



1、張喜英編著 作物根系與土壤水利用,氣象出版社
2、 張喜英,冬小麥、夏玉米葉水勢、蒸騰和液態水流阻力的田間試驗研究,地理學報,1997,52(6):543~549.
3、張喜英, 高粱根系生長發育規律及動態研究,生態學雜誌,1999,18(5):65~67.
4、張喜英, 土壤N、P、K含量對小麥早期根系生長的影響,土壤通訊,1998,29(6):270~272.
9、Johnson SH,Svendsen M, Xiying Zhang, 1998, Changes in system performance in two Chinese irrigation system as a result of organizational reforms, Irrigation and Drainage Systems,12:289~309.
10 Changmin Liu, Xiying Zhang, Yongqiang Zhang, 2002,Determination of Daily evaporation and evapotranspiration of winter wheat and maize by large-scale weighting lysimeter and micro-lysimeter, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 111:109-120
12、Zhang Xiying Pei Dong, Li Zhihong, Wang Yukun, 2002, Management of supplemental irrigation of winter wheat for maximum profit, Deficit irrigation Practices, Water Reports 22, 57-66
11 Xiying Zhang, Dong Pei and Chunsheng Hu, 2003,Conserving groundwater for irrigation in the North China Plain, Irrigation Science, 21:159-166.
12 Xiying Zhang, Dong Pei and Suying Chen, 2004,Root growth and soil water utilization of winter wheat in the North China Plain, Hydrological Processes,18,2275-2287
13 Yongqiang Zhang, Qiang Yu, Changming Liu, Jie Jiang, and Xiying Zhang, 2004,Estimation of Winter Wheat Evapotransiration under Water Stress with Two Semiempirical Approaches, agronomy Journal, 96:159-168
14 Xiying Zhang, Suying Chen, Mengyu Liu, Dong Pei, Hongyong Sun, 2005, Improved Water use efficiency associated with cultivars and agronomic management in the North China Plain, Agronomy Journal, 97:783-790
15 Zhang Xiying, Chen Suying, Pei Dong, Liu Mengyu and Sun Hongyong, 2005. Evapotranspiration, yield and crop coefficient of irrigated maize under straw mulch, Pedosphere, 15(5) 576-584
16 Zhang Xiying, Pei Dong, Chen Suying, Mengyu Liu. 2003, Effects of deficit irrigation on yield, yield components and water-use efficiency of winter wheat (Abstract),Journal of Experimental Botany (Supplement) 54:18
17 Liming Wang, Guoyu Qiu,Xiying Zhang, Suying Chen, 2005, Application of a new method to evaluate crop water stree index, Irrigation Science, 24:49-54
18 Hu Chunsheng, Delgado J.A, Zhang Xiying, Ma Liwang. 2005. Assessment of groundwater use by wheat in the Luancheng Xian Region and potential implications for water conservation in the Northwestern North China Plain,Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 60:80-88
19 Xiying Zhang, Dong Pei, Suying Chen, Hongyong Sun and Yonghui Yang, 2006, Performance of Double-Cropped Winter Wheat–Summer Maize under Minimum Irrigation in the North China Plain, Agronomy Journal, 98:1620-1626.
20 Hong-Yong Sun, Chang-Ming Liu,Xi-Ying Zhang, Yan-Jun Shen, Yong-Qiang Zhang,2006, Effects of irrigation on water balance, yield and WUE of winter wheat in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management 85 (2006) 211–218。
21、Tadanobu Nakayama, Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, and Xiying Zhang,2006, Simulation of groundwater dynamics in the North China Plain by coupled hydrology and agricultural models, Hydrological Processes 20, 3441–3466
22、Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, Xiying Zhang, Xiaohua Hao and Jiqun Zhang,2006,Estimation of groundwater use by crop production simulated by DSSAT-wheat and DSSAT-maize models in the piedmont region of the North China Plain,Hydrological Processes , 20, 2787–2802
23、Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe,Xiying Zhang,Jiqun Zhang,Qinxue Wang ,Seiji Hayshi, 2006. Optimizing irrigation management for wheat to reduce groundwater depletion in the piedmont region of tthe Taihang Moyntains in the North China Plain. Agricultral Water Management 82(2006):25-44


