基督最後的誘惑 The Last Temptation


Terrifying psychological chiller featuring clinical psychologist Tony Hill of The Mermaids Singing and The Wire in the Blood.
A twisted killer targeting psychologists has left a grisly trail across Europe.Dr Tony Hill, expert at mapping the minds of murderers, is reluctant to get involved. But then the next victim is much closer to home…Meanwhile, his former partner, DCI Carol Jordan, is working undercover in Berlin, on a dangerous operation to trap a millionaire traffiker. When the game turns nasty, Tony is the only person she can call on for help.Confronting a cruelty that has its roots in Nazi atrocities, Tony and Carol are thrown together in a world of violence and corruption, where they have no one to trust but each other.


尼科斯·卡贊扎基1883-1957是20世紀享有國際聲譽的希臘作家,代表作有《自由與死亡》《基督的最後誘惑》《奧德修記現代續篇》和《希臘奇人佐爾巴》等。他的作品廣為傳頌,也引起了廣泛的爭議。 “希臘人”這個詞,已經足以說明卡贊扎基一些不同於他人的個性魅力。他的作品被譽為復活了荷馬的精神,具有古代英雄史詩的氣概。確實,很少有當代作家能夠寫出這樣氣勢磅礴、充滿酒神精神,又洋溢著對理性的追求的作品,能夠用這樣博大的胸懷去審視人類的誘惑和苦難,把奔放和壓抑、偏執和對自由的追求結合得如此之好,如此殘酷又如此優美。



