出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第2版 (2008年12月1日)
叢書名: 中等職業學校教材使用本,學生用書
平裝: 148頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787544609548
條形碼: 9787544609548
尺寸: 26 x 17.8 x 1.4 cm
重量: 422 g
《外教社新世紀中職英語(第1冊)》(New Century Vocational English)根據“上海市中等職業學校英語課程標準(試用稿)”(以下簡稱“課程標準”)編寫,供上海市中等職業學校使用,也適用於全國其他同類學校。總體構想:教材根據中職學生的實際需要,遵循“突出重點、精而實用、重在掌握”的原則,貫徹“快樂英語”理念,結合多媒體技術,用豐富的內容和生動的形式開拓英語課堂教學的渠道,激發學生積極參與聽、說、讀、寫語言實踐活動,輕輕鬆鬆學英語。同時,教材為學有餘力的學生提供了進一步拓展知識和技能的內容,以期達到教學“基本要求”之外的“較高要求”。編寫原則。
教材採用當今國際通行的“任務型教學法”(task-based approch),以“聽說”帶動“讀寫”,用“任務”調動學生參與語言交際活動的積極性,通過反覆運用,使學生掌握最基本的語言知識和技能。
Unit 1 Meeting People
Part one Preparing for the tasks
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Speaking
Ⅲ. Reading
Ⅳ. Summing up
Part two Performing the tasks
Task 1: Meeting someone at the airport
Task 2: Introducing people to each other
Part three Polishing your skills
1. Listening
2. Reading
3. Making a conversation
4. Translation
Part four Language and culture
Ⅰ. Language focus
Ⅱ. Culture notes
Ⅲ. Checklist of vocabulary
Ⅳ. Checklist of sentence patterns
Part five For further development
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Reading
Part six The joy of English
Unit 2 Thanking People
Part one Preparing for the tasks
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Speaking
Ⅲ. Reading
Ⅳ. Summing up
Part two Performing the tasks
Task 1: Thanking someone for being invited to a dinner party
Task 2: Thanking someone for having taken good care of you
Part three Polishing your skills
1. Listening
2. Reading
3. Making a conversation
4. Translation
Part four Language and culture
Ⅰ. Language focus
Ⅱ. Culture notes
Ⅲ. Checklist of vocabulary
Ⅳ. Checklist of sentence patterns
Part five For further development
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Reading
Part six The joy of English
Unit 3 Making Apologies
Part one Preparing for the tasks
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Speaking
Ⅲ. Reading
Ⅳ. Summing up
Part two Performing the tasks
Task 1: Apologizing for mistakes made at work
Task 2: Writing a letter of apology to a client
Part three Polishing your skills
1. Listening
2. Reading
3. Making a conversation
4. Translation
Part four Language and culture
Ⅰ. Language focus
Ⅱ. Culture notes
Ⅲ. Checklist of vocabulary
Ⅳ. Checklist of sentence patterns
Part five For further development
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Reading
Part six The joy of English
Unit 4 Asking for Permission
Part one Preparing for the tasks
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Speaking
Ⅲ. Reading
Ⅳ. Summing up
Part two Performing the tasks
Task 1: Asking to try on clothes before buying them
Task 2: Negotiating rent for a fiat
Part three Polishing your skills
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Culture notes
Ⅲ. Checklist of vocabulary
Ⅳ. Checklist of sentence patterns
Part five For further development
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Reading
Part six The joy of English
Revision Ⅰ (Units 1-4)
Ⅰ. Functions
1. Review the basic sentence patterns
2. Review these other sentence structures
3. Review the phrasal expressions
4. Review the eight tasks
Ⅱ. Usage
1. Listening comprehension
2. Vocabulary
3. Grammar
4. Speaking
5. Translation
6. Reading comprehension
Unit 5 Expressing Wishes and Congratulations
Part one Preparing for the tasks
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Speaking
Ⅲ. Reading
Ⅳ. Summing up
Part two Performing the tasks
Task 1 : Expressing wishes
Task 2: Congratulating someone
Part three Polishing your skills
1. Listening
2. Reading
3. Translation
Part four Language and culture
Ⅰ. Language focus
Ⅱ. Culture notes
Ⅲ. Checklist of vocabulary
Ⅳ. Checklist of sentence patterns
Part five For further development
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Reading
Part six The joy of English
Unit 6 Making Requests
Part one Preparing for the tasks
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Speaking
Ⅲ. Reading
Ⅳ. Summing up
Part two Performing the tasks
Task 1: Asking someone to buy something for a dinner party
Task 2: Asking someone to help buy a Takeaway lunch
Part three Polishing your skills
1. Listening
2. Reading
3. Making a conversation
4. Translation
Part four Language and culture
Ⅰ. Language focus
Ⅱ. Culture notes
Ⅲ. Checklist of vocabulary
Ⅳ. Checklist of sentence patterns
Part live For further development
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Reading
Part six The joy of English
Unit 7 Extending an Invitation
Part one Preparing for the tasks
Ⅰ. Listening
Ⅱ. Speaking
Ⅲ. Reading
Ⅳ. Summing up
Part two Performing the tasks
Task 1: inviting someone to afternoon tea
Task 2: Accepting / Declining a dinner invitation
Part three Polishing your skills
1. Listening
2. Reading
Unit Saying Goodbye
Revision Ⅱ (Units 5-8)