1995年9月-1996年7月:在斯洛法克科學院Institute of Inoganic Chemistry工作學習一年
在桂林理工大學新開展研究方向有氮化物螢光材料的研究。目前及以後研究方向為:生物納米材料,如超順磁性納米氧化鐵合成及改性,納米氧化鐵納米粒子在生物領域的套用研究,特別是納米氧化鐵粒子作為磁共振(MRI)對比劑在腦科學領域的套用 ;人工智慧材料 。
(1) 國家自然科學基金項目(經費4萬元):“自蔓延燃燒合成氮化矽粉末”, 骨幹;
(2) “九五”國家重點科技攻關子項目(支持經費80萬元)“氮化矽陶瓷軸承球批量化製備關鍵技術研究”, 主持人;
(3) “十五”863子項目(支持經費70萬元)“陶瓷軸承”, 主持人;
(4) 國家自然科學基金重點項目(支持經費120萬元):“高密度封裝用新型材料與互連技術研究”, 骨幹。
(1) 國家自然科學基金項目:“由五羰基鐵氣相分解-氧化合成氧化鐵納米晶粒和納米纖維及其修飾一體化製備與性質研究”,項目批准號:50962005,經費25萬元,2010.1~2012.12。
(2) 國家自然科學基金項目:“能夠特異性穿過血腦屏障的磁性氧化鐵納米粒子的設計及製備”,項目批准號:51162003,經費50萬元,2012.1~2015.12。
(3) 廣西新材料及其製備新技術重點實驗室項目:“生物醫學用納米磁性材料及器件”,經費6萬元,2011.1~2013.12。
(4) “廣西高等學校優秀人才資助計畫”項目:“超順磁性氧化鐵納米粒子性能評價及其在血液中半生命周期測定”,廣西教育廳及桂林理工大學匹配經費共3萬元,2011.1~2013.12。
(5) 國家自然科學基金項目:“不同粒度、表面電性及功能分子修飾的超順磁性氧化鐵納米粒子在大 鼠腦內的分布及在射頻磁場中的套用探索”,項目批准號:51562007,經費46.9萬元,2016.1~2019.12 。
已授權專利20項,在 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Nanoscale、Applied Surface Sciences、Material Science & Engineering C、Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology、Materials letters、 Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Material Research Bulletins等國內外學術期刊已發表論文70餘篇 。
Lichao Su, Baolin Zhang*, Yinping Huang, Hao Zhang, Qin Xu, Jie Tan**. “Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles modified with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and their distribution in the brain after injection in the rat substantia nigra”. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 81(2017), 400-406 ;
Yinping Huang, Kaili Mao, Baolin Zhang* and Yingzheng Zhao**, “Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with folic acid for dual target-specific drug delivery and MRI in cancer theranostics”, Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 70 (2017) 763–771, DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2016.09.052 ;
Lichao Su, Baolin Zhang, Yinping Huang, Ziliang Fanand Yingzheng Zhao, “Enhanced cellular uptake of iron oxide nanoparticles modified with 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine”, RSC Advances, 7 (2017) 38001-38007 ;
Pengfei Xu, Zhiwei Shen, Baolin Zhang*, Jun Wang, Renhua Wu**, “Synthesis and characterization of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as calcium-responsive MRI contrast agents”. Applied Surface Science, 389 (2016) 560–566. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.07.160 ;
Helin Xu, Kaili Mao, Yinping Huang, Jingjing Yang, Jie Xu, Pian-pian Chen, Ziliang Fan, Shuang Zou, Zhengzheng Gao, Jiayu Yin, Jian Xiao, Cuitao Lu, Baolin Zhang** and Yingzheng Zhao*, "Glioma-targeted superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as drug-carrying vehicles for theranostic effects." Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 14222–14236, DOI:10.1039/C6NR02448C ;
Yinping Huang, Baolin Zhang,* Songbo Xie, Boning Yang,** Qin Xu and Jie Tan***. Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Modified with Tween 80 Pass through the Intact Blood–Brain Barrier in Rats under Magnetic Field. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(18): 11336-11341 ;
Gao Yang, Weiqiong Ma, Baolin Zhang*, and Qi Xie**. “The labeling of stem cells by superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles modified with PEG/PVP or PEG/PEI”. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, Materials Science and Engineering C 62 (2016) 384–390 ;
Gao Yang, Baolin Zhang*, Jun Wang, Songbo Xie, Xuan Li. Synthesis and characterization of poly (lactic acid)-modified superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles[J]. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology,77(2), 335-341, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s10971-015-3858-2 ;
陳運鵬,張寶林*, 謝松伯, 李 璇,“聚乙二醇/聚乙烯亞胺修飾的CoFeO納米粒子製備與表征”,人工晶體學報,Vol. 45, No. 1, pp58-63, 2016 ;
徐鵬飛,沈智威,張寶林*,吳仁華,“物理和化學法合成鈣離子敏感 MRI 造影劑對比研究”,人工晶體學報,Vol. 45, No. 5, pp1335-1341, 2016 ;
盛典,張寶林*,塗志江,謝松伯,王 茗. “MPEG修飾的納米氧化鐵粒子的合成及清洗工藝”,材料工程(EI收錄,Journal of Materials Engineering),Vol. 43, No.2, pp47-52, 2015, ISSN:1001-4381; CN 11-1800/TB;Accession number: 20151100646691 ;
Jun Wang, Baolin Zhang*, Lei Wang, Ming Wang, Fabao Gao**, “One-pot synthesis of water-soluble superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and their MRI contrast effects in the mouse brains”. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 48 (2015) 416–423; ;doi:10.1016/j.msec.2014.12.026(大類2區,小類3區). Accession Number: WOS:000348749200054
Songbo Xie, Baolin Zhang*, Lei Wang, Jun Wang, Xuan Li, Gao Yang, Fabao Gao**. “Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles coated with different polymers and their MRI contrast effects in the mouse brains” Applied Surface Science 326 (2015) 32–38(Top期刊,大類2區,小類2區). Accession Number: 20150200419606, WOS:000347105600006 ;
