Thisbook,writtenfromanindustrialvantagepoint,providesadetaileddiscussionofsolid-statelasers,theircharacteristics,designandconstruction,andpracticalproblems.ThetitleSolid-StateLaserEngineeringhasbeenchosenbecausetheemphasisisplacedonengineeringandpracticalconsiderationsofsolid-statelasers.Ihavetriedtoenhancethedescriptionoftheengineeringaspectsoflaserconstructionandoperationbyincludingnumericalandtechnicaldata,tables,andcurves. 此書為英文版! {zzjj}
1.1 Optical Amplification
1.2 Interaction of Radiation with Matter
1.3 Absorption and Optical Gain
1.4 Creation of apopulationInversion
1.5 Laser Rate Equations
2.Properties of Solid-State Laser Materials
2.1 Overview
2.2 Ruby
2.3 Nd:Lasers
2.4 Er:Lasers
2.5 Tunable Lasers
2.6 Yb:YAG
3.Laser Oscillator
3.1 Operation at Threshold
3.2 Gain Saturation
3.3 Circulating Power
3.4 Relaxation Oscillations
3.6 Examples of Regenerative Oscillators
3.7 Travelling-Wave Oscillator
4.Laser Amplifier
4.1 Pulse Amplification
4.2 Steady-State Amplification
4.3 Signal Distortion
4.4 Gainlimitationand Amplifier Stability
5.Optical Resonator
5.1 Transverse Modes
5.2 Longitudinal Modes
5.3 Temporal and Spectral Stability
5.4 Hardware Design
5.5 Unstable Resonators
5.6 Wavelength Selection
6.Optical Pump Systems
6.1 Pump Sorces
6.2 Power Supplies
6.3 Pump Cavities and Coupling Optics
7.Thermo-Optic Effects and Heat Removal
7.1 Cylindrical Geometry
7.2 Cooling Techniques
7.3 Slab and disc Geometries
7.4 End-Pumped Configurations
8.1 Q-Switch Theory
9.Mode Locking
10.Nonlinear Devices
11.Damage of Optical Elements
AppendixA Laser Safety
AppendixB Conversion Factors and Constants
Subject Index