
吳志勇,男,1979年出生,浙江松陽人,教授,博士生導師,全國優秀博士學位論文獲得者。1997年進入河海大學水文與水資源利用專業學習,2001年獲學士學位,並保送碩士研究生。2003年提前攻博,師從陸桂華教授,2008年獲河海大學水文學及水資源博士學位,並留校任教。2011年4月被聘為河海大學首批青年教授(正高級),2012年10月被聘為博士生導師,2016年7月晉升河海大學教授。2004年6~7月和2005年7~8月,兩次赴加拿大McGill University大氣海洋科學系開展陸氣耦合洪水預報研究。2014年9月~2015年8月,在美國George Mason University訪問,開展多源土壤含水量融合研究。


主要研究方向為陸氣耦合流域水文模擬及預報、乾旱模擬監測及預報、氣候變化對水文水資源的影響、水文信息採集與處理和水利信息化等。主持開發了“基於氣象-水文耦合的全國乾旱預測系統”和“全國旱情監測預測系統——水文乾旱子系統”;參與開發了“全國水文測報信息管理系統”和“基於 WebGIS 全國水文站網信息系統”等水利部信息中心的業務運行系統。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目(編號51579065和51779071)和青年項目、全國優秀博士學位論文作者專項資金資助項目、973計畫項目專題、國家科技重大專項專題、水利部公益性行業科研專項項目(編號201301040)、江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目(編號BK20131368)以及中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目等26項。參與“十一五”國家科技支撐計畫項目、國家自然科學基金面上項目、水利部公益性行業科研專項、水利部“948”計畫項目、江蘇省水利科技項目等國家與地方重點項目17項。





1. Jianhong Zhou, Zhiyong Wu*,Hai He,Zhengguang Xu ,Xiaotao Wu.Assimilation of in situ observed soil moisture into Variable Infiltration Capacity model using an Ensemble Kalman Filter considering spatial variability.Submitted on 2018/02/28.(Under Review).

2. Zhiyong Wu*,Jianhong Zhou,Hai He,Qingxia Lin,Xiaotao Wu ,Zhengguang Xu.An advanced error correction methodology for merging in-situ observed and model-based soil moisture.Journal of Hydrology.Submitted on 2017/12/23.(Under 3nd round Review)

3. XU Huating, WU Zhiyong*,LUO Lifeng,HE Hai.Verification of High-resolution Medium-range Precipitation Forecasts from Global Environmental Multiscale Model over China During 2009-2013.Atmosphere.Accepted on 2018/03/03.

4. Xiaotao Wu,Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu*,Hai He,Jianhong Zhou,Zhenchen Liu.An integration approach for mapping field capacity of China based on multisource soil datasets.Geoderma.Submitted on 2017/08/14.(Under 2nd round Review)

5. WU Zhiyong*,ZHANG Yuliang,SUN Zhenli,LIN Qingxia,HE Hai.Improvement of a combination of TMPA and ground-based precipitation and application to a typical region of the East China Plain.Science of the Total Environment.Submitted on 2018/02/16.(Under Review)

6. 吳志勇*,徐征光,肖恆,吳宏偉.基於模擬土壤含水量的長江上游乾旱事件時空特徵分析.長江流域資源與環境.2018, 27(01): 96-.

7. Zhenchen Liu,Guihua Lu,Hai He*, Zhiyong Wu,Jian He.A conceptual prediction model for seasonal drought processes using atmospheric and oceanic standardized anomalies: application to regional drought processes in China,Hydrol.Earth Syst.Sci.,22,529-546,2018.


8. Zhenchen Liu,Guihua Lu,Hai He*, Zhiyong Wu,Jian He.Understanding Atmospheric Anomalies Associated with Seasonal Pluvial-Drought Processes Using Southwest China as an Example: Seasonal Pluvial-Drought Processes,Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres,2017,DOI: 10.1002/2017JD026867 27

9. Wu Zhiyong*,Huating Xu,Yuanyuan Li,Lei Wen ,Jianqiang Li ,Guihua Lu,Xiaoyan Li.Climate and drought risk regionalisation in China based on probabilistic aridity and drought index.Science of The Total Environment,2017,612:513-521.