Gao Yang, Baolin Zhang*, Jun Wang, Songbo Xie, Xuan Li. “Preparation of polylysine-modified superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles”. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 374(2015)205-208, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.08.040. Accession number:20143618143263; WOS: 000344949000032(大類3區,小類3區) ;
王軍,張寶林*,楊高,王磊,謝松伯,李璇, 郜發寶*,“磁性氧化鐵高效磁共振造影劑的製備及套用”,無機材料學報,Vol. 30. No. 1,pp53-58, 2015. Accession Number: WOS: 000351641500009 ;
李璇,張寶林,楊高,王軍,謝松伯,盛典,“葡聚糖修飾的超順磁性氧化鐵納米粒子的製備及表征”,人工晶體學報,Vol. 43, No. 10, pp2705-2709,2014. Accession number: 20145100353972 ;
王新星,張寶林,王行展,馮凌雲,“霧化熱分解-氧化五羰基鐵法製備磁性納米氧化鐵粒子”,材料工程(EI收錄,Journal of Materials Engineering),No.8, pp51-54,2014, ISSN:1001-4381; CN 11-1800/TB;Accession number: 201437064011 ;
王軍,張寶林,趙方圓 塗志江 王茗“聚乙二醇/聚乙烯亞胺修飾的超順磁性氧化鐵磁共振造影劑的性能”,材料研究學報,Vol. 27, No. 5, pp508-514, 2013 ;
Zhijiang Tu, Baolin Zhang*, Gao Yang, Ming Wang, Fangyuan Zhao, Dian Sheng, Jun Wang. “Synthesis of poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) co-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle as a pH-sensitive release drug carrier”. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 436 (2013) 854-861. DOI information: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2013.08.019. Accession Number: WOS:000326416900105, (大類3區,小類4區) ;
Fangyuan Zhao, Baolin Zhang*, Jun Wang and Zhijiang Tu, “Synthesis and properties of magnetite nanoparticles coated with poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(ethylene imine)”,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, No.10, pp.6793-6797,2013. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jnn.2013.7775 (大類3區,小類4區)Accession number: 20135017069530;Accession Number:WOS: 000328704 000042 ;
Baolin Zhang*, Zhijiang Tu, Fangyuan Zhao, Jun Wang, “Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles prepared by using an improved polyol method”, Applied Surface Science, 266(2013)375-379, doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.12.032. Accession Number: WOS: 000314021100061 ;
Xueli Cao, Baolin Zhang*, Fangyuan Zhao, and Lingyun Feng, “Synthesis and properties of MPEG-coated superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles”, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012 (Article ID 607296):1-6. doi:10.1155/2012/607296. Accession Number: WOS:000309051900001(大類3區,小類4區) ;
塗志江,張寶林*,馮凌雲,趙方圓,“聚乙二醇/聚乙烯吡咯烷酮修飾的納米FeO粒子的製備與表征”,化工學報(EI收錄),63(12)4089-4095(2012). Accession number: 20130315910231 ;
馮凌雲,張寶林*,趙方圓,“納米FeO的熱分解法製備及表征”,高分子材料科學與工程(EI收錄),28 (8) 144-147 (2012). Accession number: 20124315599468 ;
王行展,張寶林*,“霧化-熱分解法合成氧化鐵納米粒及其磁性能”,功能材料與器件學報,12 (1) 35-39 (2012). ;
Fangyuan Zhao, Baolin Zhang*, Lingyun Feng, “Preparation and magnetic properties of magnetite nanoparticles”, Materials Letters 68 (2012) 112–114.Accession number: WOS:000300480600032 (大類2區,小類3區,top期刊) ;
趙方圓,張寶林*,“醇熱解法合成超順磁性氧化鐵納米粒子及其性能”,套用化學,2012 Vol. 29 (02): 186-190 . 29(02)186-190(2012) ;
Baolin Zhang*, Lingyun Feng, Yaochun Qiang, “Preparation and photoluminescence properties of the Sr1.56Ba0.4SiO4:0.04Eu2+ phosphor”, Journal of Luminescence 132 (2012) 1274-1277.(大類3區,小類3區)檢索號 Accession number: WOS:000301208300034 ;
張寶林*,張輝陽,“超順磁性氧化鐵納米粒子在腦磁共振成像中的套用”,磁共振成像,2011年第2卷第5期,Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2(5)377-383(2011) 2011, Vol 2, No 5,pp377-383 ;
強耀春,張寶林*,“低溫燃燒合成Sr1.93Ba0.05SiO4:Eu螢光粉及其發光性能”,中南大學學報(EI收錄),42(5)1270-1275(2011), Accession number: 20112614094326 ;
張寶林,李繼紅,“材料科學專業結構“陶瓷及其套用”課程設定思考”,廣東化工,37[6]146-148(2010) ISSN 1007-1865, CN 44-1238/TQ ;
張寶林,李繼紅,“從認知神經科學角度談大學期間知識的獲得”,陝西教育(高教),2010/4-5, pp41-42,ISSN1002-2058;CN61-1018/G4 ;
李繼紅,張寶林,“廣西職業教育優質資源整合的必要性分析”[J], 桂林理工大學學報,2012,32(S):93-96 ;
Xu, JG (Xu, Jianguang); Jiang, GJ (Jiang, Guojian); Li, WL (Li, Wenlan); Zhuang, HR (Zhuang, Hanrui); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Baolin); Chen, LD (Chen, Lidong),“In situ synthesis of SiCW/MoSi2 composite through SPS process” JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 462 (1-2): 170-174 AUG 25 2008 ;
Xu, JG (Xu, Jianguang); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Baolin); Jiang, GJ (Jiang, Guojian); Li, WL (Li, Wenlan); Zhuang, HR (Zhuang, Hanrui),“Fabrication and characterization SiCw/MOSi2 composite from COSHSed powder” ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 42 (14): 5795-5798 JUL 2007 ;
Xu, JG (Xu, Jianguang); Zhang, H (Zhang, Houan); Yan, JH (Yan, Jianhui); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Baolin); Li, WL (Li, Wenlan) ,“Effect of argon atmosphere on the formationof MoSi2 by self-propagating combustion method”,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS, 25 (4): 318-321 2007 ;
