

Beyond the Chains of Illusion— Hu Zhiying’s Paintings 1989-2009 
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胡志穎是一位以文化哲學思考及體驗為創作動力的藝術家。他既不關注社會現實的表層變化, 也不關心個體心理及經驗的表達,在二十多年的創作中, 他唯一強調的是對終極命題的探尋, 以及對某種可能的超然精神的無限接近。在這樣的驅動力下, 他的創作在各個階段調節了水墨、大漆、油彩等各種媒介特性, 也調動了不同文化中的諸多符號、形象與象徵, 通過對不同文化系統中的表征片段的錯置與再造, 暗示著文化的無常屬性與幻象本質,並在這表征的裂縫中閃現著對存在的詩性直觀。
“在幻象鎖鏈的彼岸” 是法蘭克福學派哲學家艾里克· 弗洛姆的著作, 在這本書中, 他把弗洛伊德的無意識學說與馬克思的意識形態學說聯繫起來, 重新反思了人類自由的可能性。在這裡, 我們借用這本書的標題來概括胡志穎的繪畫語言與藝術境界: 通過一系列的視覺符號、形象及象徵的可見的“ 鏈條” 來抵達某種不可見的實體, 一種無法被文化所定義, 無法由經驗所感知, 亦不可被語言所觸及的存在本真。
A Brief Introduction to Beyond the Chains of Illusion—Hu Zhiying’s Paintings 1989-2009 
Hu Zhiying is an artist with cultural philosophical meditation and experiences as his motivation for creation. He does not concern the changes on the surface of social reality, and also not the expression of individual psychology and experience. During his 20 years creation, the only thing he emphasized is the exploration of ultimate theme and the infinite approach to some possible transcendent spirit. Under such a driving force, he adjusted the characteristics of various mediums like ink and wash, lacquer, greasepaint and others in his different phases of creation, and he also adopted many symbols, images and indications from various cultures, to imply the transient nature and illusory essence of culture through dislocation and re-creation of representation fragments in different culture systems, his poetic intuition is also reflected out in the crack of these representations.
"Beyond the Chains of Illusion” is a work of Erich Fromm, a philosopher of Frankfurt School. In this book, the author connected the theory of Unconsciousness by Freud and the ideological theory of Marx, re-reflected the possibility of human freedom. Here, we conclude Hu Zhiying’s painting language and art realm with the title of this book: to reach some invisible substance through the visible “chains” of a series of visual symbols, images and indications, which is the authenticity of existence that cannot be defined by culture, perceived by experience or touched by language.


6 胡志穎的崇高美學——————鮑 棟
1 3 志穎和他的畫——————呂品田
1 8 一個人的海市蜃樓——關於胡志穎和他的藝術——————楊 衛
2 3 摘錄( 一)
2 4 八十年代水墨作品
4 6 水墨語言的先天綜合性——————胡志穎
5 4 摘錄( 二)
5 6 文字系列
6 8 數學系列
7 8 天文系列
8 7 內典錄系列
9 8 文化權力的無常——解讀胡志穎——————王璜生
1 0 5 摘錄( 三)
1 0 7 零零年後作品
1 7 2 中國畫家胡志穎營造他的培根架構——————埃德· 邁科馬克
1 7 6 胡志穎年表
1 8 8 一位非傳統的個人主義藝術家:論胡志穎——————[ 法] 迪迪埃·赫希
1 9 2 胡志穎簡歷
9 The Sublime Aesthetics of Hu Zhiying ————Bao Dong
15 Zhiying and His Paintings ————Lv Pintian
20 The Mirage for a Single Person – About Hu Zhiying and His Art ————Yang Wei
23 Extraction I
24 Ink and Wash Works from 1980s
49 The Congenital Comprehensiveness of Ink and Wash Language ————Hu Zhiying
54 Extraction II
56 Characters Series
68 Mathematics Series
78 Astronomy Series
87 Buddhist Scriptures Series
100 The Transiency of Cultural Power – Reading Hu Zhiying ————Wang Huangsheng
106 Extraction III
107 Works After Year 2000
174 Chinese Painter Hu Zhiying Makes His Bones with Bacon ————Ed McCormack
180 Hu Zhiying Chronology
190 An Artist as Unconventional Personality: On Hu Zhiying ————Didier Hirsch
193 Curriculum Vitae


1959年生。藝術家、博士、教授。湖南湘陰人。被西方人稱為“終極的真正藝術家”。 美術作品赴德國、瑞士、比利時、義大利、美國等國展出,法國國家電視二台專題介紹,德國路德維希博物館收藏。美術作品載《美術觀察》(中國藝術研究院)、《江蘇畫刊》(江蘇美術出版社)、《當代藝術》(湖南美術出版社)、《中國當代高等美術院校實力派教師油畫教學對話》(河北美術出版社),以及“Art in America”(美國紐約)、“Gallery Guide”(美國紐約)、“China–Aktuelles aus 15 Ateliers”(德國出版)、“PLATFORM I”(荷蘭出版)、“CHINA NOW”(瑞士出版)等國內外專業書籍及刊物。論文載《美術觀察》(中國藝術研究院),譯文(與人合作)載《世界美術》(人民美術出版社)、《外國文藝》(上海譯文出版社)等專業書籍及刊物。專著有:《西方當代藝術狀態》(人民美術出版社)、《文學彼岸性研究》(中國社會科學出版社),畫冊有:《胡志穎作品集》(海風出版社)等。