10.Zhenchen Liu,Guihua Lu,Hai He*, Zhiyong Wu,Jian He.Anomalous Features of Water Vapor Transport during Severe Summer Droughts in Southwest China.Water 9(4):244,DOI10.3390/w9040244

11.Lin Qingxia, Zhiyong Wu*,Vijay P Singh,S.H.R.Sadeghi,Hai He and Guihua Lu.Correlation between Hydrological Drought,Climatic Factors,Reservoir Operation,and Vegetation Cover in the Xijiang Basin,South China.Journal of Hydrology 549,2017,DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.04.020

12.LI Yuan,Guihua LU, Zhiyong WU*,Hai HE and Jian HE.High-resolution dynamical downscaling of seasonal precipitation forecasts for the Hanjiang Basin in China using the Weather Research and Forecasting model.Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.2017,doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0268.1.

13.Mao Yun, Zhiyong Wu*,Hai He,Guihua Lu,Huating Xu,Qingxia Lin.Spatio-temporal analysis of drought in a typical plain region based on the Soil Moisture Anomaly Percentage Index.Science of the Total Environment.2017,752-765.DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.

14.杜雅玲,陸桂華, 吳志勇,何海.基於TIGGE數據的中期降水預報在江蘇省的套用效果評估.南水北調與水利科技,1-10.

15. 吳志勇,鄭寧,冒雲,周建宏,張宇亮.基於VIC模型和地貌單位線的中小水庫入庫預報研究.水電能源科學,2017,35(10):21-24.

16.吳娟,林荷娟, 吳志勇,薑桂花,季同德.厄爾尼諾事件對太湖流域降水的影響.水文,2017,37(05):60-65.

17.孫振利, 吳志勇,何海.TRMM衛星反演降水在江蘇典型平原區的評估與訂正.水電能源科學,2017,35(02):24-28.

18.王童,何海, 吳志勇.近30年來窟野河流域土地利用與植被覆蓋度變化分析.水電能源科學.2017,35(11):127-130.


19.Lu Guihua,Hongwei Wu,Heng Xiao*,Hai He, Zhiyong Wu*.Impact of climate change on drought in the upstream Yangtze River Region,Water 2016,8,576, doi:10.3390/w8120576.

20.LI Yuan,Guihua LU, Zhiyong WU*,Hai HE,Jun SHI,Yuexiong MA and Shichuang Weng.Evaluation of optimized WRF precipitation forecast over a complex topography region during flood season.Atmosphere,2016,7(11),157347.

21.Zhang Baoqing*,Biao Long, Zhiyong Wu*,Zikui Wang.An evaluation of the performance and the contribution of different modified water demand estimates in drought modeling over water-stressed regions,Land Degradation & Development,2017,DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2655.

22. Wu Zhiyong*,Chen Xia,Lu Guihua,Xiao Heng,He Hai,Zhang Jianhua.Regional response of runoff in CMIP5 multi-model climate projections of Jiangsu Province,China,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,2016,DOI: 10.1007/s00477-016-1349-9

23. 吳志勇,林青霞.西江流域水文乾旱時空特徵分析.水資源保護,2016,32(1): 51-57.

24. Wu Zhiyong,Juan Wu*,and Guihua Lu.A one-way coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling system with combination of high-resolution and ensemble precipitation forecasting.Frontiers of Earth Science,2016,10(3): 432-443,DOI: 10.1007/s11707-015-0535-2.

