

中國科學院大學資源與環境學院教授、博士生導師。資源與環境學院副院長,執行院長,國科大教務部部長 。中國科學院大學資源與環境學院的前身是中國科學院研究生院資源與環境學院,2012年6月27日,教育部關於同意中國科學院研究生院更名為中國科學院大學的函(教發函[2012]106號),同意中國科學院研究生院更名為中國科學院大學。資源與環境學院(以下簡稱資環學院)成立於2004年5月,是中國科學院研究生院11個學院之一 。


氣溶膠捕集系統設計、元素形態分析的系統集成及方法研究、氧活性物質(Reactive Oxygen Species, ROS)的線上測定系統開發;



-- 理學博士(北京大學,環境科學與工程)
-- 工學學士(天津大學,精細化工)



•2010至今 中國科學院“百人計畫”入選者、資源與環境學院教授(博士生導師)

•2008-2010 紐約Clarkson大學大氣資源工程與科學中心(CARES) 實驗室主任

•2006–2008 威斯康星大學-麥迪遜,環境化學與技術項目組博士後研究人員

•2000–2006 北京大學環境學院博士生

•1995–2000 青島亞澳環境工程公司工程師、項目經理


•Huang, W., Baumgartner, J., Zhang, Y.X., Wang, Y.Q., Schauer, J.J.,2015, Chemical composition and source apportionment of air pollution exposures of rural Chinese women cooking with biomass fuels,Atmospheric Environment, 104, 79-87.

•Shan, M., Yang, X.D., Ezzati, M, Chaturvedi, N, Coady, E., Hughes, A., Shi, Y.H., Yang, M., Zhang, Y.X., Baumgartner, J.,2014, A feasibility study of the association of exposure to biomass smoke with vascular function, inflammation, and cellular aging,Environmental Research, 135, 165-172

•Liu, Q., Baumgartner, J., Zhang, Y.X., Liu, Y.J., Sun, Y.J., Zhang, M.,2014, Oxidative potential and inflammatory impacts of source apportioned ambient air pollution in Beijing,Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 12920-12929.

•Baumgartner, J., Zhang, Y.X., Schauer, J.J., Huang, W., Wang, Y., Ezzati, M.,2014. Highway proximity and black carbon from cook stoves as a risk factor for higher blood pressure in rural China.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America111, 13229-13234.

•Li, Z.Y., Zhao, J.H., Qiao, X.H., Zhang, Y.X.,2014, An automated approach for conditioning discrete fracture network modeling to in situ measurements.Australia Journal of Earth Sciences, 61(5), 755-763.

•Zhang, M., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y.X., Liu, Q.,2014. Characterization of springtime airborne particulate matter-bound reactive oxygen species in Beijing.Environmental Science and Pollution Research21, 9325-9333.


•張陽,張元勛,劉紅傑,王羽琴,鄧建國,胡敏,2014,大氣顆粒物採樣器的設計和套用,中國環境監測,30, 176-180.

•Zhang Y., Shu J.N., Zhang Y.X., Yang B.,2013, Experimental studies on homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions of anthracene with selected atmospheric oxidants.Journal of Environmental Sciences, doi: 10.1016/S1001-0742(12)60233-2.

•Zhang Y., Shu J.N., Liu C.G., Zhang Y.X., Yang B., Gan J.,2013, Heterogeneous reaction of particle-associated triphenylene with NO3 radicals.Atmospheric Environment, 68, 114-119

•Baumgartner J., Zhang Y.X., Schauer J.J., Ezzati M., Patz J.A., Bautista L.E.,2012.Household Air Pollution and Children’s Blood Pressure.Epidemiology23(4): 641-642. Download

•Ding N., Zhao H., Peng W.B., He Y.J., Zhou Y., Yuan L.F., Zhang Y.X.,2012. A Simple Colorimetric Sensor Based on Anti-aggregation of Gold Nanoparticles for Hg2+Detection.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects395: 161-167. Download

•陳冬蕾;何凌燕;黃曉鋒;馮凝;馮加良;張元勛;2011. 氣溶膠中烴類有機物居里點熱解析-GC/MS 聯用分析,中國環境科學,31(7):1122-1127. Download

•Wang, Q., Shao, M., Zhang, Y.X., Wei, Y., Hu, M., Guo, S.,2009. Source apportionment of fine organic aerosols in Beijing.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics9, 8573-8585.

•Zhang Y.X., Sheesley R.J., Bae M.S., Schauer J.J.,2009. Sensitivity of a Molecular Marker Based Positive Matrix Factorization Model to the Number of Receptor Observations.Atmospheric Environment43(32): 4951-4958. Download

•Zhang Y.X., Sheesley R.J., Schauer J.J., Lewandowski M., Jaoui M., Offenberg J.H., Kleindienst T.E.,2009. Source Apportionment of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol Using Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) of Molecular Markers.Atmospheric Environment43(34): 5567-5574. Download

•Quraishi T.A., Schauer J.J., Zhang Y.X.,2009. Understanding Sources of Airborne Water Soluble Metals in Lahore, Pakistan.Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering36(1A):43-62. Download

