

吳宇哲,工學學士,管理學碩士,農學博士。美國林肯土地政策研究院博士論文獎學金獲得者,香港理工大學建築及房地產學系博士後研究人員,美國UNC城市與區域規劃系訪問學者。現為浙江大學公共管理學院教授、博士生導師、土地管理系系主任、土地政策工作坊負責人、浙江大學土地與國家發展研究院總工程師。擔任中華建設管理研究會會長、中國縣鎮經濟交流促進會理事、中國土地學會青年工作委員副主任委員、浙江省特色小鎮研究會常務理事、浙江省公共管理學會理事、杭州市土地學會理事、Habitat International、Journal of Urban Management、建設管理國際學報、湖南財政經濟學院學報編委。











·基於對策論的區域工業地價均衡及管理策略研究 美國林肯土地政策研究院2006-1-1

·可持續土地整理研究 國土資源部土地整理中心2006-12-14

·麗水市區域經濟發展與土地可持續利用研究 麗水市國土資源局2004-08-01

·遂昌縣土地資源保護與保障研究 麗水市遂昌縣國土資源局2006-01-17

·鄉鎮規劃修改 寧波市國土資源局鎮海分局2007-3-28




Risk Management for Urban-rural Conflict in Urbanization Process,香港理工大學,2012-2014




•(under review)Application of the game model for stakeholder management in the construction of ecological corridors: a case study on the Yangtze River Basin in China, Habitat International

•(under review)Renewal of Land Use Term for Urbanization in China: Sword of Damocles or Noah’s Ark?, Land Use Policy

•(under review)Market-driven Land Nationalization in China: A New System for the Capitalization of Rural Homesteads, Land Use Policy

•(under review)A proposal on revised housing subsidy system in China: Theory and practice of housing vouchers, Urban Studies

•Wu Y, Zhang W, Shen J, Mo Z and Peng Y. (2017) Smart City with Chinese Characteristics against the Background of Big Data: Idea, Action and Risk, Journal of Cleaner Production (Accepted)

•Li H,WuY*, Huang X*, Sloand M. and Skitmore, M. (2017) Spatial-temporal evolution and classification of marginalization of cultivated land in the process of urbanization, Habitat International (Accepted)

•Zhang X, Lin Y,Wu Y∗and Skitmore M. (2016) DepartmentIndustrial land price between China’s Pearl River Delta and Southeast Asian regions: Competition or Coopetition? Land Use Policy (Accepted)

•Wang W, Zhang X,Wu Y*, Zhou L and Skitmore, M. (2016) Development priority zoning in China and its impact on urban growth management strategy, Cities (Accepted)

•Shan L, Yu A andWu Y* (2016) Strategies for risk management in urban-rural conflict: Two case studies of land acquisition in urbanising China, Habitat International (Accepted)

•Wu, Y., Luo, J., Zhang, X., & Skitmore, M. (2016). Urban growth dilemmas and solutions in china: looking forward to 2030.Habitat International, 56, 42-51.(SSCI)

•Wu, Y., Shen, J., Zhang, X., Skitmore, M., & Lu, W. (2016). The impact of urbanization on carbon emissions in developing countries: a chinese study based on the u-kaya method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 589-603. (SSCI)

•Zhang, X., Hes, D.,Wu, Y., Hafkamp, W., Lu, W., & Bayulken, B., et al. (2016). Catalyzing sustainable urban transformations towards smarter, healthier cities through urban ecological infrastructure, regenerative development, eco towns and regional prosperity. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122, 2-4. (SSCI)

•Liu, Z., Jiang, W.,Wu, Y., & Peng, Y. (2016).Risk factors of building apartments for university talent through the agent construction mode in china: interrelationship and prioritization. Sustainability, 8(4)., (SSCI).

