




孫衛東[中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所研究員] 孫衛東[中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所研究員]

孫衛東,男,1966年出生,研究員,博士生導師,2004 年入選中國科學院“引進海外傑出人才計畫”(終期評估優秀),2005 年獲國家傑出青年科學基金,2007 年入選“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人選,2009年獲得政府津貼。現任中國科學院礦物學與成礦學重點實驗室主任、國家大型儀器中心“廣州質譜中心”主任、全球最大的礦床學學會會士, 區域副主席-亞洲(2010-2013)、中國礦物岩石地球化學協會同位素專業委員會主任委員(2009-2012)。曾任(國際)地球化學學會戈爾德施密特獎評審(2012-2015)、IODP 技術委員會委員、科學委員會評審。現任礦物岩石地球化學學會同位素專業委員會主任;創辦Solid Earth Sciences,任主編,任Acta Geochimica常務副主編、GCA及《地球化學》副主編。



1991年 中國科學技術大學地球化學專業學士學位

1994年 中國科學技術大學地球化學專業碩士學位











代表性成果有:(1)元素地球化學性質與成礦:研究了金、銅、錸、硫等元素在岩漿演化過程的性質。利用微量元素和礦物包裹體限定白雲鄂博超大型礦床各種年齡的地質意義,詳細論證了火成碳酸岩被俯衝析出流體活化,進而交代沉積碳酸岩而成礦的成礦模型,論文發表在Scientific Report上。(2)系統論證了斑岩銅金礦床成礦的關鍵控制因素在於俯衝洋殼部分熔融和氧化性岩漿,提出年輕洋脊俯衝是形成大型、超大型斑岩銅金礦床的關鍵。(3)大陸地殼的形成:用大陸超深鑽實際樣品和高溫高壓實驗驗證了Nb, Ta, Ti這些長期以來被認為最不活動的元素,在金紅石出現前具有很強的活動性。指出大陸地殼所特有的低Nb/Ta比值和低Nb, Ta含量特徵是在板塊俯衝早期Nb, Ta通過在溫度梯度下發生不均衡脫水作用發生分異的結果,從而為揭示大陸地殼的成因提供了強有力的限定。(4)中國東部中生代大規模成礦與板塊俯衝的關係:發現中國東部中生代很多重要的地質事件都與太平洋板塊俯衝方向的變化有關,其中在125 百萬年太平洋俯衝方向發生了約80度的轉變,導致了中國東部由拉張轉為積壓,在此背景下形成了與壓扭性破碎有關的膠東金礦;系統研究了長江中下游埃達克岩、A-型花崗岩、島弧鈣鹼系列岩石以及礦床的分布,結合對太平洋板塊俯衝的研究,提出長江中下游大規模成礦與洋脊俯衝有關;根據中生代岩石年代分帶、礦產分帶並與東太平洋俯衝帶的礦產分帶進行對比,提出華南中生代大規模成礦與太平洋斜向俯衝有關;從元素地球化學性質入手,系統研究了埃達克岩成因與銅金成礦的關係。(5)環境變化。與合作者根據三江平原野外觀察數據,提出化冰過程氧化亞氮、甲烷等溫室氣體的集中排放可以進一步造成升溫,是一種正反饋;根據巴爾哲水熱鋯石低氧同位素的特點,提出早白堊世存在冰期。



















已發表論文260餘篇,其中SCI收錄論文180餘篇,2003年以來在Nature (2), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (9), Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2), Geology (1), Economic Geology (2)等國際上著名的學術刊物上發表了多篇第一作者/通訊作者論文。SCI他引3500餘次。


Selected Publications
1.Sun, W.D., Liang, H.Y., Ling, M.X., Zhan, M.Z., Ding, X., Zhang, H., Yang, X.Y., Li, Y.L., Ireland, T.R., Wei, Q.R., Fan, W.M., 2013b. The link between reduced porphyry copper deposits and oxidized magmas. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 103, 263-275.
