Opt. Exp.22, 16889 (2014)

[22] Optical nonlinear dynamics in ZnS from femtosecond laser pulses, AIP Advances 4, 057107-7 (2014)

[23] Polarization independent broadband femtosecond optical gating using transient Kerr lens effect, Opt. Exp.22, 6691 (2014)

[24] Design methodology for all-optical bistable switches based on a plasmonic resonator sandwiched between dielectric waveguides, J. Opt. 16, 025003-6 (2014)

[25] Study on optical and electric properties of ultrafine-grained indium films, Appl. Surf. Sci.296, 209, (2014)

[26] Surface plasmon modes in graphene wedge and groove waveguides, Opt. Exp. 21, 32432 (2013)

[27] Mid-infrared optical near-field switching in heterogeneous graphene ribbon pairs, Appl. Phys. Lett.103, 041604-4(2013)

[28] Influence of evanescent waves on the voxel profile in multipulse multiphoton polymerization nanofabrication, Nanotechnology 24, 215301-5 (2013)

[29] Mid-infrared optical near-field switching in heterogeneous graphene ribbon pairs, Appl. Phys. Lett.103, 041604-4(2013)

[30] Optical bistability based on Bragg grating resonators in metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguides, AIP Advances 3, 012106-7 (2013)