Gong, GL (Gong Guo-Liang); Zhang, BL (Zhang Bao-Lin); Li, WL (Li Wen-Lan); Zhuang, HR (Zhuang Han-Rui),“Low-temperature combustion synthesis of Al2O3-LaPO4 composite powders and the properties of the composite ”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 22 (1): 65-69 JAN 2007 ;
Peng, GH (Peng, Gui-hua); Jiang, GJ (Jiang, Guo-jian); Li, WL (Li, Wen-lan); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Bao-lin); Chen, LD (Chen, Li-dong),“Fabrication of hard and strong alpha/beta-Si3N4 composites with MgSiN2 as addivitives”,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 89 (12): 3824-3826 DEC 2006 ;
Xu, JG (Xu, Jianguang); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Baolin); Jiang, GJ (Jiang, Guojian); Li, WL (Li, Wenlan); Zhuang, HR (Zhuang, Hanrui),“Synthesis of SiCW/MoSi2 powder by the "chemical oven" self-propagating combustion method”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 32 (6): 633-636 2006 ;
Xu, JG; Zhang, HA; Jiang, GJ; Zhang, BL; Li, WL,“SiC whisker reinforced MOSi2 composite prepared by spark plasma sintering from COSHS-ed powder”,TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA, 16: S504-S507 Part B Sp. Iss. 1 JUN 2006 ;
Xu, J; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR; Jiang, GJ,“Pressureless sintering of TiN/Y-(alpha/beta)-sialon ceramics from SHS powder”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 32 (5): 599-602 2006 ;
Li, WK; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Preparation and growth mechanism of AlN whiskers by combustion synthesis with Y2O3 as additive”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 41 (7): 2161-2163 APR 2006 ;
Luo, XJ; Li, J; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“High thermal conductivity aluminum nitride substrates prepared by aqueous tape casting”,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 89 (3): 836-841 MAR 2006 ;
Gong, GL; Zhang, BL; Zhang, HR; Li, WL,“Pressureless sintering of machinable Al2O3/LaPO4 composites in N-2 atmosphere”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 32 (3): 349-352 2006 ;
He, WB; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Preparation and sintering of Ni-coated Si3N4 composite powders”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 31 (6): 811-815 2005 ;
Luo, XJ; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“Comparison of aqueous and non-aqueous tape casting of aluminum nitride substrates”,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 88 (2): 497-499 FEB 2005 ;
Li, WK; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Effect of TiN on the corrosion behavior of Y-(alpha plus beta)-sialon/TiN materials in hot hydrochloric acidic solutions”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 31 (2): 277-280 2005 ;
Luo, XJ; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“Preparation of aluminum nitride green sheets by aqueous tape casting”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 30 (8): 2099-2103 2004 ;
He, WB; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Combustion synthesisOf Si3N4-TiN composite powders”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 30 (8): 2211-2214 2004 ;
Luo, XJ; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“Effects of organic additives and glass on the properties of AlN/glass tape-casting slurries and green tapes”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 39 (13): 4387-4389 JUL 1 2004 ;
Li, WK; Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Effect of rare-earth oxide additives on the morphology of combustion synthesized rod-like beta-Si3N4 crystals”,MATERIALS LETTERS, 58 (17-18): 2322-2325 JUL 2004 ;
Luo, XJ; Xu, XR; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“Characteristic and dispersion of a treated AlN powder in aqueous solvent”,MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 368 (1-2): 126-130 MAR 15 2004 ;
Li, WK; Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“The effect of additives on the morphology of combustion synthesized rod-like beta-Si3N4 crystals”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 30 (1): 121-123 2004 ;
Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Effects of seeding with beta-Si3N4 rod crystals on mechanical properties of silicon nitride ceramics”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 18 (5): 1139-1142 SEP 2003 ;
Xu, XR; Luo, XJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Zhang, BL,“Electroless silver coating on fine copper powder and its effects on oxidation resistance”,Materials Letters, 57 (24-25): 3987-3991 AUG 2003 ;
Xu, XR; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY; Zhang, BL; Jiang, GJ,“Direct bonding copper to aluminium nitride substrate”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 18 (4): 837-842 JUL 2003 ;
