










廖建文教授以在戰略、創新和創業領域的跨學科研究而知名。他積極參與了創業動力定組研究計畫 (Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics),這是對美國新興企業家以及合資創業的第一次大規模、橫向研究。他曾在《戰略企業家雜誌》、《企業創業學雜誌》、《創業理論與實踐》、《小企業管理期刊》、《小企業經濟學》以及《高新技術管理研究期刊》上發表30篇學術論文。他的一篇研究報告《美國總統報告,2007》曾被《小企業經濟學》選為特寫文章。他的研究和教學成果為其贏得了眾多獎勵和榮譽,其中包括美國小型企業管理局授予的研究經費獎勵(2007、2008)以及2009年度的伊利諾伊理工斯圖沃特商學院傑出教學獎。



Gartner, William & Liao, Jianwen (2011) The Entrepreneurs in Entrepreneurial Risk. In David L. Bodde & Caron H. St, John (eds). Chance and Intent: Managing the Risks of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Taylor and Francis: Routledge Publisher

Liao, Jianwen., Kickul, Jill., and Ma, Hao (2009) Organizational Dynamic Capability and Innovation: An Empirical Examination of Internet Firms. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol 47(3): 263 – 286

Gartner, William., Shaver, Kelly & Liao, Jianwen (2008) Opportunities as attributions: Categorizing strategic issues from an attributional perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Vol 2(4): 301 – 315

Liao, Jianwen., Welsch, Harold. (2008) Patterns of Venture Gestation Process: Exploring the Differences between Tech and Non-tech Nascent Entrepreneurs. Journal of High-tech Management Research Vol 19: 103 – 113

Liao, Jianwen, Welsch, Harold., Moutray, Chad (2008) Start-up Resources and Entrepreneurial Discontinuance: the Case of Nascent Entrepreneurs” Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol 19(2): 1 – 15

Liao, Jianwen & Gartner, William (2008) The Influence of Pre-Venture Planning on New Venture Creation. Journal of Small Business Strategy. Vol 19: p. 1- 32

Liao, Jianwen & Gartner, William (2006) The Effects of Pre-venture Plan Timing and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty on the Persistence of Emerging Firms. Small Business Economics: An International Journal. 27 (1): 23 – 40

Murphy, Patrick., Liao, Jianwen., Welsch, Harold (2006) A Conceptual History of Entrepreneurial Thoughts. Journal of Management History. Vol. 12(1): 12 – 35

Liao, Jianwen & Welsch, Harold (2005) Roles of Social Capital in Venture Creation: Key Dimensions and Research Implications. Journal of Small Business Management. Volume 43 (4): 345-362

Liao, Jianwen, Welsch, Harold. & Tan, Weeliang (2005) Venture Gestation Paths of Nascent Entrepreneurs:Exploring the Temporal Patterns. Journal of High Tech Management Research 16(1): 1 – 22

Stoica, Michael, Liao, Jianwen & Welsch, Harold (2004) Organizational Culture and Patterns of Information Processing: The Case of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship Vol 9(3): 251 – 266

Liao, Jianwen & Welsch, Harold (2003) Exploring The Venture Creation Process: Evidence from Tech and Non-Tech Nascent Entrepreneurs. In William Bygrave et al (ed.) Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research (p. 662 - 675)

Liao, Jianwen., Welsch, Harold & & Stoica, Michael (2003) Organizational Absorptive Capacity and Responsiveness: An Empirical Investigation of Growth-oriented Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol 28 (1): 63 – 85

Liao, Jianwen and Harold Welsch (2003) Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Growth Aspiration: A Comparison of Technology and Non-Technology-Based Nascent Entrepreneurs. Journal of High Tech Management ResearchVolume 14(1): 149-170

Liao, Jianwen & Harold Welsch (2002) The Temporal Patterns of Venture Creation Process: An Exploratory Study. In William D. Bygrave, Candida G. Brush, Per Davidsson, James Fiet, Patricia G. Greene, (ed). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. (p. 14 – 27)

Pistrui, David & Jianwen Liao, Harold Welsch (2000) Entrepreneurial Orientation and Family Forces in the New Germany: Similarities and Differences Between East and West German Entrepreneurs. Family Business Review. Vol XIII (3): pp. 251 – 263.



