

周天華,男,1970年出生,博士,教授,博士生導師,“教育部新世紀優秀人才計畫”獲得者。工作領域:1、細胞周期與細胞運動的分子調控機制 2、胃癌發病機理及其分子靶向治療研究 3、miRNA在癌症中的作用及機制。









中國細胞生物學學會精細細胞結構與功能分會 秘書長

浙江省細胞生物學學會 常務理事

Cell Research (影響因子9.417)編委




其在分子細胞生物學和分子腫瘤學等領域,具有比較紮實的理論知識和實踐基礎,自1997年以來,已在《Dev Cell》(Cell 子刊)、《PNAS》(美國國家科學院院刊)和《J Biol Chem》等國際學術期刊發表了20多篇原始學術論文,合計影響因子超過100,受到國際同行們的關注(已被國際學術雜誌引用了數百次)。2009年起,其領導的研究小組在細胞運動分子機理調控及人類重大疾病發生髮展的細胞運動基礎等領域,取得了一些有價值的實驗結果,在《PNAS》等國際著名刊物上發表了一系列的原創性學術文章。其研究工作受到國家自然科學基金、國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫)、國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)等項目的資助。


作為通訊作者和第一作者的主要論文(* 通訊作者):

1. Xu Y, Deng Y, Yan X and Zhou T*. Targeting miR-375 in gastric cancer. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets. (doi:10.1517/14728222.2011.581232) May 2011.(最新影響因子: 3.649)

2. Zhu X, Liu X, Jin Q, Cai Y, Yang Y and Zhou T.* (2010). The L279P Mutation of Nuclear Distribution Gene C (NudC) Influences Its Chaperone Activity and LIS1 Stability. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(39):29903-29910. (最新影響因子: 5. 328)

3. Ding L, Xu Y, Zhang W, Deng Y, Si M, Du Y, Hao H, Liu X, Si J and Zhou T.* (2010). MiR-375 Frequently Down-regulated in Gastric Cancer Inhibits Cell Proliferation by Targeting JAK2. Cell Research 20(7):784-793. (最新影響因子: 9.417)

4. Yang Y, Yan X, Cai Y, Lu Y, Si J* and Zhou, T.* (2010). NudC-like protein 2 regulates the LIS1/dynein pathway by stabilizing LIS1 with Hsp90. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(8): 3499-3504. (最新影響因子: 9.771)

5. Cai Y, Yang Y, Shen M and Zhou T.* (2009) Inhibition of cytokinesis by overexpression of NudCL that is localized to the centrosome and midbody. Cell Research 19(11):1305-1308. (當年影響因子: 8.151)

6. Du Y, Xu Y, Ding L, Yao H, Yu H, Zhou T* and Si M.* (2009) Down-regulation of miR-141 in gastric cancer and its involvement in cell growth. Journal of Gastroenterology 44(6):556–561. (當年影響因子: 2.909)

7. Zhou T, Zimmerman W, Liu X and Erikson RL. (2006). A Mammalian NudC-Like Protein Essential for Dynein Stability and Cell Viability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103(24):9039-9044. (當年影響因子: 9.643)

8. Zhou T,* Aumais J, Liu X, Yu-Lee, LY and Erikson, RL. (2003). A role for Plk1 phosphorylation of NudC in cytokinesis. Developmental Cell 5(1):127-138. (當年影響因子: 14.807)

9. Zhou TH, Ling K, Guo J, Zhou H, Wu Y, Jing Q, Ma L and Pei G. (2000). Identification of a human brain-specific isoform of mammalian STE20-like kinase 3 that is regulated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275(4):2513-2519. (當年影響因子: 7.368)

10. Wu GX,# Lin YM, # Zhou TH, # Gao H and Pei G. (2000). Significant down-regulation of alpha-albumin in human hepatoma and its implication. Cancer Letters 160(2), 229-236. (#共同第1作者,當年影響因子: 1.517)

11. Zhou TH, Ren XH, Yin DL, Wu YL, Li M, Lu CZ, Wu DC, Wu YQ, Peng YQ, Wang YP, Ma L and Pei G. (1997). Retardation of pain development: a case of recovery from congenital insensitivity to pain. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 41, 1077-1079. (當年影響因子: 1.953)


12. Gan L, Chen S, Zhong J, Wang X, EK Lam, Liu X, Zhang J, Zhou T, Yu J, Si J, Wang L, and Jin H. (2011). ZIC1 is downregulated through promoter hypermethylation, and functions as a tumor suppressor gene in colorectal cancer. PloS One 6(2): e16916. (最新影響因子: 4.610)

13. Zhou Q, Lu X, Gan L, Chen S, Zhou T, Wang L and Si J. (2010). Role of REG Iα in gastric carcinogenesis: Gastrin-associated proliferative and anti-apoptotic activities. Molecular Medicine REPORORTS 3(6): 999-1005. (最新影響因子: 0.307)

14. Li A, Zhou T, Guo L, Si J. (2010) Collagen type I regulates beta-catenin tyrosine phosphorylation and nuclear translocation to promote migration and proliferation of gastric carcinoma cells. Oncology Reports 23(5):1247-1255. (最新影響因子: 1.686)