Xu, JG; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR; Jiang, GJ,“Synthesis of pure molybdenum disilicide by the "chemical oven" self-propagating combustion method”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 29 (5): 543-546 2003 ;
Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Combustion synthesis of network silicon nitride porous ceramics”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 29 (4): 363-364 2003 ;
Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Xu, JG; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Catalytic effect of Ln(2)O(3) (Ln = La, Gd) additive on beta-Si3N4 grain growth during self-propagating”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS, 22 (2): 163-165 JAN 15 2003 ;
Xu, XR; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY; Zhang, BL; Fu, XR,“Improving thermal conductivity of Sm2O3-doped AlN ceramics by changing sintering conditions”,MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 342 (1-2): 104-108 FEB 15 2003 ;
Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY,“Preparation and growth mechanism of beta-Si3N4 rod-like crystals by combustion synthesis”,Mateials letters, 57 (2): 399-402 DEC 2002 ;
Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY,“Self-propagating high temperature synthesis of beta-Si3N4 rod-like crystals”,Journal of Inorganic Materials, 17 (4): 696-702 JUL 2002 ;
Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY,“Synthesis of beta-Si3N4 whiskers by SHS”,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 37 (8): 1481-1485 JUL 2002 ;
Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY; Luo, XY; Xu, XR,“Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of nitrides - Progress of SHS in SICCAS”,PROGRESS IN SELF-PROPAGATING HIGH-TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS, 217: 153-158 2002 ;
Chen, WW; Wang, PL; Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Jiang, JX; Cheng, YB; Yan, DS,“Synthesis of (Ca,Mg)-alpha-sialon from slag by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 12 (4): 1199-1202 2002 ;
Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL; Fu, XR,“Mechanisms of the combustion synthesis of aluminum nitride in high pressure nitrogen atmosphere (2)”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING, 9 (1): 49-56 JAN 2001 ;
Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Zhang, QX; Li, WL; Zhang, BL; Wang, JC; Li, MZ,“Chemical oven technology and its application in scientific experiments in the space”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 16 (3): 385-390 MAY 2001 ;
Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Phase evolution of Y-alpha/beta-sialon ceramic with YAG as a sintering additive”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS, 20 (2): 101-103 JAN 2001
Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Xu, SY; Li, WL,“Gas-pressure sintering of Y-alpha/beta-sialon composites”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 15 (5): 867-872 OCT 2000 ;
Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Zhang, J; Ruan, ML; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL,“Morphologies and growth mechanisms of aluminum nitride whiskers by SHS method - Part I”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 35 (1): 57-62 JAN 2000 ;
Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Zhang, J; Ruan, ML; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL,“Morphologies and growth mechanisms of aluminum nitride whiskers by SHS method - Part 2”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 35 (1): 63-69 JAN 2000 ;
Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL; Fu, XR,“Mechanisms of the combustion synthesis of aluminum nitride in high pressure nitrogen atmosphere (2)”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING, 7 (1): 1-6 JAN 1999 ;
Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL,“Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of aluminium nitride in high-pressurized nitrogen atmosphere”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 13 (1): 105-108 FEB 1998 ;
Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL,“Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of aluminium nitride in high-pressurized nitrogen atmosphere”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 13 (4): 568-574 AUG 1998 ;
Wu, YW; Zhuang, HR; Wu, FY; Dollimore, D; Zhang, BL; Chen, S; Li, WL,“Mechanism of the formation of beta-sialon by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 13 (1): 166-172 JAN 1998 ;
Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Fu, XR,“A mechanism and tentative activation energy for the combustion reaction process of silicon in a pressurized nitrogen atmosphere ”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING, 5 (5): 363-369 SEP 1997 ;
1.Lichao Su, Baolin Zhang*, Yinping Huang, Hao Zhang, Qin Xu, Jie Tan**. “Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles modified with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and their distribution in the brain after injection in the rat substantia nigra”. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 81(2017), 400-406 ;
2.Yinping Huang, Kaili Mao, Baolin Zhang* and Yingzheng Zhao**, “Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with folic acid for dual target-specific drug delivery and MRI in cancer theranostics”, Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 70 (2017) 763–771, DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2016.09.052 ;
3.Lichao Su, Baolin Zhang, Yinping Huang, Ziliang Fanand Yingzheng Zhao, “Enhanced cellular uptake of iron oxide nanoparticles modified with 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine”, RSC Advances, 7 (2017) 38001-38007 ;
4.Pengfei Xu, Zhiwei Shen, Baolin Zhang*, Jun Wang, Renhua Wu**, “Synthesis and characterization of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as calcium-responsive MRI contrast agents”. Applied Surface Science, 389 (2016) 560–566. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.07.160 ;
5.Helin Xu, Kaili Mao, Yinping Huang, Jingjing Yang, Jie Xu, Pian-pian Chen, Ziliang Fan, Shuang Zou, Zhengzheng Gao, Jiayu Yin, Jian Xiao, Cuitao Lu, Baolin Zhang** and Yingzheng Zhao*, "Glioma-targeted superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as drug-carrying vehicles for theranostic effects." Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 14222–14236, DOI:10.1039/C6NR02448C ;
6.Yinping Huang, Baolin Zhang,* Songbo Xie, Boning Yang,** Qin Xu and Jie Tan***. Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Modified with Tween 80 Pass through the Intact Blood–Brain Barrier in Rats under Magnetic Field. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(18): 11336-11341 ;
7.Gao Yang, Weiqiong Ma, Baolin Zhang*, and Qi Xie**. “The labeling of stem cells by superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles modified with PEG/PVP or PEG/PEI”. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, Materials Science and Engineering C 62 (2016) 384–390 ;
8.Gao Yang, Baolin Zhang*, Jun Wang, Songbo Xie, Xuan Li. Synthesis and characterization of poly (lactic acid)-modified superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles[J]. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology,77(2), 335-341, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s10971-015-3858-2 ;
9.陳運鵬,張寶林*, 謝松伯, 李 璇,“聚乙二醇/聚乙烯亞胺修飾的CoFeO納米粒子製備與表征”,人工晶體學報,Vol. 45, No. 1, pp58-63, 2016 ;
10.徐鵬飛,沈智威,張寶林*,吳仁華,“物理和化學法合成鈣離子敏感 MRI 造影劑對比研究”,人工晶體學報,Vol. 45, No. 5, pp1335-1341, 2016 ;
11.盛典,張寶林*,塗志江,謝松伯,王 茗. “MPEG修飾的納米氧化鐵粒子的合成及清洗工藝”,材料工程(EI收錄,Journal of Materials Engineering),Vol. 43, No.2, pp47-52, 2015, ISSN:1001-4381; CN 11-1800/TB;Accession number: 20151100646691 ;
12.Jun Wang, Baolin Zhang*, Lei Wang, Ming Wang, Fabao Gao**, “One-pot synthesis of water-soluble superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and their MRI contrast effects in the mouse brains”. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 48 (2015) 416–423; ;doi:10.1016/j.msec.2014.12.026(大類2區,小類3區). Accession Number: WOS:000348749200054
13.Songbo Xie, Baolin Zhang*, Lei Wang, Jun Wang, Xuan Li, Gao Yang, Fabao Gao**. “Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles coated with different polymers and their MRI contrast effects in the mouse brains” Applied Surface Science 326 (2015) 32–38(Top期刊,大類2區,小類2區). Accession Number: 20150200419606, WOS:000347105600006 ;
14.Gao Yang, Baolin Zhang*, Jun Wang, Songbo Xie, Xuan Li. “Preparation of polylysine-modified superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles”. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 374(2015)205-208, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.08.040. Accession number:20143618143263; WOS: 000344949000032(大類3區,小類3區) ;
15.王軍,張寶林*,楊高,王磊,謝松伯,李璇, 郜發寶*,“磁性氧化鐵高效磁共振造影劑的製備及套用”,無機材料學報,Vol. 30. No. 1,pp53-58, 2015. Accession Number: WOS: 000351641500009 ;
16.李璇,張寶林,楊高,王軍,謝松伯,盛典,“葡聚糖修飾的超順磁性氧化鐵納米粒子的製備及表征”,人工晶體學報,Vol. 43, No. 10, pp2705-2709,2014. Accession number: 20145100353972 ;
17.王新星,張寶林,王行展,馮凌雲,“霧化熱分解-氧化五羰基鐵法製備磁性納米氧化鐵粒子”,材料工程(EI收錄,Journal of Materials Engineering),No.8, pp51-54,2014, ISSN:1001-4381; CN 11-1800/TB;Accession number: 201437064011 ;
18.王軍,張寶林,趙方圓 塗志江 王茗“聚乙二醇/聚乙烯亞胺修飾的超順磁性氧化鐵磁共振造影劑的性能”,材料研究學報,Vol. 27, No. 5, pp508-514, 2013 ;
