
埃倫·古斯塔夫森早先是一位名叫FEED幫助全球饑民的 慈善公司、非贏利機構和基金會的創立人,其機構向全球的六億學校的孩子們提供糧食。埃倫·古斯塔夫森還擔任了聯合國糧食計畫的美國方面的發言人,美國廣播公司調查團恐怖主義調查記者和軍方外事關係委員會聯合研究員。埃倫·古斯塔夫森擁有哥倫比亞大學國際政治文學學士學位。

* We the Eaters 作為埃倫·古斯塔夫森的經典著作,書籍的名稱均以英文為準,漢語譯名僅供參考。
![]() | 英文名:We the Eaters: If We Change Dinner, We Can Change the World |
漢語譯名:我們的吃法:若改變膳食將改變世界 | |
原文內容簡介:From your burger to your soda, Gustafson unpacks how even the hyper local can cause worldwide ripples. For instance: American agricultural policy promoting corn and soybeans in beef farming means we feed more to cows than to hungry people. This is compounded by the environmental cost of factory livestock farming, rising obesity rates, and the false economics of unhealthful high meat consumption. The answer? Eat a hamburger - just make it a smaller, sustainably raised, grass-fed one. Gustafson - a young entrepreneur, foreign policy expert, and food policy advocate - delivers a wake-up call that will inspire even the most passive reader to take action. We can love our food and our country while being better stewards of our system and our health. We the Eaters is nothing short of a manifesto: If we change dinner, we really can change the world. |