


孫格拉底(Suncrates),本名孫智燊,祖籍河北寧晉,1935年生於四川遂寧。台大外文學士(1959),嘗從曾約農教授習翻譯,從方東美教授習哲學;輔大哲學碩士(1963);出國前曾任台大外文系講師;旋入美國加州大學UCLA哲研所深造(1964);1971獲南伊大哲學博士。畢業後執教美國南阿拉巴馬州大學近卅年,先後擔任台大及中國文化大學哲研所長,獲頒文大「華岡教授」,現退休。著有《中國形上學與懷德海》、〈從大易生生之理看中西印思想在形上學、宗教、與哲學人性論上之高峰統會〉、〈哥德與中國文化〉、〈胡色爾現象學與唯識宗佛學初探〉、〈從裴伯藏喻法論大易哲學之五奇九勝〉、〈沉靜中之追憶——東美先生其人其學及其成就與貢獻〉等論文多篇。漢譯除本書外,尚有柏拉圖《對話錄﹕讌饗篇》,韓路易《增進東西文化交融》。英譯則有方著〈哲學三慧〉、〈黑格爾哲學之當前難題與歷史背景〉、〈中國哲學精神講話〉、後漢安清世高本《阿難問事佛吉凶經》等。曾當選美國阿拉巴馬州哲學會副會長,榮獲「美國傑出教育工作者獎」(1975);現任「東美研究所」創辦人兼所長;《東美學報:廣大和諧 --比較哲學與文化》總編輯;美國加州克萊蒙神學院「歷程學研究中心」中國部顧問;北大《中文論壇》「古典文獻學版」線上學者。

---- 摘自方東美著《中國哲學精神及其發展》,卷下,<譯者簡介>。


Brief Curriculum Vitae

Name:孫智燊,George C. H. Sun; pen-name: Suncrates

Native Place: Ningjin District, Hobei Province, China;

Birth Place: Suining, Sichuan Province, China


1. B.A. in Foreign Languages & Literature, National Taiwan University (1960);

2. M.A. in Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University (1963)

3. Graduate Studies in Philosophy, UCLA (1964-65)

4. Ph.D. in Philosophy, SIUC (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, IL., 1971)

Work Experiences/Positions Held:

1. Instructor of English, National Taiwan University; Administrative Assistant to Chairman, Professor Ignatius Ying(英千里教授),1963-64

2. Assistant & Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 1971-1999

3. Visiting Associate Professor, Acting Chairman of Philosophy Department, & Director of Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Taiwan University 1973-74, Taipei

4. Hua-Kang Professor & Director of Graduate Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Culture University, Yangmingshan, Taipei, 1983-1984

5. Vice President, Alabama Philosophical Society, 1981-1982

6. Founding President, Thomé H. Fang Institute, Mobile, AL, 2004-

7. Editor-in-Chief, Comprehensive Harmony: International Bulletin for Comparative Philosopohy & Culture: 2004-

8. Advisor, Seattle Forum, since 2003.

9. Online Scholar, Chinese Forum for Classics and Archives Studies, Peking University, 2004-

10. Advisor, China Project, Center for Process Studies, Claremont, CA., 2004-

Works & Publications (in part)

1. Chinese Metaphysics and Whitehead, Doctorial Dissertation at SIUC; Director: Professor Lewis E. Hahn, 1971

2. “A Summit Meeting in Metaphysics, Religion, and Philosophical Anthropology: The Western-Indian-Chinese Encounter on Creativity,” first presented to Conference in Whitehead and Chinese Thought, Denver, Colorado, 1976; later published in Proceedings of the First International Conference in Sinology, Academia Sinica, 1980

3. “Goethe and Chinese Culture,” Chinese Culture Monthly, Tung-Hai University, 1979

4. The Spring of Humanity, University Press, Taipei, 1983

5. “Confucianism and Buddhism in Mutual Enrichment,” The Prajna Torch Monthly,Taipei, 1984

6. “Husserl’s Phenomenology and Vijana-Vada: A Preliminary Investigation,” Chinese Buddhism Monthly, 1983-1984

7. “I-Ching or The Book of Creativity: Its Fivefold Wonderment and Ninefold Excellece in light of the Root-Metaphor Method,” Proceedings of the First World Congress in Chinese Philosophy, Tung-Hui University, 1984


Translations (into English)

1. Thomé H. Fang, “Three Types of Philosophical Wisdom: Greek, European, and Chinese,” Comprehensive Harmony,Vol. I, No. 1, 2004,

2. Thomé H. Fang, “Hegel’s Philosophy and Its Present Day Predicament and Historical Background,” Ibid.

3. Thomé H. Fang, “The Spirit of Chinese Philosophy,” Chair Professorship Inaugural Address at Fu Jen Catholic University (1973), Ibid.

4. The Sutra of Ananda’s Query concerning the Ultimate Results of Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings as Good or Ill Luck, Ibid., based on the Chinese version by Parthamansiris (前波斯王安清世高)of the 2nd century.

Translations (into Chinese)

1. Thomé H. Fang, “The World and the Individual in Chinese Metaphysics,” selected in Creativity in Man and Nature, The Dawn (Liming) Publishing Inc. Ltd., Taipei, 1978

2. Thomé H. Fang, “The Essence of Wang Yang-ming’s Philosophy in An Historical Perspective,” selected in Ibid.

3. Thomé H. Fang, “Poetry and Life,” selected in Ibid.

4. Thomé H. Fang, Chinese Philosophy: Its Spirit and Its Development, Vol. I, University Press, 1983

5. Thomé H. Fang, Chinese Philosophy: Its Spirit and Its Development, Complete Edition, The Dawn (Liming) Publishing Inc. Ltd., 2005

6. Lewis E. Hahn, Enhancing Cultural Interflow between East and West, Thomé H. Fang Institute, 1998

7. Plato, The Symposium, Comprehensive Harmony, Vol. I, No. 1, 2004



1. Elected “Man of the Year in Education,” China Weekly, Taipei, 1974

2. Awarded “Outstanding Educators of America,” Doyle Foundation, Washington D. C., 1976

3. Awarded “Distinguished Service and Contributions,” Foundation of Promotion of International Culture and Education, Washington D.C., 1991

4. Awarded “Distinguished Service and Contributions,” Chinese-American Professional and Academic Association of Southeastern United States, Atlanta, GA., 2000.

5. The Global Directory of Who's Who, 2011-2012 Edition.



