孫玉靜,醫學博士,山東大學基礎醫學院講師。 2009年畢業於山東大學臨床醫學六年制專業,獲學士學位。同年9月免試推薦入山東大學醫學院攻讀病理學專業碩博連讀。2010年9月赴日本和歌山縣立醫科大學攻讀博士學位,2014年11月取得博士學位。2015年7月,入職山東大學醫學院講師。主要研究方向為腎臟纖維化的發生機制。
1. Trps1 deficiency inhibits the morphogenesis of secondary hair follicles via decreased Noggin expression. Sun Y, Nakanishi M, Sato F, Oikawa K, Muragaki Y, Zhou G. BiochemBiophys Res Commun. 2015 Jan 16;456(3):721-6 (5 year IF: 2.474)
2. Elevated serum 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 level attenuates renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis induced by unilateral ureteral obstruction in kl/kl mice. Sun Y, Zhou G, Gui T, Shimokado A, Nakanishi M, Oikawa K, Sato F, Muragaki Y. Sci Rep. 2014 Oct 9;4:6563 (IF=5)
3. The role of Tricho‐\Rhino‐\Phalangeal Syndrome (TRPS) l in apoptosis during embryonic development and tumor progression. Sun Y, Gui T, Shimokado A, Muragaki Y. Cells 2(3): 496‐\505,2013
4. Smad3 plays an inhibitory role in phosphate-induced vascular smooth muscle cell calcification. Shimokado A, Sun Y, Nakanishi M, Sato F, Oikawa K, Akasaka T, Muragaki Y. ExpMolPathol. 2014 Dec;97(3):458-64
5. The loss of Trpsl suppresses ureteric bud branching because of the activation of TGF‐\βsignaling. Gui T, Sun Y, Gai Z, Shimokado A, Muragaki Y, Zhou G. Dev Biol. 15;377 (2): 415-27, 2013
6. Diverse roles of macrophages in atherosclerosis: from inflammatory biology to biomarker discovery. Gui T, Shimokado A, Sun Y, Akasaka T, Muragaki Y. Mediators Inflamm. 2012: 693083, 2012
7. The Roles of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways in TGF-β-Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition. Gui T, Sun Y, Shimokado A, Muragaki Y. J Signal Transduct, 2012:289243, 2012
8. MicroRNAs that target Ca2+ transporters are involved in vascular smooth muscle cell calcification. Gui T, Zhou G, Sun Y, Shimokado A, Itoh S, Oikawa K, Muragaki Y. Lab invest. 92: 1250-1259, 2012
9. Snail protein expression as a hallmarker of gastric carcinoma in biopsy samples. Tanishima H, Gui T, Sun Y, Shimokado A, Ozaki T, Muragaki Y. ISRN Pathology, 2012, Article ID 132472, 7 pages, 2012
10. Aberrant expression of the P2 promoter-specific transcript Runx1 in epiphyseal cartilage of Trps1-null mice. Kanno S, Gui T, Gai Z, Sun Y, Oikawa K, Yoshida M, Muragaki Y. ExpMolPathol. 90(2): 143-8, 2011