

她有一個閃耀中原的名字——北京新學道洛陽國際書院。該書院是由教育專家投資創辦,經教育局批准,由吉利區人民政府引進的走讀與寄宿同步的全日制國際化學校。學校由專業的管理團隊引領和優秀的師資隊伍執教,校園品質高雅,充滿書香氣息。學校涵蓋精優國小和質優中學。實行6+6的全程規劃教育體系,升學目標為國內外名校,為學生的終身發展奠基。學校擁有先進的國內和國際教育理念及中西文化融合的創新型教育模式,踐行自主完善且科學高效又落地生根的系統教育教學方法,致力於培養身心健康,具有自主能力、民族情懷和國際視野的創新型社會精英。 學校構建了“全程規劃的優質教育、家校共育的精英教育、經典啟蒙的國學教育、彈性學制的雙語教育、終身發展的全人教育”體系;學校全面實施“以品格塑造為根基,以興趣培養為導向,以習慣養成為核心,以能力訓練為主線,以知識學習為載體,以遊戲活動為手段”的教育策略,讓師生一起體驗成長的快樂,共同享受教育的幸福。讓更多的家長、老師、學生在這裡揚帆遠航,築夢、追夢、圓夢!



Pursue for the elegant morality, virtue, complete sincerity and decency.

——Beijing New Essence Academy, where amazing dreams come true.



The Beijing New Essence Academy at Luoyang (BNEA) is a boarding school for Grade 1 to 12, which was established through the joint efforts from local Jili district government and Luoyang educational bureau. BNEA’s mission is to set the standard globally through inspirational and innovative learning. We have been striving to be a leading edge of school which cultivates the traditional Chinese education spirits as well as fosters advanced western education thinking. Our primary purpose is to help students not only gain excellent academic performance but physical health, furthermore, obtain independence and skills necessary to succeed in the post-secondary world. Our perspective students are impressed by our schools’ innovative education approach, many available of elective programs and spectacular state-of-art campus settings.

BNEA has created an unparalleled educational system called “joint program”, which aims to help students to make meaningful study plan, collaborate with parents on educating, and combine both traditional Chinese culture and western thinking through Chinese and English bilingual teaching. Emphasizing on ethical and moral education, BNEA is to develop a safe and nurturing environment for students’ growth and all-around development.






Honorary Principle: Mr. Shaolin Hao

Mr. Hao is a renowned educational expert inChinawho advocates the all-around and comprehensive education, and is also a prominent expert in the area of development of learning and teaching ability. He is a member of Educational reform council in Chinese Society of Education and one of an expert in “Shi-Er-Wu” research group of Chinese Society of Education. He is honored for being developed multiple efficient and effective teaching and learning methods

Under the insightful guidance of Mr.Hao, his daughter Yu Hao was successfully admitted by Cambridge University of U.K, and she was elected as the vice president of the International Students Association of Cambridge University.

Over the past 10 years, Mr. Hao has hosted nearly 1,000 education seminars in 26 cities across China, and about 200,000 students, teachers and parents have been inspired and motivated by his speeches.





Principal: Mr. Yong Liang

Mr. Liang is a well- known educational expert, and one of the ten principles inChinawho won the award of “the most innovative talented principle inChina”. He is also one of the directors of China Youth & Children Research Association, a special researcher of Chinese Youth & Children Education Research Center and Chines Youth & Children Education Research Association, and a committee member of Modern Literature Research Association inChina.

Mr. Liang has served as a school director of the educational department, a vice principle and a principle during his professional career. He has worked with Beijing New Oriental School, Beijing New Talent Academy and British BEG since 2002. He is the founder of BNEA.

Mr. Liang has been devoting his entire career to building an international standard boarding school to educate the future elites with global perspectives inChina.



【Professional Managers】


Our management group is now recruiting educational professions and experts around the world. Our staff members, including the executive principal, academic vice principal, vice principal of moral education, principals of primary and middle school, are educational elites who have strong enthusiasm of management and have at least 3 years of experience in the education industry.


【Distinguished Teachers】


Our teaching group is now recruiting candidates around the world. The current recruited teachers with an average age of 35 have successfully passed the selective interviews, demonstrative lecture presentations and speech defense in order to be perfectly qualified. Most of our teachers are professionals in their specialized teaching area, by which guarantee us to provide the excellent education program to students. By offering proper benefits, distinguished working condition and health care, our teacher team has been growing quickly and improving significantly.


學校根據每個學生的特點設定課程,以滿足學生的不同需求。學生可結合具體情況選擇適合自己的課程。同時,在教學活動中,充滿趣味、豐富多彩的課外活動讓學生在積極互動、輕鬆愉快的氛圍中了解中西文化、增長知識、開闊眼界、提高素質。 學校開設3G+X的課程體系:

Course System:

BNEA has designed different types of courses to match up with different level of students. Students are able to register suitable courses based on their study levels and personal interests with the deliberate instruction and guidance from our teachers. Students are also able to interact with each other in the group study and many other useful courses covered in the 3G+X system uniquely provided by our school:


