
台州市路橋國小是一所歷史悠久的名校,創辦於清鹹豐初年,前身為翼文書院。一百多年的滄桑演變,使得學校具備豐厚的歷史底蘊和文化積澱。學校先後被列為路橋區實驗國小、台州市城鎮示範性學校、台州市基本現代化學校、省現代教育技術實驗學校,歷來為莘莘學子求學之佳所。 2017年11月,台州市路橋國小獲評第一屆全國文明校園。







Brief introduction to school

With long history, Taizhou City Luqiao Primary School was established in the early years of Qing Xian Feng and its previous incarnation is Yiwen Academy of Classical Learning. This school has profound historical and cultural reserves through more than one-hundred evolvement, successively being listed as the Luqiao District Experimental Primary School, Model School among counties and towns in Taizhou City, Basic Modernization School in Taizhou City and Provincial Modern Education Technical and Experimental School and being the ideal place for large numbers of students to acquire knowledge.

Advanced philosophy of schooling. The school persists in the development of the connotation and quality, with culture cohering its students and teachers, focusing on the educational concept of "putting people first, independent practice, display of potentiality and harmonious development", Condenses the school spirit by the culture, actively practicing "education-through-show" pattern and cooperatively and practically standing out the philosophy of schooling of "relief of students' burden for quality education and comprehensive development" through innovation in order to promote sustainable development of the student, teacher and school.High quality teacher team. 9 of 135 teachers has senior title of professional post of middle school, 58 of them, the senior teacher of the primary school, 4 of them, the cultivation object for famous provincial teacher and 41 of them, respectively the famous municipal teacher, academic leader, new star teacher and teaching expert. 129 of them have College Degree or above and one of them has master degree. Outstanding educational quality. Through the hard work and struggle of generations of Luqiao People, this school has formed the spirit of "being conscientious and meticulous in work, devoted in contribution, practical and innovative in work with team work spirit", enjoying the good reputation of " being strict on school management and excellent on educational quality. This school has been successively appraised as National Woman Civilization Post, Model Unit in Zhejiang Province, Model School in Zhejiang Province, Top 100 School in terms of Educational and Scientific Research in Zhejiang Province and Specialized School in Sports and Art Zhejiang Province.

Creating the first-class educational quality and running the provincial branded school, this school tries its best to form harmonious, enlightened and active school yard, taking the school expansion as the opportunity, "serving students and developing independently" as the aim, "being fond of learning and working perseveringly" as the school motto and "making students and teachers grow soundly in body and mind" as the target in order to make it satisfying.





