2002 - 2007德國慕尼黑大學/馬普學會生物化學研究所,生物化學博士
1997 - 1999台灣陽明大學,碩士
1991 - 1995台灣東吳大學,學士
2013 - 至今 中科院上海生命科學院/上海交通大學醫學院健康科學研究所,研究員
2008 - 2013美國麻省理工學院癌症研究中心,博士後
1999 - 2001台灣中央研究院,研究助理
1995 - 1997 台灣中央研究院,研究助理
1) 探討非整倍體對細胞生長的影響及機制
2) 研發出以非倍體為靶點的癌症治療新方法
3) 研究非整倍體在細胞癌變過程的相關性
2013 中組部第四批“青年千人計畫”入選者
2009 - 2012 國際基金組織人類前沿科學計畫青年人才基金
1、Tang, Y-Cand Amon, A. Gene copy number alterations: A cost-benefit analysis.Cell. (in press)
2、Tang, Y-C., Williams, B.R., Siegel, J.J., and Amon, A. Identification of aneuploidy-selective antiproliferation compounds.Cell. 2011, 144(4):499-512.
3、Torres, E.M., Williams, B.R.,Tang, Y-C., and Amon, A. Thoughts on Aneuploidy.CSHL: Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 2010, 75:445-451.
4、Tang, Y-C*., Chang, H-C*., Chakraborty, K., Hartl, F.U., and Hayer-Hartl, M. Essential role of the chaperonin folding compartment in vivo.EMBO J. 2008, 27(10):1458-1468. *: Equal contribution
5、Sharma, S*., Chakraborty, K*., Müller, B.K*., Astola, N.,Tang, Y-C., Lamb, D.C., Hayer-Hartl, M., and Hartl, F.U. Monitoring protein conformation along the pathway of chaperonin-assisted folding.Cell. 2008, 133(1):142-153. *: Equal contribution
6、Chang, H-C.,Tang, Y-C., Hayer-Hartl, M., and Hartl, F. U. SnapShot: Molecular Chaperones, Part I.Cell. 2007, 128(1):212.
7、Tang, Y-C., Chang, H-C., Hayer-Hartl, M., and Hartl, F. U. SnapShot: Molecular Chaperones, Part II.Cell. 2007, 128(2):412.
8、Tang, Y-C., Chang, H-C., Roeben, A., Wischnewski, D., Wischnewski, N., Kerner, M. J., Hartl, F. U., and Hayer-Hartl, M. Structural features of the GroEL-GroES nano-cage required for rapid folding of encapsulated protein.Cell. 2006, 125(5):903-914.
9、Lee, Y-C*.,Tang, Y-C*., Chen, Y-H*., Wang, C-M., and Tsou, A-P. Selenite-induced survival of HuH7 hepatoma cells involves activation of focal adhesion kinase-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt pathway and Rac1.J. Biol. Chem.2003, 278(41):39615-39624. *: Equal contribution