25. Wu Zhiyong*,Yun Mao,Xiaoyan Li,Guihua Lu,Qingxia Lin,Huating Xu.Exploring spatiotemporal relationships among meteorological,agricultural,and hydrological droughts in Southwest China.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,2016,30(3): 1033-1044.DOI: 10.1007/s00477-015-1080-y


26.Guihua Lu,Jingjing Liu, Zhiyong Wu*,Hai He,Huating Xu,and Qingxia Lin.Development of a large-scale routing model with scale independent by considering the damping effect of sub-basins.Water Resources Management,2015,29(14):5237-5253.DOI:10.1007/s11269-015-1115-7.

27. Wu Zhiyong*,Qingxia Lin,Guihua Lu,Hai He,John J Qu.Analysis of hydrological drought frequency for the Xijiang River Basin in South China using observed streamflow data,Natural Hazards,2015,77(3): 1655-1677,DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-1668-z

28. Wu Zhiyong*,Heng Xiao,Guihua Lu,Jinming Chen.Assessment of Climate Change Effects on Water Resources in the Yellow River Basin,China.Advances in Meteorology,2015,Article ID 816532,8 pages,DOI: 10.1155/2015/816532

29. 吳志勇,劉志雨*,肖恆,尹志傑,張亞洲.氣候變化對淮河蒙窪蓄滯洪區啟用風險影響評估.氣候變化研究進展,2015,11(1): 1-7,DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-1719.2015.01.001

30.陸桂華,張亞洲,肖恆,劉志雨,胡建偉, 吳志勇*.氣候變化對蚌埠市暴雨與淮河洪水遭遇機率分析.氣候變化研究進展,2015,11 (1): 31-37


31.黎小燕, 吳志勇*,陸桂華.三種乾旱指數在西南地區的套用及相關性分析.水電能源科學,2014: 32(5):1-5

32.Juan Wu,Lu Guihua , Zhiyong Wu*.Flood forecasts based on multi-model ensemble precipitation forecasting using a coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling system,Natural Hazards,2014.74(2): 325-340.

33.Qin Ju, Zhongbo Yu, Zhenchun Hao, Gengxin Ou, Zhiyong Wu, Chuanguo Yang, Huanghe Gu.The response of hydrologic processes to the future climate changes in the Yangtze River basin.J.Hydrol.Eng.,2014,19(1),211–222.

34.陸桂華,鍾凌, 吳志勇,何海.中小流域山洪危險性區劃.地球科學(中國地質大學學報),2014,10:1438-1444.

35.陸桂華,楊燁, 吳志勇,何海,肖恆.未來氣候情景下長江上游區域積雪時空變化分析——基於CMIP5多模式集合數據.水科學進展,2014,04:484-493.

36.董亮,陸桂華, 吳志勇,何海.基於大氣環流因子的西南地區乾旱預測模型及套用.水電能源科學,2014,08:5-8.

37.陳金明,陸桂華, 吳志勇,何海.長江流域極端降水過程事件的年內分布特徵.長江流域資源與環境,2014,04:588-594.

38.蘇翠,陸桂華,何海, 吳志勇,何健.珠江流域水汽輸送特徵分析.水電能源科學,2014,02:1-6.

39.費玲玲,陸桂華, 吳志勇,何海,何健.西南地區特大幹旱大氣環流特徵分析.中國農村水利水電,2014,08:26-29+35.

40.姬生才,何海, 吳志勇.環境庫茲涅茨曲線在水資源領域的套用進展.水資源保護,2014,6: 001.


41. Wu Zhiyong,Qingxia Lin,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen,Silong Zhang,Jianwei Hu.A comprehensive assessment of extending the lead time of precipitation and streamflow forecast by using coupled hydrological and atmospheric modeling system.Disaster Advances,2013,6: 519-528.

42.Yan Guixia, Zhiyong Wu,Denghua Li.Comprehensive Analysis of the Persistent Drought Events in Southwest China.Disaster Advances,2013,6: 306-315.