•Eddie C.M. Hui;Yuzhe Wu*;Lijun Deng; Bibo Zheng. (2015). Analysis on coupling relationship of urban scale and intensive use of land in China, Cities,42(2): 63-69(SSCI )

•Wang, Q., Zhang, X.,Wu, Y., & Skitmore, M. (2015). Collective land system in China: Congenital flaw or acquired irrational weakness?. Habitat International, 50, 226-233.(SSCI )

•Xiaoling Zhang,Yuzhe Wu*and Liyin Shen.(2015). Embedding "green" in project-based organizations: the way ahead in the construction industry? Journal of Cleaner Production, 107(11): 420-427(SSCI/SCI)

•XiaolingZhang; Ling Zhou;Yuzhe Wu*; Martin Skitmore; Zhiping Deng.(2015). Resolving the conflicts of sustainable world heritage landscapes in cities: fully open or limited access for visitors? Habitat International, 46(4):91-100(SSCI )

•Ann TW Yu;Yuzhe Wu*; Jiahui Shen; Xiaoling Zhang; Liyin Shen. (2015). The Key Causes of Urban-rural Conflict in China, Habitat International, 49(10):65-73,(SSCI )

•Xiaoling Zhang;Yuzhe Wu*; Martin Skitmore; Shijie Jiang. (2015). Sustainable infrastructure projects in balancing urban-rural development: towards the goal of efficiency and equity, Journal of Cleaner Production,107(11): 4450-454(SSCI/SCI)

•Yuzhe Wu; Xiaoling Zhang; Martin Skitmore, Yan Song, Eddie C.M. Hui. (2014). Industrial Land Price and its Impact on Urban Growth: a Centipede Game Model, Land Use Policy,36 (1):199-209(SSCI )

•Ann T.W. YU,Yuzhe Wu*, Bibo Zheng, Xiaoling ZHANG, Liyin SHEN.(2014) Identifying Risk Factors of Urban-rural Conflict in Urbanization: A Case of China, Habitat International, 44(10):177-185(SSCI )

•Zhang XL,Wu YZ*, Shen LY, Skitmore M (2014). A Prototype System Dynamic Model for Assessing the Sustainability of Construction Projects, International Journal of Project Management 32(1):66-76.(SSCI)

•Chen Lu,Yuzhe Wu, Geoffrey Q.P Shen (2013)Driving force of urban growth and regional planning: A case study of Guangdong Province in China, Habitat International, 40(10):35-41,(SSCI)

•Yuzhe Wu. (2013). Development of Small Town among Spatial Agglomeration: Compared with Mega City, Morden Urban Research, (5)

•Xiaoling Zhang, Geoffrey Q.P Shen. , Jingjun Feng,Yuzhe Wu*(2013). Delivering a low-carbon Wu community in China: Technology vs. strategy? Habitat International, 37(1):130-137(SSCI)

•Xiaoling Zhang,Yuzhe Wu *, Liyin Shen.(2012). Application of low waste technologies for design and construction: A case study in Hong Kong, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(5):2973-2979(SCI)

•Wu YZ, Peng Y, Zhang XL, Skitmore M and Song Y (2012). Development Priority Zoning (DPZ)-Led Scenario Simulation for Regional Land Use Change: The Case of Suichang County, China. ,Habitat International, 36(2): 268–277.(SSCI)

•L Shen, Y Peng, X Zhang,Y Wu(2012). An alternative model for evaluating sustainable urbanization, Cities, 29(1), 32-39(SSCI)

•Wu YZ, Zhang XL, and Shen LY (2011). The Impact of Urbanization Policy on Land Use Change: A Scenario Analysis. Cities, 28(2): 147-159.(SSCI)

•Shen LY,Wu YZand Zhang XL (2011). Key Assessment Indicators (KAIs) for the Sustainability of Infrastructure Project. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137(6), 441–451.(SCI/SSCI)

•Zhang XL,Wu YZand Shen LY (2011). An Evaluation Framework for the Sustainability of Urban Land Use: A Study of Capital Cities and Municipalities in China, Habitat International. 35(1): 141–149.(SSCI)

•Wu YZ, Chanhda H, Zhang XL, Yoshida A and Wu CF (2011). Tea Industry Development and Land Utilization along the China-Laos Border: A Case Study of Komen Village in Laos. African Journal of Business Management, 5(11): 4328-4336.(SSCI)

