
電子音樂廠牌Renaissance積極推出的新作選輯Frontiers,透過最hot的DJ混音以最直接現場方式為電子樂迷們帶來開強闢土的探索之旅!首發作品便由曾獲得2001年Muzik Best Breakthrough DJ大獎的利物浦House DJ Yousef和美籍San Francisco DJ Behrouz。《Frontiers》2CD的標準容量里,蘊涵了Yousef對舞池動態的精準掌握力和Behrouz的深層迷媚,諸如DJSneak的〈Baby Steps〉、Adam Dived〈Deep Inside〉等話題單曲也收錄其中,只要您熱衷於追求新鮮刺激的感受,《Frontiers》必定是您的不二首選!

1 (Yousef)
1. Find A Way [ Joeski ft. Mr. Reo ]
2. Fudge [ Ponta Negra ]
3. A Cup Of Coffee [ Eddie & The Eggs ]
4. No Future In Your Frontin’ [ No Assembly Firm ]
5. Just Bounce 2 This [ Switch ]
6. I’m No Good [ Yourself &Nic Fanciulli]
7.Hallucinator[ Johnny Fiasco ]
8. Go! [ No Assembly Firm Mix ] [ Justin Long & Dan X ]
9. Baby Steps [ DJ Sneak ]
10. Picture Of You [ Jason Hodges Sticky Picture Mix ] [ East Coast Boogiemen & DJ Heather ]
11. She Got Well [ Palm Skin Production ]
12. The Offender [ Lee Mortimer Presents... ]
13.Strictly Business[ Youdef & Justin Long ]
14. Just A Dance [ Technasia’s Mix ] [ Len Faki ]
15. Trouble [ Roach Motel Pres. Two Stupid Dogs ]
16. There But For The Grace Of God [ Yousef Mix ] [ 100% ]
17. Everybody [ Alex Wolfenden Pres. Bagnasty ft. Nasty EP ]
CD 2 (Behrouz)
1. For The Time Being [ Phonique ft. Erland Oye ]
2. Naturelize [ Original Mix ] [ TM Project ]
3. Everything c/w Discrete Encounter - I Will Be [Acappella ] [ Tone Depth ]
4. La Musica vs El Dinero [ Luca Ricci ft. Monica Hernandez ]
5. Touch It [ Jaimy ]
6. Island Breeze [ Tommyboy Remix ] [ Pashka ft. Ijeoma ]
7. Confidential Music [ The Youngsters ]
8. Underwater Rivers [ Parham & Dominic Plaza ]
9. You Make Me Feel Extacy [ Sultan & Tommyboy ]
10. Esperanza [ Valentino Kanzyani Remix ] [ Penn & Chus ]
11. Deep Sleepless Night Narcotic Thrust Remix ] [ Mad8 vs. Shawn Christopher ]
12. Deep Inside [ Adam Dived ]
13.Manhanttan[ Big Apple Original Mix ] [ Jonathan & Bradley ]