43.Lu Gui-Hua,Heng Xiao, Zhi-Yong Wu,Si-Long Zhang,Yan Li.Assessing the Impacts of Future Climate Change on Hydrology in Huang-Huai-Hai Region in China Using the PRECIS and VIC Models Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,2013,18(9),1077–1087.

44.Wu Zhiyong,Lu Guihua,Liu Zhiyu,Wang Jinxing,Xiao Heng.Trends of Extreme Flood Events in the Pearl River Basin under Climate Change.ACCR,2013,V4(2): 110-116.

45.肖恆,陸桂華, 吳志勇,劉志雨.珠江流域未來30年洪水對氣候變化的回響,水利學報,2013,44(12): 1409-1419

46.陸桂華,何健, 吳志勇,楊揚,黃嘉佑.淮河流域致洪暴雨的異常水汽輸送.水科學進展,2013,24(1): 11-17

47.陸桂華,匡亞紅, 吳志勇,何海.中國不同氣候區模擬土壤含水量的時空特徵分析.中國農村水利水電.2013,05:15-19.

48.陸桂華,陳金明, 吳志勇,肖恆.近50年中國最大1d降水量變化趨勢分析.水電能源科學,2013,31(3):12-16

49.陸桂華,張建, 吳志勇,何海.中國南方地區VIC模型參數格線化公式.水電能源科學.2013,05:13-17.

50.梅傳貴,陸桂華, 吳志勇,何海,楊揚,何健.西南地區特大幹旱前期天氣系統異常特徵分析.水電能源科學,2013,(10):1-5


51. 吳志勇,陸桂華,劉志雨,王金星,肖恆.氣候變化背景下珠江流域極端洪水事件的變化趨勢.氣候變化研究進展,2012,8(6): 403-408

52. 吳志勇,陸桂華,郭紅麗,匡亞紅.基於模擬土壤含水量的乾旱監測技術.河海大學學報(自然科學版),2012,40(1): 28-32 ISSN 1000-1980

53.陸桂華,吳娟, 吳志勇.水文集合預報試驗及其研究進展.水科學進展,2012,23(5): 728-734 (EI)

54.吳娟,陸桂華, 吳志勇.基於多模式降水集成的陸氣耦合洪水預報.水文,2012,32(5): 1-6

55.范輝, 吳志勇,張健.VIC模型匯流方案的改進.水文,2012,32(5): 7-11.

56.楊燁,陸桂華, 吳志勇,何海.金沙江上游流域水文循環要素變化特徵分析.水電能源科學,2012,(3):8-10


57. Wu Zhiyong,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen,Charles A.Lin.Reconstructing and analyzing China’s fifty-nine year (1951-2009) drought history using hydrological model simulation.Hydrol.Earth Syst.Sci.,15,2881-2894,doi:10.5194/hess-15-2881-2011,2011.

58.Lei Wen,Charles A.Lin, Zhiyong Wu,Guihua Lu,John Pomeroy,Yufei Zhu.Reconstructing sixty year (1950-2009) daily soil moisture over the Canadian Prairies using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model.Canadian Water Resources Journal,2011,36:(1) 83-102,10.4296/cwrj3601083


59.Charles A.Lin,Lei Wen,Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu,Jianyun Zhang,Yang Yang,Yufei Zhu,Linying Tong.Real-time forecast of the 20 05 and 2007 summer severe floods in the Huaihe River Basin of China.Journal of Hydrology,2010,381: 33-41

60. 吳志勇,郭紅麗,金君良,閆桂霞.氣候變化情景下黑河流域極端水文事件的回響.水電能源科學,2010.28(2):7-9.

61.陸桂華,閆桂霞, 吳志勇等.基於copula函式的區域乾旱分析方法.水科學進展,2010,21(2):188-193.