2. Yang, W.-B., Niu, H.-C.,Sun, W.-D., Shan, Q., Zheng, Y.-F., Li, N.-B., Li, C.-Y., Arndt, N.T., Xu, X., Jiang, Y.-H., Yu, X.-Y., 2013. Isotopic evidence for continental ice sheet in mid-latitude region in the supergreenhouse Early Cretaceous. Sci. Rep. 3, 10.1038/srep02732 (Corresponding Author).
3. Ling, M.X., Liu, Y.L., Williams, I.S., Teng, F.Z., Yang, X.Y., Ding, X., Wei, G.J., Xie, L.H., Deng, W.F.,Sun, W.D., 2013b. Formation of the world's largest REE deposit through protracted fluxing of carbonatite by subduction-derived fluids. Sci Rep-Uk 3, Doi 10.1038/Srep01776 (Corresponding Author).
4. Ding, X., Hu, Y.H., Zhang, H., Li, C.Y., Ling, M.X.,Sun, W.D., 2013. Major Nb/Ta Fractionation Recorded in Garnet Amphibolite Facies Metagabbro. Journal of Geology 121, 255-274.
5. Liang, J.L.,Sun, W.D., Li, Y.L., Zhu, S.Y., Li, H., Liu, Y.L., Zhai, W., 2013. An XPS study on the valence states of arsenic in arsenian pyrite: Implications for Au deposition mechanism of the Yang-shan Carlin-type gold deposit, western Qinling belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 62, 363-372. (Corresponding Author).
6. Ling, M.X., Li, Y., Ding, X., Teng, F.Z., Yang, X.Y., Fan, W.M., Xu, Y.G.,Sun, W.D., 2013a. Destruction of the North China Craton Induced by Ridge Subductions. Journal of Geology 121, 197-213 (Corresponding Author).
7.Sun, W.D., Li, S., Yang, X.Y., Ling, M.X., Ding, X., Duan, L.A., Zhan, M.Z., Zhang, H., Fan, W.M., 2013a. Large-scale gold mineralization in eastern China induced by an Early Cretaceous clockwise change in Pacific plate motions. International Geology Review 55, 311-321 (Corresponding Author).
8. Xie, J.C.,Sun, W.D., Du, J.G., Xu, W., Wu, L.B., Yang, X.Y., Zhou, T.F., 2013. Geochemical studies on Permian manganese deposits in Guichi, eastern China: Implications for their origin and formative environments. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 74, 155-166. (Corresponding Author).
9. Zhang, H., Ling, M.X., Liu, Y.L., Tu, X.L., Wang, F.Y., Li, C.Y., Liang, H.Y., Yang, X.Y., Arndt, N.T.,Sun, W.D., 2013. High Oxygen Fugacity and Slab Melting Linked to Cu Mineralization: Evidence from Dexing Porphyry Copper Deposits, Southeastern China. Journal of Geology 121, 289-305 (Corresponding Author).
10. Li, C. Y., Wang, F. Y., Hao, X. L., Ding, X., Zhang, H., Ling, M. X., Zhou, J. B., Li, Y. L., Fan, W. M., andSun, W. D. Formation of the world's largest molybdenum metallogenic belt: a plate-tectonic perspective on the Qinling molybdenum deposits. International Geology Review, 54 (2012), 1093-1112. (Corresponding Author)
11. Li, C. Y., Zhang, H., Wang, F. Y., Liu, J. Q., Sun, Y. L., Hao, X. L., Li, Y. L., andSun, W. D. The formation of the Dabaoshan porphyry molybdenum deposit induced by slab rollback. Lithos, 150 (2012), 101-110. (Corresponding Author)
12. Li, H., Ling, M. X., Li, C. Y., Zhang, H., Ding, X., Yang, X. Y., Fan, W. M., Li, Y. L., andSun, W. D. A-type granite belts of two chemical subgroups in central eastern China: Indication of ridge subduction. Lithos, 150 (2012), 26-36. (Corresponding Author)
13.Sun, W. D., Yang, X.-Y., Fan, W.-M., and Wu, F.-Y. Mesozoic large scale magmatism and mineralization in South China: Preface. Lithos, 150 (2012), 1-5.
14.Sun, W. D., Ling, M. X., Chung, S. L., Ding, X., Yang, X. Y., Liang, H. Y., Fan, W. M., Goldfarb, R., and Yin, Q. Z. Geochemical Constraints on Adakites of Different Origins and Copper Mineralization. Journal of Geology, 120 (2012), 105-120.