15. Zhao Y, Zhou T, Yao H, Hei F, Wang L and Si M. (2009) A Potential Role of Collagens Expression in Distinguishing between Premalignant and Malignant Lesions in Stomach. The Anatomical Record 292(5):692-700. (當年影響因子: 1.490)

16. Chen Y, Chen Y, Liu WL, Zhou TH, Cai JT, Du Q, Wang LJ, Wu JG and Si JM. (2009). Therapeutic effects of rectal administration of muscovite on experimental colitis in rats. Journal Gastroenterology and Hepatology 24(5):912-919. (當年影響因子: 2.317)

17. Pan H, Sheng JZ, Tang L, Zhu R, Zhou TH and Huang HF. (2008). Increased expression of c-fos protein associated with increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 protein expression in the endometrium of endometriotic patients. Fertility & Sterility 90(4):1000-1007. (當年影響因子: 4.167)

18. Li M, Zhou TH, Gao Y, Zhang N and Li JC. (2007). Ultrastructure and estrogen regulation of the lymphatic stomata of ovarian bursa in mice. The Anatomical Record 290(10):1195-1202. (當年影響因子: 1.800)

19. Liu WL, Chen SJ, Chen Y, Sun LM, Zhang W, Zeng YM, Zhou TH and Si JM. (2007). Protective effects of heat shock protein70 induced by geranylgeranylacetone in atrophic gastritis in rats. Acta Pharmacology Sinica 28(7):1001-1006. (當年影響因子:1.677)

20. Liu AX, Jin F, Zhang WW, Zhou TH, Zhou CY, Yao WM, Qian YL and Huang HF. (2006). Proteomic analysis on the alteration of protein expression in the placental villous tissue of early pregnancy loss. Biology of Reproduction 75(3):414-420. (當年影響因子:3. 498)

21. Liu X, Lin CY, Lei M, Yan S, Zhou T and Erikson RL. (2005). CCT chaperonin complex is required for the biogenesis of functional Plk1. Molecular and Cellular Biology 25(12):4993-5010.(當年影響因子: 7.093)

22. Liu X, Zhou T, Yan S and Erikson RL. (2004). Molecular interaction of polo-like kinase 1 with mitotic kinesin-like protein CHO1/MKLP-1. Journal of Cell Science 117(15):3233-3246. (當年影響因子: 6.910)

23. Liu X, Yan S, Zhou T, Terada Y and Erikson RL. (2004). The MAP kinase pathway is required for entry into mitosis and cell survival. Oncogene 23(3): 763-776. (當年影響因子: 6.318)

24. Wang P, Wu Y, Zhou TH, Sun Y and Pei G. (2000). Identification of alternative splicing variants of the beta subunit of human Ca (2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with different activities. FEBS Letters 475(2):107-110. (當年影響因子: 3.440)

25. Yu QM, Cheng ZJ, Zhou TH, Cen B, Guo SQ and Pei G. (1999). Molecular cloning of human beta arrestin1 cDNA, expression and function study. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 31(3):344-346. (最新影響因子: 1.547)

26. Lou LG, Zhou T, Wang P and Pei, G. (1999). Modulation of Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Activity by Acute and Chronic Morphine Administration in Rat Hippocampus: Differential Regulation of  and  Isoforms. Molecular Pharmacology 55(3):557-563. (最新影響因子: 4.725)

27. Fan GH, Zhou TH, Zhang WB and Pei G. (1998). Suppression of Phospholipase C blocks Gi-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity. European Journal of Pharmacology 341(2), 317-322. (最新影響因子: 2.737)

28. Yu QM., Cheng ZJ, Zhao J, Zhou TH, Wu YL Ma L and Pei G. (1998). Carboxyl terminal of rhodopsin kinase is required for the phosphorylation of photo-activated rhodopsin. Cell Research 8(4),:303-310. (最新影響因子: 9.417)

29. Wu Y L, Fan GH, ZhaoJ, Zhou TH, Ma L and Pei, G. (1997). Functional expression of Opioid receptor-like Receptor and its endogenous specific agonist Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ during Mouse embryogenesis. Cell Research 7(2):207-215. (最新影響因子: 9.417)


1. Zhou, T. and Erikson, R.L. A role of Polo-like kinase 1 phosphorylation of NudC in cytokinesis. In Signal Transduction of Cell Division, T. Miki, ed. (Research Signpost). (2005).


FJ215684 (Homo sapiens NudC-like protein 2),

AF083420 (homo sapiens brain-specific STE20-like protein kinase 3, MST3b),

AF078803 (homo sapiens calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 2 beta subunit),

AF081924 (homo sapiens calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 2 beta 6 subunit),

AF140350 (Homo sapiens calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II beta 7 subunit),

AF083419 (homo sapiens calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase beta 2 e subunit),

AF081572 (homo sapiens calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 2 beta e’ subunit),

AF091486 (homo sapiens calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 2 alpha subunit),

AF084040 (homo sapiens beta-arrestin 1A),

AF084940 (homo sapiens beta-arrestin 1B),

AF106941 (homo sapiens beta-arrestin 2).


1. 美國專利“Method for detecting liver cell in peripheral blood” (專利證書號:CN1331417-A,排名第三)