19.Zhijiang Tu, Baolin Zhang*, Gao Yang, Ming Wang, Fangyuan Zhao, Dian Sheng, Jun Wang. “Synthesis of poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) co-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle as a pH-sensitive release drug carrier”. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 436 (2013) 854-861. DOI information: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2013.08.019. Accession Number: WOS:000326416900105, (大類3區,小類4區) ;
20.Fangyuan Zhao, Baolin Zhang*, Jun Wang and Zhijiang Tu, “Synthesis and properties of magnetite nanoparticles coated with poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(ethylene imine)”,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, No.10, pp.6793-6797,2013. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jnn.2013.7775 (大類3區,小類4區)Accession number: 20135017069530;Accession Number:WOS: 000328704 000042 ;
21.Baolin Zhang*, Zhijiang Tu, Fangyuan Zhao, Jun Wang, “Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles prepared by using an improved polyol method”, Applied Surface Science, 266(2013)375-379, doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.12.032. Accession Number: WOS: 000314021100061 ;
22.Xueli Cao, Baolin Zhang*, Fangyuan Zhao, and Lingyun Feng, “Synthesis and properties of MPEG-coated superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles”, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012 (Article ID 607296):1-6. doi:10.1155/2012/607296. Accession Number: WOS:000309051900001(大類3區,小類4區) ;
23.塗志江,張寶林*,馮凌雲,趙方圓,“聚乙二醇/聚乙烯吡咯烷酮修飾的納米FeO粒子的製備與表征”,化工學報(EI收錄),63(12)4089-4095(2012). Accession number: 20130315910231 ;
24.馮凌雲,張寶林*,趙方圓,“納米FeO的熱分解法製備及表征”,高分子材料科學與工程(EI收錄),28 (8) 144-147 (2012). Accession number: 20124315599468 ;
25.王行展,張寶林*,“霧化-熱分解法合成氧化鐵納米粒及其磁性能”,功能材料與器件學報,12 (1) 35-39 (2012). ;
26.Fangyuan Zhao, Baolin Zhang*, Lingyun Feng, “Preparation and magnetic properties of magnetite nanoparticles”, Materials Letters 68 (2012) 112–114.Accession number: WOS:000300480600032 (大類2區,小類3區,top期刊) ;
27.趙方圓,張寶林*,“醇熱解法合成超順磁性氧化鐵納米粒子及其性能”,套用化學,2012 Vol. 29 (02): 186-190 . 29(02)186-190(2012) ;
28.Baolin Zhang*, Lingyun Feng, Yaochun Qiang, “Preparation and photoluminescence properties of the Sr1.56Ba0.4SiO4:0.04Eu2+ phosphor”, Journal of Luminescence 132 (2012) 1274-1277.(大類3區,小類3區)檢索號 Accession number: WOS:000301208300034 ;
29.張寶林*,張輝陽,“超順磁性氧化鐵納米粒子在腦磁共振成像中的套用”,磁共振成像,2011年第2卷第5期,Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2(5)377-383(2011) 2011, Vol 2, No 5,pp377-383 ;
30.強耀春,張寶林*,“低溫燃燒合成Sr1.93Ba0.05SiO4:Eu螢光粉及其發光性能”,中南大學學報(EI收錄),42(5)1270-1275(2011), Accession number: 20112614094326 ;
31.張寶林,李繼紅,“材料科學專業結構“陶瓷及其套用”課程設定思考”,廣東化工,37[6]146-148(2010) ISSN 1007-1865, CN 44-1238/TQ ;
32.張寶林,李繼紅,“從認知神經科學角度談大學期間知識的獲得”,陝西教育(高教),2010/4-5, pp41-42,ISSN1002-2058;CN61-1018/G4 ;
33.李繼紅,張寶林,“廣西職業教育優質資源整合的必要性分析”[J], 桂林理工大學學報,2012,32(S):93-96 ;
34.Xu, JG (Xu, Jianguang); Jiang, GJ (Jiang, Guojian); Li, WL (Li, Wenlan); Zhuang, HR (Zhuang, Hanrui); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Baolin); Chen, LD (Chen, Lidong),“In situ synthesis of SiCW/MoSi2 composite through SPS process” JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 462 (1-2): 170-174 AUG 25 2008 ;
35.Xu, JG (Xu, Jianguang); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Baolin); Jiang, GJ (Jiang, Guojian); Li, WL (Li, Wenlan); Zhuang, HR (Zhuang, Hanrui),“Fabrication and characterization SiCw/MOSi2 composite from COSHSed powder” ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 42 (14): 5795-5798 JUL 2007 ;
36.Xu, JG (Xu, Jianguang); Zhang, H (Zhang, Houan); Yan, JH (Yan, Jianhui); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Baolin); Li, WL (Li, Wenlan) ,“Effect of argon atmosphere on the formationof MoSi2 by self-propagating combustion method”,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS, 25 (4): 318-321 2007 ;
37.Gong, GL (Gong Guo-Liang); Zhang, BL (Zhang Bao-Lin); Li, WL (Li Wen-Lan); Zhuang, HR (Zhuang Han-Rui),“Low-temperature combustion synthesis of Al2O3-LaPO4 composite powders and the properties of the composite ”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 22 (1): 65-69 JAN 2007 ;
38.Peng, GH (Peng, Gui-hua); Jiang, GJ (Jiang, Guo-jian); Li, WL (Li, Wen-lan); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Bao-lin); Chen, LD (Chen, Li-dong),“Fabrication of hard and strong alpha/beta-Si3N4 composites with MgSiN2 as addivitives”,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 89 (12): 3824-3826 DEC 2006 ;
39.Xu, JG (Xu, Jianguang); Zhang, BL (Zhang, Baolin); Jiang, GJ (Jiang, Guojian); Li, WL (Li, Wenlan); Zhuang, HR (Zhuang, Hanrui),“Synthesis of SiCW/MoSi2 powder by the "chemical oven" self-propagating combustion method”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 32 (6): 633-636 2006 ;