15.Sun, W. D., Ding, X., Hu, Y. H., Zartman, R. E., Arculus, R. J., Kamenetsky, V. S., Chen, M. The fate of subducted oceanic crust: a mineral segregation model. International Geology Review, 53 (2012), 879-893.
16.Sun, W. D., Ling, M. X., Ding, X., Chung, S. L., Yang, X. Y., and Fan, W. M. The genetic association of adakites and Cu-Au ore deposits': a reply. International Geology Review, 54 (2012), 370-372.
17. Xie, J. C., Yang, X. Y.,Sun, W. D., and Du, J. G. Early Cretaceous dioritic rocks in the Tongling region, eastern China: Implications for the tectonic settings. Lithos, 150 (2012), 49-61. (Corresponding Author)
18. Chung, S. L., Zheng, Y. F., Niu, Y. L.,Sun, W. D., Song, S. G., Mezger, K. Geochemical perspectives on mantle dynamics and plate interactions in Asia- A special issue in honor/memory of Dr. Shen-su Sun Preface. Chemical Geology, 328 (2012), 1-4.
19. Tang, G. J., Wyman, D. A., Wang, Q., Li, J., Li, Z. X., Zhao, Z. H., andSun, W. D. Asthenosphere-lithosphere interaction triggered by a slab window during ridge subduction: Trace element and Sr-Nd-Hf-Os isotopic evidence from Late Carboniferous tholeiites in the western Junggar area (NW China). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 329 (2012), 84-96.
20. Wu, J., Liang, H. Y., Huang, W. T., Wang, C. L.,Sun, W. D., Sun, Y. L., Li, J., Mo, J. H., and Wang, X. Z. Indosinian isotope ages of plutons and deposits in southwestern Miaoershan-Yuechengling, northeastern Guangxi and implications on Indosinian mineralization in South China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57 (2012), 1024-1035.
21. Yang, W. B., Niu, H. C., Shan, Q., Luo, Y.,Sun, W. D., Li, C. Y., Li, N. B., and Yu, X. Y. Late Paleozoic calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism and its geodynamic implications, Yuximolegai area, western Tianshan, Xinjiang. Gondwana Research, 22 (2012), 325-340.
22. Zhang, J. D., Yang, X. Y.,Sun, W. D., Wang, G. J., Yang, C. C., Liu, C. Z., and Liu, D. L. New data on the evolution of the Tan-Lu fault belt: constraints from geological-geophysical surveys in the southern segment. International Geology Review, 54 (2012), 1562-1578.
23. Zhu, T. Q.,Sun, W. D., Zhang, H., Kuang, G. R., and Lv, L. B. Study on the provenance of Xicun Qingbai wares from the Northern Song dynasty of China. Archaeometry, 54 (2012), 475-488.
24. Chen, D. L., Liu, L., Sun, Y.,Sun, W. D., Zhu, X. H., Liu, X. M., and Guo, C. L. Felsic veins within UHP eclogite at xitieshan in North Qaidam, NW China: Partial melting during exhumation. Lithos, 136 (2012), 187-200.
25. Deng, J. H., Yang, X. Y.,Sun, W. D., Huang, Y., Chi, Y. Y., Yu, L. F., and Zhang, Q. M. Petrology, geochemistry, and tectonic significance of Mesozoic shoshonitic volcanic rocks, Luzong volcanic basin, eastern China. International Geology Review, 54 (2012), 714-736.
26. Lai, X. D., Yang, X. Y., andSun, W. D. Geochemical constraints on genesis of dolomite marble in the Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit, Inner Mongolia: Implications for REE mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 57 (2012), 90-102.
27. Wang, Q., Chung, S. L., Li, X. H., Wyman, D., Li, Z. X.,Sun, W. D., Qiu, H. N. Liu, Y. S., Zhu, Y. T. Crustal melting and flow beneath Northern Tibet: evidence from Mid-Miocene to Quaternary strongly peraluminous rhyolites in the Southern Kunlun Range. Journal of Petrology, 53 (2012), 2523-2566.
