《基於FPGA的系統設計》是(美國)沃爾夫編著的一本圖書。自在專用矽片上構造數字電路設計以來,數字設計在現場可程式門陣列 (FPGA) 中越來越多地實施。實現FPGA系統的有效設計,需要深刻理解VLSI問題和約束條件以及近期的FPGA專用技術。本書介紹了作為FPGA的設計者所應該掌握的全部專題,包括怎么做以及為什麼這樣做。首先介紹了VLSI的要點,包括其製造、電路、互聯、組合、順序邏輯設計以及系統體系,其次介紹了反映現代VLSI設計方法的知識,可充分發揮FPGA的最有價值的特性,從而緩解其限制條件。
隨書光碟中含有Xilinx學生編輯工具 (XSE) ,讀者可以通過仿照示例來學習使用工具並建立自己的例題。
Wayne Wolf 普林斯頓大學計算機科學系電子工程聯合學院教授,研究方向為嵌入式計算、多媒體系統、VLSI和計算機輔助設計。他是IEEE及ACM會員、IEEE計算機協會核心成員。2003年獲得ASEE/EED及HP Frederick E. Terman獎項。
1. FPGA-Based Systems.
Introduction. Basic Concepts. Digital Design and FPGAs. FPGA-Based System Design. Summary. Problems.
2. VLSI Technology.
Introduction. Manufacturing Processes. Transistor Characteristics. CMOS Logic Gates. Wires. Registers and RAM. Packages and Pads. Summary. Problems.
3. FPGA Fabrics.
Introduction. FPGA Architectures. SRAM-Based FPGAs. Permanently Programmed FPGAs. Chip I/O. Circuit Design of FPGA Fabrics. Architecture of FPGA Fabrics. Summary. Problems.
4. Combinational Logic.
Introduction. The Logic Design Process. Hardware Description Languages. Combinational Network Delay. Power and Energy Optimization. Arithmetic Logic. Logic Implementation for FPGAs. Physical Design for FPGAs. The Logic Design Process Revisited. Summary. Problems.
5. Sequential Machines.
Introduction. The Sequential Machine Design Process. Sequential Design Styles. Rules for Clocking. Performance Analysis. Power Optimization. Summary. Problems.
6. Architecture.
Introduction. Behavioral Design. Design Methodologies. Design Example. Summary. Problems.
7. Large-Scale Systems.
Introduction. Busses. Platform FPGAs. Multi-FPGA Systems. Novel Architectures. Summary. Problems.
Appendix A: Glossary.
Appendix B: Hardware Description Languages.
Introduction. Verilog. VHDL.