•Xiaoling ZHANG, YY Tan, LY Shen,Yuzhe WU*2011(3).An alternative approach of competitiveness evaluation for real estate developers, A Model-procedure, International Journal of Strategic Property Managemen.(SSCI)

•Xiaoling ZHANG, Liyin SHEN andYuzhe WU*.2011(2-3). “Green strategy for gaining competitive advantage in housing development”, Journal of cleaner production.(SCI/SSCI)

•Xiaoling ZHANG, Li-yin SHEN,Yuzhe Wu, and Yi Peng. 2010(11-12). Core competitiveness indicators: a study of real estate developers in China, Facilities

•Xiaoling ZHANG, Martin SKITMORE,Yuzhe WUand Kunhui YE. 2010(12). “A regional construction R&D evaluation system for China”, Construction management and economics,(EI)

•Y. Z. Wu*, P.Y. Hu,W.W. Zhang, 2010, On housing vouchers policy among affordable housing in China, Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (International Symposium), Malaysia,(in English)

•Y Y. Shi, J. Li,Y Z. Wu,2010, Evaluating the scale efficiency of industrial land use in Hangzhou of China: Based on DEA method, Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (International Symposium), Malaysia,

•R. Wen,Y. Z. Wu*, 2010(4), Probe into Influence of Land Administration with Implementing New Code of Land Use Classification in China, Resources Science

•K. Feng, C.F. Wu, H.Y.Han,Y. Z. Wu, 2010(3),Study on the Implementation Evaluation of Urban Construction Bondary in Land Use Planning: A Case Study of Hangzhou, Journal of Natural Resources

•H. F. Zhang,Y. Z. Wu*,2010, Why the Land Ownership Cannot Produce High Income to China’s Farmers? , Proceedings of the 2International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment, Hong Kong(in English)

•R. Wen,Y. Z. Wu*, 2010, On Distribution Change Mode of Rural Resident Land in China, Proceedings of the 2International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment, Hong Kong(in English)

•P.Y. Hu,Y. Z. Wu*, ,Q. Shi, 2010, A Critical Review on Land-Use Annual Planning Policy in China Based on Behavior Psychology, Proceedings of the 2International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment, Hong Kong(in English)

•Y.Peng,Y. Z. Wu*, 2009(7), On Farmland Forecast Based on Risk Analyzing: A Case Study of Jinyun in Zhejiang Province, China Land Science

•X. L. Zhang, L.Y. Shen,Y. Z. Wu*, et al, 2009(3), Competitiveness Assessment for Real State Enterprises in China: A Model-procedure, International Journal of Strategic Property Managemen.(SSCI)

•Y. Z. Wu*, P.Y. Hu, D. Lu. 2009, On the impact of implementing the urban-rural construction land use scale controlled by restricted quotas towards land management at county level: Based on the practice of general land-use planning in Zhejiang province, Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (International Symposium), Nanjiang,(in English)

•Y. Z. Wu*, J. Chen, X. L. Zhang.2009, On urban underground space development among land intensive use: from China’s perspective, Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (International Symposium), Nanjiang,(in English)

•L. Y. Shen,Y. Z.Wu*,2009,Key Assessment Indicators (KAI) for Infrastructure Project Sustainability Based on Fuzzy theory: China Study, Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (International Symposium), Nanjiang,(in English)

•H. F. Zhang, W. Sun,Y. Z. Wu*. 2009, On the Rural Land Property Reform Oriented to the Increase of Property Income for Farmers in China, Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (International Symposium), Nanjiang

•Q. J. Jiang,Y. Z. Wu.2009(1), Priority Appraisement on Beach Reclamation Development and Utilization in Coastal Counties of Zhejiang Province, Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition)

•Y. Z. Wu*, Y.Peng, H.J, Bao, 2008(6), Assessing Comprehensive Zone Price of Land Requisition Based on Land Development Rights, Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences)

•Y. Z. Lu,Y.Z. Wu.2008(6), Preliminary Study on Rural Residential Land Banking System, Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)