28.Sun, W. D., Zhang, H., Ling, M. X., Ding, X., Chung, S. L., Zhou, J. B., Yang, X. Y., Fan, W. M. The genetic association of adakites and Cu-Au ore deposits. International Geology Review, 53(5-6) (2011), 691-703.
29. Wang, F.Y., Li, C. Y., Ling, M. X., Zhang, H., Sun, Y. L.,Sun, W. D. Geochronology of the Xihuashan Tungsten Deposit in Southeastern China: Constraints from Re-Os and U-Pb Dating. Resource Geology, 61(4) (2011), 414-423. (Corresponding Author)
30. Wang, F.Y., Ling, M. X., Ding, X., Hu, Y. H., Zhou, J. B., Yang, X. Y., Liang, H. Y., Fan, W. M.,Sun, W. D. Mesozoic large magmatic events and mineralization in SE China: oblique subduction of the Pacific plate. International Geology Review, 53(5-6) (2011), 704-726. (Corresponding Author)
31. Ling, M. X., Wang, F. Y., Ding, X., Zhou, J. B.,Sun, W. D. Different origins of adakites from the Dabie Mountains and the Lower Yangtze River Belt, eastern China: geochemical constraints. International Geology Review, 53(5-6) (2011), 727-740. (Corresponding Author)
32. Li, H., Zhang, H., Ling, M. X., Wang, F. Y., Ding, X., Zhou, J. B., Yang, X. Y., Tu, X. L.,Sun, W. D. Geochemical and zircon U-Pb study of the Huangmeijian A-type granite: implications for geological evolution of the Lower Yangtze River belt. International Geology Review, 53(5-6) (2011), 499-525. (Corresponding Author)
33. Li, X. M., Yang, X. Y., Xia, B., Gong, G. L., Shan, Y. H., Zeng, Q. S., Li, W.,Sun, W. D. Exhumation of the Dahinggan Mountains, NE China from the Late Mesozoic to the Cenozoic: New evidence from fission-track thermochronology. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42(1-2) (2011), 123-133.
34. Ling, M. X., Sedaghatpour, F., Teng, F. Z., Hays, P. D., Strauss, J.,Sun, W. D. Homogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of seawater: an excellent geostandard for Mg isotope analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25(19) (2011), 2828-2836.
35. Hu, M. Y., Fan, X. T., Stoll, B., Kuzmin, D., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. S.,Sun, W. D., Wang, G., Zhan, X. C., Jochum, K. P. Preliminary Characterisation of New Reference Materials for Microanalysis: Chinese Geological Standard Glasses CGSG-1, CGSG-2, CGSG-4 and CGSG-5. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 35(2) (2011), 235-251.
36. Liu, Y., Peng, Z. C., Wei, G. J., Chen, T. G.,Sun, W. D., He, J. F., Liu, G. J., Chou, C. L. Shen, C. C. Interannual variation of rare earth element abundances in corals from northern coast of the South China Sea and its relation with sea-level change and human activities. Marine Environmental Research, 71(1) (2011), 62-69.
37. Wang, N., Shen, C. D., Ding, P., Yi, W. X.,Sun, W. D., Liu, K. X., Ding, X. F., Fu, D. P., Yuan, J., Yang, X. Y., and Zhou, L. P. Improved Application of Bomb Carbon in Teeth for Forensic Investigation. Radiocarbon, 52 (2011), 706-716.
38. Wang, T. G., Ni, P.,Sun, W. D., Zhao, K. D., Wang, X. D. Zircon U-Pb ages of granites at Changba and Huangzhuguan in western Qinling and implications for source nature. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(7) (2011), 659-669.
39. Xiong, X. L., Keppler, H., Audetat, A., Ni, H. W.,Sun, W. D., Li, Y. A. Partitioning of Nb and Ta between rutile and felsic melt and the fractionation of Nb/Ta during partial melting of hydrous metabasalt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(7) (2011), 1673-1692.
40. Yang, X. Y.,Sun, W. D., Zhou, T. F., and Deng, J. The Middle-Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt. International Geology Review, 53 (2011), 447-448.
41. Yu, J., Fu, Y., Li, Y., Han, G., Wang, Y., Zhou, D.,Sun, W. D., Gao, Y., Meixner, F. X. Effects of water discharge and sediment load on Evolution of modern Yellow River Delta, China, over the period from 1976 to 2009. Biogeosciences, 8(9) (2011), 2427-2435.