40.Xu, JG; Zhang, HA; Jiang, GJ; Zhang, BL; Li, WL,“SiC whisker reinforced MOSi2 composite prepared by spark plasma sintering from COSHS-ed powder”,TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA, 16: S504-S507 Part B Sp. Iss. 1 JUN 2006 ;
41.Xu, J; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR; Jiang, GJ,“Pressureless sintering of TiN/Y-(alpha/beta)-sialon ceramics from SHS powder”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 32 (5): 599-602 2006 ;
42.Li, WK; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Preparation and growth mechanism of AlN whiskers by combustion synthesis with Y2O3 as additive”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 41 (7): 2161-2163 APR 2006 ;
43.Luo, XJ; Li, J; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“High thermal conductivity aluminum nitride substrates prepared by aqueous tape casting”,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 89 (3): 836-841 MAR 2006 ;
44.Gong, GL; Zhang, BL; Zhang, HR; Li, WL,“Pressureless sintering of machinable Al2O3/LaPO4 composites in N-2 atmosphere”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 32 (3): 349-352 2006 ;
45.He, WB; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Preparation and sintering of Ni-coated Si3N4 composite powders”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 31 (6): 811-815 2005 ;
46.Luo, XJ; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“Comparison of aqueous and non-aqueous tape casting of aluminum nitride substrates”,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 88 (2): 497-499 FEB 2005 ;
47.Li, WK; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Effect of TiN on the corrosion behavior of Y-(alpha plus beta)-sialon/TiN materials in hot hydrochloric acidic solutions”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 31 (2): 277-280 2005 ;
48.Luo, XJ; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“Preparation of aluminum nitride green sheets by aqueous tape casting”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 30 (8): 2099-2103 2004 ;
49.He, WB; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Combustion synthesisOf Si3N4-TiN composite powders”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 30 (8): 2211-2214 2004 ;
50.Luo, XJ; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“Effects of organic additives and glass on the properties of AlN/glass tape-casting slurries and green tapes”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 39 (13): 4387-4389 JUL 1 2004 ;
51.Li, WK; Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Effect of rare-earth oxide additives on the morphology of combustion synthesized rod-like beta-Si3N4 crystals”,MATERIALS LETTERS, 58 (17-18): 2322-2325 JUL 2004 ;
52.Luo, XJ; Xu, XR; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR,“Characteristic and dispersion of a treated AlN powder in aqueous solvent”,MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 368 (1-2): 126-130 MAR 15 2004 ;
53.Li, WK; Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“The effect of additives on the morphology of combustion synthesized rod-like beta-Si3N4 crystals”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 30 (1): 121-123 2004 ;
54.Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Effects of seeding with beta-Si3N4 rod crystals on mechanical properties of silicon nitride ceramics”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 18 (5): 1139-1142 SEP 2003 ;
55.Xu, XR; Luo, XJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Zhang, BL,“Electroless silver coating on fine copper powder and its effects on oxidation resistance”,Materials Letters, 57 (24-25): 3987-3991 AUG 2003 ;
56.Xu, XR; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY; Zhang, BL; Jiang, GJ,“Direct bonding copper to aluminium nitride substrate”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 18 (4): 837-842 JUL 2003 ;
57.Xu, JG; Zhang, BL; Li, WL; Zhuang, HR; Jiang, GJ,“Synthesis of pure molybdenum disilicide by the "chemical oven" self-propagating combustion method”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 29 (5): 543-546 2003 ;
58.Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Combustion synthesis of network silicon nitride porous ceramics”,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 29 (4): 363-364 2003 ;
59.Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Xu, JG; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Catalytic effect of Ln(2)O(3) (Ln = La, Gd) additive on beta-Si3N4 grain growth during self-propagating”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS, 22 (2): 163-165 JAN 15 2003 ;