62.Zhou,Yu-Liang, Lu,Gui-Hua, Wu,Zhi-Yong, Jin,Ju-Liang.Study on rainfall space-time downscaling based on multifractal analysis.Source: Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Gongcheng Kexue Ban)/Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition),v 42,n 2,p 26-33,March 2010 Language: Chinese

63.金君良,陸桂華, 吳志勇.VIC模型在西北乾旱地區的套用研究.水電能源科學.2010年第1期。

64.郝晶晶,陸桂華,閆桂霞, 吳志勇.氣候變化下黃淮海平原的乾旱趨勢分析.水電能源科學,2010,28(11): 12-15


65.陸桂華,金君良, 吳志勇,何海.水文模型植被參數獲取方法及套用研究.水利水運工程學報.2009年第4期。

66.閆桂霞,陸桂華, 吳志勇.基於PDSI與SPI的綜合氣象乾旱指數研究.水利水電技術,2009: 40(4)

67.Yan-xia KANG,Gui-hua LU, Zhi-yong WU.Comparison and analysis of bare soil evaporation models combined with ASTER data in Heihe river basin[J].Water Science and Engineering,2009,2(4):16-27.

68.陸桂華,康燕霞, 吳志勇等.西北乾旱區水面蒸發的遙感研究[J].水利水電技術,2009,40(8):31-35.

69.康燕霞,陸桂華, 吳志勇等.淮河流域參考作物蒸散發的變化及對氣候的回響[J].水電能源科學,2009,27(6):12-14.

70.Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu*,Lei Wen,Charles A.Lin,Jianyun Zhang,YangYang.Real Time Flood Forecast and Flood Alert Map over the Huaihe River Basin in China Using a Coupled Hydro-meteorological Modeling System,Sci.China Ser.E-Tech Sci,2008,51(7): 1049-1063

71. Wu Zhiyong,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen,Charles A.Lin,Jianyun Zhang,YangYang.Thirty-five year (1971-2005) simulation of daily soil moisture using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model over China,Atmos.Ocean,2007,45(1): 37-45

72.Lei Wen, Zhiyong Wu,Guihua Lu,Charles A.Lin,Jianyun Zhang,Yang Yang.Analysis and Improvement of Runoff Generation in the Land Surface Scheme CLASS and Comparison with Field Measurements from China,J.Hydrol,2007,345: 1-15

73.Qi XiaoMing, Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu, Junliang Jin.Hydrology similarity degree and its application.Shuili Xuebao/Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,v 38,n 3,p 355-360,March 2007 Language: Chinese

74.Charles A.Lin,Lei Wen,Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu,J.Y.Zhang,Y.Yang,Y.F.Zhu,L.Y.Tong.Atmospheric-hydrological modeling of severe precipitation and floods in the Huaihe River Basin,China.J.Hydrol,2006,330: 249-259

75. 吳志勇,陸桂華,WEN Lei.陸面過程模式CLASS徑流模擬的改進和套用.氣候與環境研究,2007,12(4):515-523

76. 吳志勇,陸桂華,張建雲,楊揚.基於VIC模型的逐日土壤含水量模擬.地理科學,2007,27(3): 359-364

77.陸桂華, 吳志勇,雷 Wen,張建雲.陸氣耦合模型在實時暴雨洪水預報中的套用,水科學進展,2006,17(6): 847-852

78. 吳志勇,郭紅麗,張宗德.用MapBasic自動提取AutoCAD地形圖高程數據.水利水電科技進展,2004,3:31-32


79. Zhiyong WU,John QU.Exploring Spatiotemporal Relationships Among Meteorological,Agricultural,and Hydrological Droughts in Southwest China,AOGS 2015,Singapore,HS06-D4-AM1-312-007

80. Wu Z.Y.,Y.Mao,G.H.Lu,Y.Yang,J.H.Zhang.Spatial-temporal Variation and Trend of Meteorological Variables in Jiangsu,China.Advanced Engineering and Technology - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Congress on Advanced Engineering and Technology,CAET 2014,pp.189–194,2014