42. Sun, X. M., Xu, L.,Sun, W. D., Zhai, W., Liang, Y. H., Tang, Q., Liang, J. L., Zhang, Z. M., Shen, K., Wang, F. Y., Ling, M. X., and Zartman, R. E. Channelized fluids in subducted continental crust: constraints from delta D-delta(18)O of quartz and fluid inclusions in quartz veins from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project. International Geology Review, 53 (2011), 1443-1463.
43.Sun, W. D., Ling, M. X., Yang, X. Y., Fan, W. M., Ding, X., Liang, H. Y. Ridge subduction and porphyry copper-gold mineralization: An overview. Science in China (Earth Science), 53 (2010), 475-484.
44. Deng, W.F., Liu, Y., Wei, G.J., Li, X.H., Tu, X.L., Xie, L.H., Zhang, H., andSun, W.D. High-precision analysis of Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in corals by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25 (2010), 84-87. (Corresponding Author)
45. Tang, G. J., Wang, Q., Wyman, D. A., Sun, M., Li, Z. X., Zhao, Z. H.,Sun, W. D., Jia, X. H., and Jiang, Z. Q. Geochronology and geochemistry of Late Paleozoic magmatic rocks in the Lamasu-Dabate area, northwestern Tianshan (west China): Evidence for a tectonic transition from arc to post-collisional setting. Lithos, 119 (2010), 393-411.
46. Wang, Q., Wyman, D. A., Li, Z. X.,Sun, W. D., Chung, S. L., Vasconcelos, P. M., Zhang, Q. Y., Dong, H., Yu, Y. S., Pearson, N., Qiu, H. N., Zhu, T. X., and Feng, X. T. Eocene north-south trending dikes in central Tibet: New constraints on the timing of east-west extension with implications for early plateau uplift? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 298 (2010), 205-216.
47. Yu, J. B., Liu, J. S., Sun, Z. G.,Sun, W. D., Wang, J. D., Wang, G. P., and Chen, X. B. The fluxes and controlling factors of N2O and CH4 emissions from freshwater marsh in Northeast China. Science China-Earth Sciences, 53 (2010), 700-709.
48. Shen, C. D., Beer, J., Kubik, P. W.,Sun, W. D., Liu, T. S., and Liu, K. X. Be-10 in desert sands, falling dust and loess in China. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 268 (2010), 1050-1053.
49. Yu, J. B., Meixner, F. X.,Sun, W. D., Mamtimin, B., Xia, C. H., Xie, W. J. Nitric oxide emissions from black soil, northeastern China: A laboratory study revealing significantly lower rates than hitherto reported. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 42 (2010), 1784-1792.
50. Yu J B, Meixner F X,Sun W D, Mamtimin, B., Wang, G. P., Qi, X. N., Xia, C. H., Xie, W. J. Biogenic Nitric Oxide Emission of Mountain Soils Sampled from Different Vertical Landscape Zones in the Changbai Mountains, Northeastern Chin. Environmental Science & Technology, 44 (2010), 4122-4128.
51. Liu, J. M., Zhao, Y., Sun, Y. L., Li, D. P., Liu, J., Chen, B. L., Zhang, S. H., andSun, W. D. Recognition of the latest Permian to Early Triassic Cu-Mo mineralization on the northern margin of the North China block and its geological significance. Gondwana Research, 17 (2010), 125-134.
