




與樂團合作過的指揮家有:(德)Mariano Chiacchiarini、(澳大利亞)John Ferguson、楊洋、曹丁、張銳、陳樂昌;小提琴家(法)Olivier Charlier、楊璟;鋼琴家(澳大利亞)Caroline Almonte、(烏克蘭)Alexander Sinchuk;大提琴家楊娣;二胡演奏家許蓓睿等。



the XMU Symphony Orchestra

The XMU Symphony Orchestra was founded in 2013, as the only professional orchestra at Xiamen University, it is mainly constructed of undergraduate students studying at the Art College of XMU, with a few teachers and graduate students. During the past few years, the orchestra has rehearsed and performed the following repertoire: the Yellow River Cantata, the fourth movement of Beethoven Symphony no9, Schubert’s Symphony no8(unfinished), Coriolanus Overture, Spring Festival Overture, Ode to the Red Flag, Sanam Rhapsody For Orchestra , violin concerto the Butterfly Lovers , piano concerto the Yellow River, Tchaikovsky piano concerto no 1, Dvorak cello concerto in b minor, Hungarian Rhapsody for cello and orchestra by David Popper, orchestral cantata the Great Wind. The orchestra has also premiered the original orchestral piece Ode to Peace.

The orchestra has worked with various great musicians including: conductor Mariano Chiacchiarini(Germany),John Ferguson(Australia), Yang Yang, Ding Cao, Rui Zhang, Lechang Chen, violinist Olivier Charlier(France), violist Jing yang, pianist Caroline Almonte(Australia), Alexander Sinchuk(Ukraine), cellist Di Yang and erhuist Beirui Xu.

Though a newly found orchestra, The XMU symphony orchestra has already toured across notable theaters including the Singapore Esplanade Theatre, Malaysian Petronius Theatre, the Fujian Grand Theatre, Ji’an Poly Theatre , Banlam Grand Theatre, Hong Tai Hall and has earned great feedback from audiences and critics. Aside from performances and cultural exchanges outside campus, the orchestra holds concerts on campus regularly and has elevated the university students’ ability to appreciate classical musical and art, enriching campus cultural life altogether. As a young and independent orchestra, the XMU orchestra is maturing and growing gradually.


