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Sichuan Education Association for International Exchange (SEAIE) is a provincial organization directly under the leadership and guidance of the Education Department of Sichuan Province with its missions to promote education exchange and cooperation among colleges, schools and other educational organizations in Sichuan and counterparts in other countries and regions. It explores and develops appropriate projects, and provides help and supports for internationalization of education in the whole province.
Scope of Work
(一) 促進與國外各級各類學校間建立和發展交流和合作
Facilitate communication and cooperation with foreign educational institutions in general.
(二) 承辦政府委託的教育合作項目
Undertake projects commissioned by the Government.
(三) 承辦國外教育機構資助的教育項目
Undertake projects funded by foreign organizations and institutions.
(四) 引進外籍教師、外國專家
Employ foreign teachers and experts.
(五) 派遣教師赴國外任教或研修
Send Chinese teachers abroad for study or teaching purposes.
(六) 與國外教育機構、院校合作開展教師培訓、人才培訓
Develop teacher-training programs in cooperation with international organizations.
(七) 協助組織赴境外進行綜合性或專業性教育訪問、考察
Organize education delegations and visits abroad.
(八) 接待境外師生和教育工作者來華學習、考察、訪問
Provide service for foreign teachers and students to visit or study in Sichuan.
(九) 提供出國留學政策、項目諮詢,與有關機構合作開發示範性項目;指導和監管自費出國留學中介機構
Provide consulting service about policies and programs for Sichuan students to study in foreign countries. Develop pilot projects in cooperation with relevant institutions. It supervises all legal education consulting agencies in Sichuan.
(十) 指導、組織、諮詢學生夏令營活動(國際、國內)
Organize students summer/winter camps (international/domestic).
(十一) 組織大學生海外實習
Organize overseas internship programs for college students.
(十二) 協助各類學校、地市教育部門、會員單位開展教育國際交流與合作
Assist all kinds of institutions and schools and municipal education departments to develop international exchange and cooperation.
(十三) 提供各類教育國際交流、合作辦學政策、法律諮詢
Provide policy and legal consultancy for joint schooling and joint programs.
(十四) 舉辦教育國際會議、研討會和展覽會
Organize international education conferences, seminars and exhibitions.
(十五) 提供代辦各類外事手續的服務
Offer procedural services on various kinds of foreign affairs.