•Zhang Y.X., Schauer J.J., Stone E.A., Zhang Y.H., Shao M., Wei Y.J., Zhu X.L.,2009. Harmonizing Molecular Marker Analyses of Organic Aerosols.Aerosol Science And Technology43(4):275-283. Download

•Zhang Y.X., Schauer J.J., Shafer M.M., Hannigan M.P., Dutton S.J.,2008. Source Apportionment ofin VitroReactive Oxygen Species Bioassay Activity from Atmospheric Particulate Matter.Environmental Science & Technology42(19):7502-7509. Download

•Zhang Y.X., Quraishi T., Schauer J.J.,2008. Daily Variation in Source of Carbonaceous Aerosol in Lahore, Pakistan during a High Polluting Spring Episode.Aerosol and Air Quality Research8(2):130-146. Download

•Zhang Y.X., Schauer J.J., Zhang Y.H., Zeng L.M., Wei Y.J., Liu Y., Shao M.,2008. Characteristics of particulate carbon emissions from real-world Chinese coal combustion.Environmental Science & Technology42(14):5068-5073. Download

•劉源;張元勛;魏永傑;竇晗;顧達薩;曾立民;邵敏;2007,民用燃煤含碳顆粒物的排放因子測量;環境科學學報,27(9):1-8. Download

•Zhang Y.X., Shao M., Zhang Y.H., Zeng L.M., He L.Y., Zhu B., Wei Y.J., Zhu X.L.,2007. Source profiles of particulate organic matters emitted from cereal straw burnings.Journal of Environmental Sciences-China19(2):167-175. Download

•朱先磊;張元勛;祝斌;邵敏;曾立民;張遠航;魏永傑;張鵬;2006,秸稈燃燒產生的顆粒物中有機示蹤物的分析方法,環境化學,25(1):96-100. Download

•祝斌;朱先磊;張元勛;曾立民;張遠航;2005,農作物秸稈燃燒PM2.5排放因子的研究,環境科學研究,18(2):29-33. Download

•王淑蘭;柴發合;張遠航;張元勛;王瑋;2005,大氣顆粒物中多環芳烴的污染特徵及來源識別,環境科學研究,18(2):19-23. Download

•王利軍;楊賢金;張元勛;孫春光;1995,緩蝕劑在溶液中的狀態與緩蝕性能,材料防護,28(12):1-4. Download


•ZHANG YuanXun and Zhang YuanHang;2010,Speciation of Particular Organic Matter from Combustion Sources,Lambert Academic Publishing,2010 (ISBN: 978-3-8383-4421-8) Purchase


•Baumgartner J., Zhang YX, Schauer JJ, Wang YQ, Ezzati M, Advanced air pollution exposure assessment and implications for blood pressure in Chinese women cooking with biomass, ISEE Conference, August 26-30, 2012, Columbia, SC

•Baumgartner J, Zhang YX, Schauer JJ., Wang YQ, Ezzati M. Advanced air pollution exposure assessment and implications for blood pressure in Chinese women cooking with biomass, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 24th Annual Conference – ISEE2012, Columbia, South Carolina, USA. August 2012 Abstract

•Baumgartner J, Zhang YX, Ezzati M, Bautista L, Schauer JJ. Black carbon is more strongly associated with cardiovascular risk than PM2.5in women cooking with biomass fuels. Poster presentation at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) meeting in Barcelona, Spain. September 2011. Abstract

•Wang Y, Xia X, Chalupa DC, Zhang YX, Hopke PK, Utell MJ. Source apportionment of airborne particulate matter in Rochester, NY. The second International Conference on Air Pollution and Control (CAPAC-II) in Antalya, Turkey. September 2011. Abstract

•Philip K. Hopke, Thomas M. Holsen, YuanXun Zhang, Xiaoyan Xia, Tiffany J. Zananski, Edmund Mc-Addy, Mark Omara. Quantification of Organic Molecular Markers in Aerosols Collected in Syracuse, NY. The 28th Annual Conference of AAAR, October 26-30, 2009, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

•Suresh Raja, James Laing, YuanXun Zhang, Tiffany J. Zananski, Thomas M. Holsen, Phillip K. Hopke, David Dungate. Organic Composition of Stack Emissions from a High Efficiency Wood Boiler. The 28th Annual Conference of AAAR, October 26-30, 2009, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

•James Jay Schauer, YuanXun Zhang, Taussef Quraishi. Understanding the Impacts of Biomass Burning and Fossil Fuel Combustion Sources on Particulate Matter in Lahore, Pakistan. The 14th World Clean Air and Environmental Protection Congress, The International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations – IUAPPA, September 9-13, 2007, Brisbane, Australia

•YuanXun Zhang, Characteristics of particulate organic matter from combustion sources in China. Environmental Chemistry & Technology Seminar, April 27, 2007, Madison, Wisconsin, US

•Yuanhang Zhang, Xianlei Zhu, Bin Zhu, YuanXun Zhang, and Limin Zeng. Chemical Characteristics of Organic Compounds from Crop Straw Burning in Some Areas of China. Interim Statements of Urban Environmental Engineering, July 26-27, 2004, Naha, Okinawa, Japan










•室內生物質燃燒源的人體健康效應(Internal Academic Program,IAP項目)