81.Lu,G.H.,Dong,L., Wu,Z.Y.A method on long-term forecasting of meteorological droughts in the southwest of China.Advanced Engineering and Technology - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Congress on Advanced Engineering and Technology,CAET 2014,pp.177–182,2014

82.He,J.,Lu,G.H., Wu,Z.Y.,He,H.,Yang,Y.,Huang,J.Y.Climatological anomalies of 500 hPa height fields for heavy rainfalls over the Huaihe River Basin.Advanced Engineering and Technology - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Congress on Advanced Engineering and Technology,CAET 2014,pp.171–176,2014

83.YUAN LI,G.H.LU, Z.Y.WU ,JUN SHI.Optimization of dynamic downscaling scheme for quantitative precipitation forecast.the 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium & 3rd International Conference of GIS and Remote Sensing in Hydrology,Water Resources and Environment held at Guangzhou,China from August 24 to 27,2014.

84. Zhiyong Wu,Yun Mao,Guihua Lu,Jianhua Zhang.Simulation of soil moisture for typical plain region using Variable Infiltration Capacity model.the 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium & 3rd International Conference of GIS and Remote Sensing in Hydrology,Water Resources and Environment held at Guangzhou,China from August 24 to 27,2014.

Wu,Z.,Mao,Y.,Lu,G.,and Zhang,J.: Simulation of soil moisture for typical plain region using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model,Proc.IAHS,368,215-220,doi:10.5194/piahs-368-215-2015,2015.

85.D.L.XU, Z.Y.WU,Y.YANG,Z.Y.HU.Hydrological responses of the upper reaches of Yangtze River to climate change,CHE2014.

86.陸桂華,劉臻晨, 吳志勇.2006年川渝特大伏旱天氣系統異常特徵分析.中國氣象學會.第31屆中國氣象學會年會S5 乾旱災害風險評估與防控.中國氣象學會:,2014:11.

87. Wu Zhiyong,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen,Jhon J.Qu .Regional drought monitoring and forecasting system for China based on simulated soil moisture.International Symposium on Weather and Climate Extremes,Food Security and Biodiversity,George Mason University,Fairfax,Virginia,USA,20-24 October,2014.(Oral presentation)

88. WU Zhiyong,Heng XIAO,Guihua LU.Response of Runoff to Climate Change Scenario in the Yellow River Basin,China.AOGS 11th Annual Meeting,28 Jul to 01 Aug,2014,Sapporo,Japan.

89. Wu Zhiyong,Li Xiaoyan,Lu guihua.Drought Frequency Analysis in China Using a 55-year Dataset of Reconstructed Soil Moisture .IAHS - IAPSO - IASPEI Joint Assembly Gothenburg,Sweden 22-26 July 2013

Wu Zhiyong,Li Xiaoyan,Lu guihua.Drought Frequency Analysis in China Using a 55-year Dataset of Reconstructed Soil Moisture .Climate and Land-surface Changes in Hydrology.Proceedings of H01,IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly,Gothenburg,Sweden,July 2013 (IAHS Publ.359,289-294,2013).

90.Shi jun,Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu,Yuan Li.Design and Application of WRF Computing Platform Based on B/S Structure.2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences,Electric Engineering and Computer (MEC),2013,Shenyang ,China,December 14-16,2013

Shi jun,Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu,Yuan Li.Design and Application of WRF Computing Platform Based on B/S Structure.Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences,Electric Engineering and Computer (MEC) ,2013: 1804-1807

91.Lin,Q.X., Wu,Z.Y*.,Lu,G.H.Hydrologic drought characteristics analysis of Xijiang basin,China.IAHS - IAPSO - IASPEI Joint Assembly Gothenburg,Sweden 22-26 July 2013 (oral presentation)

92.Kuang,Y.H.,Lu,G.H., Wu,Z.Y.Regional drought event identification and characteristics analyzing in China.IAHS - IAPSO - IASPEI Joint Assembly Gothenburg,Sweden 22-26 July 2013

93.匡亞紅,陸桂華, 吳志勇.中國近60年模擬土壤含水量時空特徵分析.2012中國水文學術討論會論文集,2012,728-734.

