
tion readin often


This thesis is an excellent illustrationof how one can creatively exploit a conventional research genre for critical socio-ethnographic investigations.It makes a very interesting and informative reading,bringing to light some f the hidden complexities of socio-political undercurrents often implicationlly influencing socio-linguistic and educational reforms.It is also a very bold attempt fo uncover some of the hidden mysteries shaping,though often indirectly,such socio-educational reforms.It is almost like a forensic investigation beneath the facade of what appears to be and feeicient,self-assured and socially motivated consensual system.In a very modest way,the thesis unfolds the stories and experiences of educationl ptactitioners who take upon themselves the arduons task of introducing linguistic and educational reforms based on stuednt centered liberal educational ideologies from the western pedagogies in a typical local community of practice situated in Guangwai,the heartland of pedagogies in a typical local community of practice situated in Guang wai,the heartland of economic reforms in China ,which apparently is heavily influenced,may be dominated by Danwei,the ideology of central planning in the People's Republic of China.


Preface by Kathr