•Y. Y. Shi,Y. Z. Wu, Q. Zhang, 2008(6), A Critical Review on China’s Urbanization under Development Priority Zoning, Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition)

•Y. Z. Wu, 2007(4), On Regional Equilibrium of Industrial Land Price and Management Strategy Based on Game Theory, Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences)

•Shen L Y, Bao H J,Wu Y Zand Lu W S (2007) ‘Using Bargaining-game Theory for Negotiating Concession Period for BOT Type Project’, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 133, No. 5, 385-392.(SCI)

•C, F Wang,Y. Z Wu, and X. L Zhang. 2007(7), On Priority Appraisement of Rural Residential Land Consolidation Based on Pca Method Journal of Agriculture Mechanization Research

•Q.F.Cai andY.Z. Wu, 2007(10), Practice of Project Delivery System in China and its Trend, Modern Enterprise Education

•Q.F.Cai, X.L. Zhang,Y.Z. Wu, 2007(10), Status and Problem of Construction R&D and its Trend, Coastal Enterprises and Science & Technology

•C.F. Wang, J.E.Tong, L.P. Yan,Y.Z. Wu. 2007(9), Quantitative Analysis to Performance of Land Use Planning in County Level, Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences

•L. Y. Shen,Y. Z.Wu,X. L. Zhang, 2007, Modeling A Feedback Mechanism in Assessing Sustainable Performance of Construction Project Based on System Dynamics, Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (International Symposium), Sydney(in English)

•X. L. Zhang,Y. Z Wu. 2007, A System Dynamics Model Of Land Use Change: Based on Perspective of Urbanization, Issues in Urban Economy and Land Policy (International Symposium), Shanghai

•Y. Z. Wu, H.J. Bao, Y.Y. Lou, 2006(sup), An Empirical Study on Using Mode of Land Requisition Compensation and Rural Social Security, Economic Geography

•Y. Z. Wu, C. F. Wu, 2006(1), Study on the Approach to Urban Land Classification, Economic Geography

•Y. Z Wu, C. F. Wu, et al, 2006, An Empirical Study on the Law of Housing Spatial Distribution Based on Ratio of House Price to Rent, International Research Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Beijing,(in English)

•X. L. Zhang,Y. Z. Wu, 2006, Study on Regional Construction R&D Synthetica1 Ability in China, International Research Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate Beijing,(in English)

•Y. Z. Wu, et al, 2005(9), Modeling the Decision-making Using Game Theory in Montitoring Land-use Practice in China, Systems Engineering- Theory & Practice

•H. J. Bao,Y. Z. Wu,et al, 2005(7), Planning and Design for Eco-Sustainable Farmland Consolidation, Pedosphere(SCI)

•L. Y. Shen,Y.Z. Wu,et al, 2005(4A), Application of system dynamics for assessment of sustainable performance of construction projects, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE(EI)

•L. Y. Shen,Y.Z. Wu, 2005(2),Risk Concession Model for Build Operate TransferContract Projects, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE(SCI)

•Yu-Zhe WU, Ju-Er TONG, 2005, Analyze to Reason of Destructive House Upholstery and Its Managerial Strategy, Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (International Symposium), Hangzhou

•Yu-Zhe WU,et al, On Sustainable Use of Urban Land in China, 2005, International Symposium on Urban Smart Growth and Land Policy in China, Hangzhou(in English)

•Y.Z. Wu, H.J. Bao, C.F.Wu, B.G.Xu, 2004(2), Land Use under PRED, Issues in Agricultural Economy

•J.Peng,Y.Z. Wu, R.C.Rong, W.D.Liu, 2004, On Urban Land Classify, Issues in China Land Resource Safety (Symposium), Hangzhou

•Q. Hu,Y.Z. Wu,2004, Limitation of Land Property System and Idea for Its Reform, Issues in China Land Resource Safety (Symposium), Hangzhou

•Y.Z. Wu,C. F. Wu, 2004, A Model for Plowland Quality Based on Integrating Synthesis Indicator and Characteristic Indicators, Rural Land Classify and Assessment in China (Symposium), Beijing