60.Xu, XR; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY; Zhang, BL; Fu, XR,“Improving thermal conductivity of Sm2O3-doped AlN ceramics by changing sintering conditions”,MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 342 (1-2): 104-108 FEB 15 2003 ;
61.Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY,“Preparation and growth mechanism of beta-Si3N4 rod-like crystals by combustion synthesis”,Mateials letters, 57 (2): 399-402 DEC 2002 ;
62.Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY,“Self-propagating high temperature synthesis of beta-Si3N4 rod-like crystals”,Journal of Inorganic Materials, 17 (4): 696-702 JUL 2002 ;
63.Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY,“Synthesis of beta-Si3N4 whiskers by SHS”,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 37 (8): 1481-1485 JUL 2002 ;
64.Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Xu, SY; Luo, XY; Xu, XR,“Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of nitrides - Progress of SHS in SICCAS”,PROGRESS IN SELF-PROPAGATING HIGH-TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS, 217: 153-158 2002 ;
65.Chen, WW; Wang, PL; Chen, DY; Zhang, BL; Jiang, JX; Cheng, YB; Yan, DS,“Synthesis of (Ca,Mg)-alpha-sialon from slag by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 12 (4): 1199-1202 2002 ;
66.Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL; Fu, XR,“Mechanisms of the combustion synthesis of aluminum nitride in high pressure nitrogen atmosphere (2)”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING, 9 (1): 49-56 JAN 2001 ;
67.Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Zhang, QX; Li, WL; Zhang, BL; Wang, JC; Li, MZ,“Chemical oven technology and its application in scientific experiments in the space”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 16 (3): 385-390 MAY 2001 ;
68.Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL,“Phase evolution of Y-alpha/beta-sialon ceramic with YAG as a sintering additive”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS, 20 (2): 101-103 JAN 2001
69.Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Xu, SY; Li, WL,“Gas-pressure sintering of Y-alpha/beta-sialon composites”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 15 (5): 867-872 OCT 2000 ;
70.Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Zhang, J; Ruan, ML; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL,“Morphologies and growth mechanisms of aluminum nitride whiskers by SHS method - Part I”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 35 (1): 57-62 JAN 2000 ;
71.Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Zhang, J; Ruan, ML; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL,“Morphologies and growth mechanisms of aluminum nitride whiskers by SHS method - Part 2”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 35 (1): 63-69 JAN 2000 ;
72.Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL; Fu, XR,“Mechanisms of the combustion synthesis of aluminum nitride in high pressure nitrogen atmosphere (2)”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING, 7 (1): 1-6 JAN 1999 ;
73.Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL,“Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of aluminium nitride in high-pressurized nitrogen atmosphere”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 13 (1): 105-108 FEB 1998 ;
74.Jiang, GJ; Zhuang, HR; Li, WL; Wu, FY; Zhang, BL,“Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of aluminium nitride in high-pressurized nitrogen atmosphere”,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 13 (4): 568-574 AUG 1998 ;
75.Wu, YW; Zhuang, HR; Wu, FY; Dollimore, D; Zhang, BL; Chen, S; Li, WL,“Mechanism of the formation of beta-sialon by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 13 (1): 166-172 JAN 1998 ;
76.Zhang, BL; Zhuang, HR; Fu, XR,“A mechanism and tentative activation energy for the combustion reaction process of silicon in a pressurized nitrogen atmosphere ”,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING, 5 (5): 363-369 SEP 1997 ;
徐琴,張寶林,一種葉酸介導抗腫瘤藥物超順磁腫瘤靶向納米粒及其製備方法 ;
張寶林,莊漢銳,李文蘭,“促進賽隆陶瓷燒結緻密化的方法” 2004年授權;
張寶林,莊漢銳,李文蘭,徐素英,“用於軸承球的賽隆陶瓷材料及其製備方法” 2004年授權;
莊漢銳,張寶林,李文蘭 “自蔓延高溫合成氮化鋁的製備方法” 2000年授權;
陳殿營,張寶林,莊漢銳,李文蘭,徐素英,“自蔓延高溫燃燒合成製備b-Si3N4 晶須的方法,2004年授權;
陳衛武,王佩玲,程一兵,張寶林,莊漢銳,“一種合成賽隆陶瓷粉料的方法”, 2004年授權;
彭桂花,江國健,李文蘭,張寶林,莊漢銳,徐素英,“一種高硬度氮化矽陶瓷的低溫燒結方法”,2007年授權 ;
1.徐琴,張寶林,一種葉酸介導抗腫瘤藥物超順磁腫瘤靶向納米粒及其製備方法 ;
7.張寶林,莊漢銳,李文蘭,“促進賽隆陶瓷燒結緻密化的方法” 2004年授權;
8.張寶林,莊漢銳,李文蘭,徐素英,“用於軸承球的賽隆陶瓷材料及其製備方法” 2004年授權;
9.莊漢銳,張寶林,李文蘭 “自蔓延高溫合成氮化鋁的製備方法” 2000年授權;
11.陳殿營,張寶林,莊漢銳,李文蘭,徐素英,“自蔓延高溫燃燒合成製備b-Si3N4 晶須的方法,2004年授權;
14.陳衛武,王佩玲,程一兵,張寶林,莊漢銳,“一種合成賽隆陶瓷粉料的方法”, 2004年授權;
20.彭桂花,江國健,李文蘭,張寶林,莊漢銳,徐素英,“一種高硬度氮化矽陶瓷的低溫燒結方法”,2007年授權 ;