








Unit 1a e i o u 的發音

第一單元 神奇的果園

Lesson One a [æ] A Cat’s Foreign Language老鼠的外語

Lesson Two a [ei] It Is Part of the Game這是遊戲的一部分

Lesson Three e [e] The Best Present最好的禮物

Lesson Four i [i] I Have His Ear in My Pocket他的耳朵還在我衣兜里呢

Lesson Five i [ai] My Dog Doesn’t Bite我的狗不咬人

Lesson Six o [ɔ] I Was Not Lost.我沒有迷路

Lesson Seven o [əu] I Broke Them All我把它們都敲破了

Lesson Eight u [ʌ] A Man with a Gun持槍男人

Lesson Nine u [ju:] Just Use a Pencil就用鉛筆吧

快樂總複習Who picks more apples? 誰摘到更多的蘋果?

Unit2 ar,er,ir,or,ur的發音

第二單元 開心農場

Lesson Ten ar [ ɑ:] ASmartAnswer聰明的回答

Lesson Eleven er [ə] I’m the Driver我是司機

Lesson Twelve ir [ə:] A Bedtime Story about Birds關於鳥的睡前故事

Lesson Thirteen or [ɔ:] A Bad School Report差的成績單

Lesson Fourteen ur [ə:] The Nurse Should Give Me Some Money護士應該給我錢

快樂總複習Who lays more eggs? 誰下的蛋多?

Unit3 oa,oi,oo,ou,ow的發音

第三單元 奇妙的泡泡

Lesson Fifteen oa [əu] A Different Roast Every Day每天的烤肉都不同

Lesson Sixteen oi [ɔi] A Noisy Girl and Five Hundred Ducks一個吵鬧的女孩和500隻鴨子

Lesson Seventeen oo [u] A Lazy Brook懶惰的布魯克

Lesson Eighteen oo [u:] She Is a Fool她是傻瓜

Lesson Nineteen ou [au] Other Moms Also Want to Be Proud 其他媽媽也想驕傲

Lesson Twenty ow [əu] Follow the Flies跟著蒼蠅走

Lesson Twenty-One ow[au] It’s Raining Now.正在下雨呢

快樂總複習Who blows more bubbles? 誰吹的泡泡多?

Unit4 ee,ie,ue,ea,ai,aw的發音

第四單元 美麗的項鍊

Lesson Twenty-Two ee[i:] That’s Why I Keep the Bigger One那就是我為什麼要留大些的

Lesson Twenty-Three ie[i:]. Take This Piece and Cut It into Two拿走這塊,然後切成兩塊

Lesson Twenty-Four ue[u:] Who Put Glue on My Chair誰把膠水弄到我的椅子上

Lesson Twenty-Five ea[i:] Before a Meal Or After a Meal飯前還是飯後

Lesson Twenty-Six ea[e] Hit on the Head with a Cake 用蛋糕打頭

Lesson Twenty-Seven ai[ei] Did She Miss the Train她誤火車了嗎

Lesson Twenty-Eight aw [ɔ:] To Draw Out All His Savings去取出他的全部存款

快樂總複習Who makes a longer pearl necklace? 誰做的珍珠項鍊長?

Unit5 y,ay,ey,oy的發音

第五單元 采蘑菇

Lesson Twenty-Nine y [i] Who Is Lazy誰偷懶

Lesson Thirty y [ai] But My Teacher Cried可我的老師哭了

Lesson Thrity-One ay [ei]. You Can’t Say No to the Teacher你不能對老師說“不”

Lesson Thirty-Two ey[i] A Good Way to Ask for Money要錢的好方法

Lesson Thirty-Three oy [ɔi] Little Roy’s New Trousers小羅伊的新褲子

快樂總複習 Who picks more mushroom? 誰採到更多的蘑菇?

Unit 6 are,air,ire,ear,eer的發音

第六單元 魔力氣球

Lesson Thirty-Four are [ɛə] He Scared Patients Out of My Office他把病人從我診所里嚇跑了

Lesson Thirty-Five air [ɛə] So Little Hair and So Much Hair 這么少和這么多的頭髮

Lesson Thirty-Six ire[aiə] Your House Is on Fire你的房子著火了

Lesson thirty-Seven ear [iə]/[ɛə ] Feeding the Teller with a Pear用梨餵出納員

Lesson Thirty-Eight eer [iə] There Is Only One Deer只有一隻梅花鹿

快樂總複習 Who can fly? 誰能飛起來?

Unit 7 C,ck,ch,tch的發音

第七單元 垂釣者的樂園

Lesson Thirty-Nine c + a/e/ i/o/u [k]/[s] Only One Cake Left只剩下一個蛋糕了

Lesson Forty c在結尾 [k] A Magic Stove神奇的爐灶

Lesson Forty-One ck [k] One More Ticket再來一張票

Lesson Forty-Two ch/tch [ ] Watching TV with a Candle on點著蠟燭看電視

快樂總複習Who gets more fish? 誰能釣到更多的魚?

Unit 8 n,nk,ng,ing的發音

第八單元 省錢小能手

Lesson Forty-Three n [n] Bring Me the Winner把獲勝方拿給我

Lesson Forty-Four nk[ ŋk] Why Do You Drink So Much Water你為什麼喝這么多水

Lesson Forty-Five ng [ ŋ] A Father with Long Hair長發爸爸

Lesson Forty-Six ing [i ŋ] Shake It to Ring搖一下就會響

快樂總複習Who gets more lollipops with less money? 誰花錢少,買的棒棒糖多?

Unit 9 x,l,r,dr,tr的發音

第九單元 妙手園丁

Lesson Forty-Seven x [ks] A Text Message手機簡訊

Lesson Forty-Eight l[l] Wake Up. Time for Sleeping Pills.醒醒,該吃安眠藥了

Lesson Forty-Nine r [r] Sorry I Don’t Want to Buy Them對不起,我不想買了

Lesson Fifty dr [ dr] Our Driver Is Very Poor我們的司機很窮

Lesson Fifty-One tr [tr] Having Trouble Seeing Things看不清東西

快樂總複習Who saves more flowers? 誰救活了更多的花兒?

Unit 10 ge/dge,gh/ ph,sh,th,s+清輔音,igh,qu,tw

第十單元 妙手拋球

Lesson Fifty-Two ge/dge [ ] I Change My Mind我改主意了

Lesson Fifty-Three gh/ph [f] It’s Not Enough, Either.那也不夠呀

Lesson Fifty-Four sh[ ʃ] Who Broke the Dishes?誰把盤子摔破了

Lesson Fifty-Five th [ θ] Your Face and Mouth Tell Me That你的臉和嘴告訴我的

Lesson Fifty-Six th [ ð] One More Father再來一個爸爸

Lesson Fifty-Seven s +k/p/t [sg/sb/sd] I Thought You Called Another Student我以為你叫另一個學生

Lesson Fifty-Eight igh [ai] He Was Too Busy Last Night他昨晚太忙了

Lesson Fifty-Ninequ [qw] Who Can Answer My First Qu estion誰能回答我第一個問題

Lesson Sixty tw [tw] Twice Twenty二十的兩倍

快樂總複習Who can throw up more balls?誰能拋起更多的球?