94.董亮,陸桂華, 吳志勇.近50年西南地區氣象乾旱演變特徵分析.2012中國水文學術討論會論文集,2012,611-615.

95. Wu Zhiyong,Xiaoyan Li,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen.Soil Moisture Based Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System: Development and Preliminary Results.AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly,Resorts World Convention Centre,Singapore,2012 (oral presentation,invited)

96.Guihua Lu,Jinming Chen, Zhiyong WU,Heng Xiao,2011.Climate change impacts on runoff in the Yellow River Basin.Proceedings of International Symposium on Climate Change and water [C],242-248.

97.Zhang Jian,Lu Guihua, Wu Zhiyong,2011.Regionalization of VIC Model parameters for china.Proceedings of International Symposium on Climate Change and water [C],390-396.

98. Wu Zhiyong,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen,Yahong Kuang.Drought identification and monitoring in China by using VIC soil moisture.International Workshop on Water-related Disaster Prediction and Prevention,Hohai University,Nanjing,China,November 28-30,2011(oral presentation)

99. Wu Zhiyong,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen ,Yahong Kuang.Variation and Trends of Regional Drought in China,AGU,San Francisco,California,USA,2011(oral presentation)

100. Wu Zhiyong,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen,Charles A.Lin.Long-term changes of simulated soil moisture over China.World Environmental & Water Resources Congress,Palm Springs,California,USA,2011

101. 吳志勇,陸桂華,郭紅麗.基於模擬土壤含水量的乾旱監測技術,水文水資源學術研討會,2010.10.27,中國南京

102. 吳志勇,肖恆,陸桂華.中國年最大1d雨量年際演變趨勢分析.第27屆中國氣象學會年會論文集,2010,中國北京.

103. Wu Zhiyong,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen,Charles A.Lin.A real-time drought monitoring and forecasting system in china.IWRM5,Nanjing,China,2010

Wu Zhiyong,Guihua Lu,Lei Wen,Charles A.Lin.A real-time drought monitoring and forecasting system in china.In: Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources Sustainability in Changing Environments (Proceedings of IWRM2010,Nanjing,China,November 2010).IAHS Publ.350,2011: 9-17.

104. Wu Zhiyong,Lu Guihua,Lei Wen,Charles A.Lin.Evaluation of real-time flood forecasting over the Huaihe River basin of China for the flooding seasons of 2005-2009.Proceedings of 9th international Conference on Hydroinformatics, Tianjin,China,2010,VOL.3: 1833-1840.

105. 陸桂華, 吳志勇,雷 Wen,張建雲,楊揚.陸氣耦合技術套用研究進展[A].張建雲等.中國水文科學與技術研究進展—全國水文學術討論會論文集[C].南京:河海大學出版社,2004.14-20

106. Junliang Jin,Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu.Estimating precipitation for poorly-gauged areas in western China.Proceedings of Symposium HS.2 at the Joint IAHS & IAH Convention,Hyderabad,India,IAHS Publication 333,2009: 238-244.

107. Junliang Jin,Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu.Hydrological simulation in data sparse areas of western China,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Modelling and Simulation,ICMS2009,v 2,p 202-206,2009,

108. Guixia Yan,Guihua lu, Zhiyong Wu.Estimating potential evapotranspiration of the PDSI model under limited data conditions.International symposium of IAHS-PUB and the 2nd international.November 7th-9th,2008,Chengdu,China

Guixia Yan,Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu.Estimating potential evapotranspiration of the PDSI model under limited data conditions.Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Gongcheng Kexue Ban)/Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition),v 41,n SUPPL.2,p 137-142,September 2009


1.陸桂華, 吳志勇,何海.大範圍乾旱動態監測與預測.科學出版社,2018(出版中,獲2017年度國家科學技術學術著作出版基金資助).

