


國際掉期交易協會(International swaps and Derivatives Association,ISDA)



國際掉期交易協會(International Swaps and Derivatives Association,ISDA)為非營利性組織,成立於1985年,目前有來自46個國家超過600個機構會員,其中包括世界主要從事衍生性商品交易的金融機構、政府組織、使用OTC衍生性商品管理事業風險的企業以及國際性主要法律事務所等。


ISDA, which represents participants in the privately negotiated derivatives industry, is the largest global financial trade association, by number of member firms. ISDA was chartered in 1985, and today has over 800 member institutions from 56 countries on six continents. These members include most of the world's major institutions that deal in privately negotiated derivatives, as well as many of the businesses, governmental entities and other end users that rely on over-the-counter derivatives to manage efficiently the financial market risks inherent in their core economic activities.

Since its inception, ISDA has pioneered efforts to identify and reduce the sources of risk in the derivatives and risk management business. Among its most notable accomplishments are: developing the ISDA Master Agreement; publishing a wide range of related Documentation materials and instruments covering a variety of transaction types; producing legal opinions on the enforceability of netting and collateral arrangements (available only to ISDA members); securing recognition of the risk-reducing effects of netting in determining capital requirements; promoting sound risk management practices, and advancing the understanding and treatment of derivatives and risk management from public policy and regulatory capital perspectives.


