外文名:Caroline Dhavernas

Marilyn (unknown episodes, 1991–1993) .... Abeille
Zap (unknown episodes, 1993–1996) .... Isabelle Daigneault
Cap Tourmente (1993) .... Valérie Huot
L'oreille de Joé (1996) ....
Urgence (unknown episodes, 1996–1997) .... Josianne Villeneuve
Lobby (unknown episodes, 1997) .... Roxanne
Réseaux (unknown episodes, 1998) .... Christine
Running Home (1999) .... Jessica
Le polock (unknown episodes, 1999) .... Camille Langlois
L'île de sable (1999) .... Manou
Tag (unknown episodes, 2000) .... Stéphanie
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne (1 episode, "The Golem", 2000) .... Angélique Doré
意亂情迷Lost and Delirious (2001) .... Kara
Heart: The Marilyn Bell Story (2001) .... Marilyn Bell
反轉玩盡滑雪場Out Cold (2001) .... Anna Majors
Les moutons de Jacob (2002) .... Caroline
瘋狂邊緣Edge of Madness (2002) .... Annie Herron and performer of My Love's Like A Red, Red Rose
Law & Order (1 episode, "Girl Most Likely", 2002) .... Alicia Milford
The Baroness and the Pig (2002) .... Emily
塔斯魯波的手提箱The Tulse Luper Suitcases(2003) .... Passion Hockmeister
Nez rouge (2003) .... Nathalie Lachance
Fox & Friends (1 episode, "6 March 2004", 2004) .... Herself
On Air with Ryan Seacrest (1 episode, "12 March 2004", 2004) .... Herself
奇蹟Wonderfalls (13 episodes, 2004) .... Jaye Tyler
Tout le monde en parle (1 episode, "14 November 2004", 2004) .... Herself
那些姑娘們These Girls (2005) .... Keira St-George
尼亞拉加旅店 Niagara Motel (2006) .... Loretta
戀愛魔鏡Comme tout le monde (2006) .... Claire
好萊塢莊園Hollywoodland (2006) .... Kit Holliday
美麗的野獸La belle bête (2006) .... Isabelle-Marie
違背Breach (2007) .... Juliana O'Neill
存活的母親Surviving My Mother (2007) .... Bianca
帕斯尚爾戰役Passchendaele (2008) .... Sarah Mann
The Road to Passchendaele (TV, 2008) .... Herself
貓頭鷹的哭泣The Cry of the Owl (2009) .... Nickie Grace
警界父子De père en flic (2009) .... Geneviève
One Last Dance (2009) .... Young Norma
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (1 episode, "Love Sick", 2010) .... Maya Sills
血戰太平洋The Pacific (2 episodes, "Guadalcanal/Leckie" and "Home", 2010) .... Vera Keller
播種愛情The Switch (2010) .... Pauline
電梯裡的惡魔Devil (2010) .... Elsa Nahai
失事Wrecked (2010) .... Woman
異鄉診所Off the Map (TV, 2011) .... Lily Brenner
Mars et Avril (2012) .... Avril (post-production)