
ten ten ten


Part One Sentence Skills
1 Sentence Fragments
Ineffective Sentence Fragments
Legitimate Sentence Fragments
2 Run-on Sentences
3 Misplaced and Dangling Modiffiers
Misplaced Modifiers
Dangling Modifiers
4 Pronoun Reference
Ambiguous Reference
Weak Reference
Broad Reference
5 Parallelism
Value of Parallelism
Techniques Used in Gaining Parallelism
Avoidance of Faulty Parallelism
6 Unnecessary Shifts
Unnecessary Shifts in Voice or Subject
Unnecessary Shifts in Tense
Unnecessary Shifts in Mood
Unnecessary Shifts in Person or Number
Unnecessary Shifts in Discourse
7 Sentence Emphasis
Considering the Order of Words as a Means of Achieving Emphasis
Using the Voice that Is Most Emphatic and Appropriate
Putting Statements in Positive Form
Repeating Words. Structures, or Ideas for Occasional Emphasis
Omitting Unimportant Words
Making Use of Special Emphatic Sentence Patterns
Using Mechanical Devices for Emphasis
8 Sentence Variety
Varying the Beginning of Sentences
Varying the Kinds of Sentences
Varying the Length of Sentences
9 Coordination
Coordinating Conjunctions
Patterns of Coordination