•Y.Z. Wu, 2003(9), Comment on Western Development in China, Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y.Z. Wu, H.J. Bao, 2003(5), Regional Gini Coefficient and Its Uses in the Analysis on Balance of Water and Soil, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation

•H. J. Bao,Y. Z. Wu, 2003(3),The Planning and Designing Model in Cropland Consolidation Based on Environmental Ethics, Economic Geography

•Y.Z. Wu,C. F. Wu, 2002(Sup.), Study on Spatial Correlation of Urban Land Price and Its Practice, Resource and Environment in Yangtse Valley

•J. L. Chen, W. D. Liu andY. Z. Wu, 2002(8), Study on Method ofStreet Land Value Assessment and its Application, Real Estate Assessment

•W. W. Zhang,Y. Z. Wu, 2002(11), Land Policies of Korea and its Revelation, Urban Development

•Y. Z. Wu, W. W. Zhang, 2002(7), Summarize on Experience of Korea National Housing Corporation and its Revelation, Urban Development

•H. J. Bao,Y. Z. Wu, 2002(12), Comment on Square construction in Lacking ofLand Resource, Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y. Z. Wu,2002(3), Comment on Application of Economics, Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y.Z. Wu, H.J. Bao, 2001,The Choice of Strategic Mode in China in Lacking of Land Resource, International Conference on Urbanization in China (International Symposium), Xiamen

•Y.Z. Wu, 2001, Land Use Planning System in China, China-Korea Land Policy Symposium, Seoul

•Y. Z. Wu,2001(24), WTO Just Like a Piece of Rose with Thorn(Comment), Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y. Z. Wu, C. F. Wu ,2001(5), A Study on Kriging-based Urban Base and Standard Land Value Assessment, Economic Geography

•Y. Z. Wu,2001(4),On Reform of Surveying and Mapping’s Course, Zhejiang University Education Research

•Y. Z. Wu,2001(21), Comment on Planning and its Perform, Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y. Z. Wu,2001(19), Comment on Housing Depreciation in Function, Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y. Z. Wu,2001(15),Everyone is Architect?(Comment), Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y. Z. Wu,2001(3), Comment on Urban Sprawl in China, Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y. Z. Wu,2001(1),How to Use Microsoft Map Program, Atlas

•Y. Z. Wu,2000(12), Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis Appliance in Residence Price, Geography Research

•Y. M. Ye ,C. F. Wu,Y. Z. Wu,2000(Sup.),Concept Technology and Working Pattern of Land Consolidation, Agricultural Engineering

•Y. Z. Wu,2001(3), Protect Plowland is First Aim?(Comment), Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y. Z. Wu, X. H. Pan,2001(3),Analyze on Charge Criterion of Property Management, Real Estate Tribune

•Y. Z. Wu,2000(13), Balance between Decrease andIncrease Plowland is the Same as Protect Plowland?(Comment), Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y. Z. Wu,2000(9), Method of Arithmetic Average Apply in Urban Base and Standard Land Value Assessment, Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Times

•Y. Z. Wu, 1999(4),Comment on Land Use Complexity , Real Estate Tribune

•Y. Z. Wu, Z. H. Huang,1998(10),On Housing Construction and Reform of Housing Systems, Zhejiang Economic

•Y. Z. Wu, J. D. Wang, 1997(4), On Reform of Surveying and Mapping’s Course Content, Zhejiang Surveying and Mapping

•J. D. Wang,Y. Z. Wu,1997(4), A Method to Capture Accurate Graphic Data of Houses, Survey and Mapping of Sichuan

•Y. Z. Wu, 1996(3), Study on Model of Property Management in Residence, Real Estate Tribune

•Q. Y. Lou,Y. Z. Wu, 1995(5),Computer Elective Course System and its Uses in the Credit System, Higher Agricultural Education



•城市住房價格時空演變研究——理論、方法及套用, 科學出版社,2011

•土地資源調查與評價(教材),中國農業出版社,2008 (副主編)


•國土規劃的理論與方法,科學出版社,2003 (合著)