2.劉志雨, 吳志勇,陳曉宏,陳芷菁.氣候變化對南方典型洪澇災害高風險區防洪安全影響及適應對策,科學出版社,2016.

3.陸桂華, 吳志勇,何海.水文循環過程及定量預報.科學出版社,2010,pp359.


1. 2011年,水利部大禹水利科學技術一等獎,水文循環大氣-陸面過程模擬及套用,完成人員:陸桂華、 吳志勇、包為民、何 海、李 岩、章四龍、鞠 琴、楊 揚、胡健偉、楊 濤、徐時進、金君良、何 健、戚曉明、薛倉生

2. 2011年,首屆劉光文青年科技獎(全國共4人)

3. 2010年,全國百篇優秀博士論文獎勵,論文題目《定量降雨與實時洪水預報研究》

4. 2009年,江蘇省優秀博士論文獎勵,論文題目《定量降雨與實時洪水預報研究》

5. 2007年,水利部大禹水利科學技術一等獎,基於WebGIS的全國水文站網信息系統,完成人員:陸桂華、張靜怡、何惠、胡鳳彬、胡震雲、蔡建元、宋蘭蘭、何海、徐健、 吳志勇、徐海卿、胡健偉、戚曉明


1. 鞠琴、郝振純、 吳志勇、何海、董貴明、田娟、陳璽,一種活塞式磁浮傳動可直讀多功能風速計,發明專利,專利授權號:zl201110054800.8。

2. 鞠琴、郝振純、 吳志勇、何海、董貴明、田娟、陳璽,一種活塞式磁浮傳動可直讀多功能風速計,實用新型專利,專利授權號:zl201120058672.X。

3. 鞠琴,郝振純,余鍾波, 吳志勇,郝潔,顧鶴南,向龍,趙妍,郭磊,堵同柱.不同埋深下包氣帶水流運動試驗裝置,發明專利,專利授權號:201510663056.X

4. 劉京京, 吳志勇,何海,董亮,林青霞,徐華亭.一種提取流域邊界內數據信息的方法,發明專利,專利授權號:201410291125.4

5. 劉京京, 吳志勇,何海,鞠琴,董亮,吳曉韜.基於IDL和Mapinfo的子流域劃分與信息提取方法,發明專利,專利授權號:201310662799.6


1. 吳志勇,李源,陸桂華,何海,石軍.基於Flex和WebGIS的定量降水預報系統V1.0 ,2015-01-29,登記號:2015SR070973

2. 吳志勇,董亮,何海,李源,劉瑧晨,吳曉韜,陸桂華.基於VB和IDL的全國大範圍乾旱預測系統V1.0,2017-06-16,登記號:2017SR273244


1. 2018~2021,國家自然科學基金面上項目:耦合作物模型與水文模型的農業乾旱評估方法研究

2. 2017~2020,國家重點研發計畫項目專題:代表性流速指標分布規律與河段三維流速數值模擬研究

3. 2017~2019,中央高校基本科研業務費項目:基於改進作物缺水指數的農業乾旱評估研究

4. 2017~2017,水利部水利信息中心基金項目:分散式格線化產流模組及匯流模組開發

5. 2017~2019,黃河水利科學研究院基本業務費項目:黃土高原水流模擬模型及水沙耦合模型研究

6. 2017~2018,江蘇省水利科技基金項目:江蘇省旱情監測預測系統研究(2017007)

7. 2017~2017,水利部水利信息中心基金項目:基於VIC模型的全國格線化徑流量產品開發

8. 2016~2019,國家自然科學基金面上項目:多源土壤含水量高時空解析度融合的大範圍乾旱定量識別方法研究

9. 2015~2016,水利部水利信息中心基金項目:實時洪水預報圖層通用接口模組開發


11.2015~2015,水利部水利信息中心基金項目:基於VIC 模型的土壤墒情產品開發























































