[English ] Hairdresser & Beautician Association (HBA
[ 中 文 ] 美發美容工作者協會(香港)
2007年11月, 美發美容工作者協會設立每年的11月7日為“世界美發日(World Hairdressing Day ) ”和“世界美容日(World Beauty Day)”,同時建議世界各國的美髮師和美容師放假半天。世界美發日介紹
每年的11月7日是美發美容工作者一年一度共同慶祝的世界性節日, 旨在促進人們對美發美容問題的理解和動員人們支持維護美發美容事業的發展, 根據世界各國美發美容行業情況, 開展一些具體的活動, 如出版,散發宣傳品,舉行會議, 研討會,以提高公眾意識。目的是為了推動各國政府和社會各界進一步重視一些美發美容行業問題, 並通過開展種種活動,宣傳美發美容行業與各行各業的關係及對社會經濟發展的作用。“世界美發日”和“世界美容日”是美發美容工作者協會'成立的紀念日, 時間在每年的11月7日, 為紀念這一特殊的子, 2007年11月, 美發美容工作者協會建議把每年11月7日定為“世界美發日”和“世界美容日” , 於2008年開始執行, 同時建議世界各國的美髮師和美容師放假半天。世界美發日由來
“世界美發日”和“世界美容日”是美發美容工作者協會'成立的紀念日,時間在每年的11月7日,為紀念這一特殊的子,2007年11月,美發美容工作者協會建議把每年11月7日定為“世界美發日”和“世界美容日”,於2008年開始執行,同時建議世界各國的美髮師和美容師放假半天。“世界美發日和世界美容日”的確立, 證明了在世界範圍內, 美髮師與美容師事業日益引起人們的廣泛關注, 不同種族的人們都開始形成一個共識, 美發美容事業是一項崇高而又光榮的事業, 是人類進步和文明的事業。世界美發日主題
世界美發日和世界美容日的永久性主題: 每年的11月7日, 建議世界各國的美髮師和美容師放假半天。English
World Hairdressing Day & World Beauty DayBrief Introduction to World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day:
The annual November 7 is the day to celebrate the annual festival of the hairdressing and beauty workers, aimed at promoting people's understanding on hairdressing and beauty and encouraging people to support development of hairdressing and beauty. According to industry conditions of Hairdressing and Beauty in the world, IHBA will carry out some specific activities, such as publishing, distributing publicity materials, meetings and seminars to raise public awareness and promote governments and social walks to pay more attention to Hairdressing and Beauty industry. Through carrying out all sorts of activities, IHBA publicizes the relations between the trades and the important role of hairdressing and beauty in social and economic development.
World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day is the anniversary of establishment of International Hairdresser & Beautician Association (IHBA), which falls on November 7 every year. In commemoration of this special day, IHBA proposed the establishment of November 7 as World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day in Nov. 2007 and commencement of it from 2008. It also proposed that all hairdressers and beauticians worldwide take half day off that day as a celebration.
International Hairdresser & Beautician Association (IHBA) is a non-governmental, permanent and non-profit international organization. The major objectives are to provide professional training and certification service for international hairdressers and beauticians. At present, IHBA has established cooperative relations with hairdressers & beauticians associations of 64 countries and has more than 10,000 individual members.
The Origin of World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day:
General Assembly of IHBA held in Hong Kong on Nov. 7, 2007 is the special meeting that for the first time the festival concerned by hairdressers and beauticians is discussed. The General Assembly adopted a resolution that November 7 is established as World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day. Establishment of World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day proves that people in the world have a growing concern on hairdressers and beauticians and people of different races have begun to reach the consensus that the hairdressing and beauty career is a noble and glorious undertaking driving advancement of humans civilization.
Theme of World Hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day:
The Permanent theme of World hairdressing Day and World Beauty Day: we propose that, on November 7 each year, hairdressers and beauticians in every country in the world enjoy a half-day holiday.