52. Ding, X., Lundstrom, C., Huang, F., Li, J., Zhang, Z. M., Sun, X. M., Liang, J. L., andSun, W. D. Natural and experimental constraints on formation of the continental crust based on niobium-tantalum fractionation. International Geology Review, 51 (2009), 473-501. (Corresponding Author)
53. Ling, M. X., Wang, F. Y., Ding, X., Hu, Y. H., Zhou, J. B., Zartman, R. E., Yang, X. Y., andSun, W. D. Cretaceous ridge subduction along the Lower Yangtze River Belt, eastern China. Economic Geology. 104 (2009), 303-321. (Corresponding Author)
54. Yang, X. Y.,Sun, W. D., Zhang, Y. X., Zheng, Y. F. Geochemical constraints on the genesis of the Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposit in Inner Mongolia, China. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(5) (2009),1417-1435. (Corresponding Author)
55. Liang, H. Y.,Sun, W. D., Su, W. C., and Zartman, R. E. Porphyry Copper-Gold Mineralization at Yulong, China, Promoted by Decreasing Redox Potential during Magnetite Alteration. Economic Geology, 104 (2009), 587-596. (Corresponding Author)
56. Liu, J. F., Sun, Y., Lin, C. L.,Sun, W. D. The emplacement age of the Songshugou ultramafic massif in Qinling orogenic belt and implications. International Geological Review, 51 (2009), 58-76. (Corresponding Author)
57. Yang, X. Y., Ling, M. X.,Sun, W. D., Lai X. D., Liu, C. Y., Miao, J. Y. and Sun., W. The genesis of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the Ordos Basin, northwestern China: Constraints provided by fluid inclusions and stable isotope. International Geological Review, 51 (2009), 422-455. (Corresponding Author)
58. Xie, J. C., Yang, X.Y.,Sun, W. D., Du, J. G., Xu, W., Wu, L. B., Wang, K. Y., Du, X. W. Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the formation of metal deposits in Tongling, middle Yangtze metallogenic belt. International Geological Review, 51 (2009), 388-421. (Corresponding Author)
59. Liang, J. L., Ding, X., Sun, X. M., Zhang, Z. M., Zhang, H., andSun, W. D. Nb/Ta fractionation observed in eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project. Chemical Geology, 268 (2009), 27-40. (Corresponding Author)
60. Liu, Y., Peng, Z. C., Liu, W. G.., Xiao, Y. K.,Sun, W. D., He, J. F., Liu, G. J. Seawater pH change during Holocene recorded in boron isotopic compositions of corals from the South China Sea. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(5) (2009), 1264-1272.
61. Xiong, X. L., Keppler, H., Audétat, A., Gudfinnsson, G.,Sun, W. D., Song, M. S., Xiao, W. S. and Li, Y. Experimental constraints on rutile saturation during partial melting of metabasalt at the amphibolite to eclogite transition, with applications to TTG genesis. American Mineralogist, 94 (2009), 1175–1186.
62. Sun, X. M., Xiong, D. X.,Sun, W. D., Zhang, Y., Shi, G. Y., Zhai, W., Wang, S. W. Crust and mantle contributions to the gold-forming process at the Daping deposit, Ailaoshan gold belt, Yunnan, China. Ore Geology Review, 36 (2009), 235-249.
63. Zhai, W., Sun, X. M.,Sun, W. D., Su, L. W., He, X. P., Wu, Y. L. Geology, geochemistry, and genesis of Axi: a Paleozoic low-sulfidation type epithermal gold deposit in Xinjiang, China. Ore Geology Review, 36 (2009), 265-281.
64. Zhang, L., Zhong, Z., Zhang, H.,Sun, W., and Xiang, H. The formation of foliated (garnet-bearing) granites in the Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt: partial melting of subducted continental crust during exhumation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27 (2009), 789-803.
65. Deng, W.-F., Wei, G.-J., Li, X.-H., Yu, K.-F., Zhao, J.-X.,Sun, W.D. and Liu, Y. Paleoprecipitation record from coral Sr/Ca and δ18O during the mid Holocene in the northern South China Sea. The Holocene, 19(6) (2009), 811-821.
66.Sun, W. D., Hu, Y. H., Kamenetsky, V. S., Eggins, S. M., Chen, M., and Arculus, R. J. Constancy of Nb/U in the mantle revisited. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 72 (2008), 3542-3549.
67. Liu, Y. L., Williams, I. S., Chen, J. F., Wan, Y. S., andSun, W. D. The significance of paleoproterozoic zircon in carbonatite dikes associated with the bayan obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit. American Journal of Science, 308 (2008), 379-397. (Corresponding Author)
68. Liang, H. Y., Campbell, I. H., Allen, C. A.,Sun, W. D., Xie, Y. W., and Zhang, Y. Q. The age of the potassic alkaline igneous rocks along the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone: Implications for the onset age of left-lateral shearing: A reply. Journal of Geology, 116 (2008), 205-207.
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