

北京創客空間是一款支持Android 2.1的理財購物類軟體。

北京創客空間擁有一個開放的實驗室平台,讓藝術家,設計師,軟硬體高手,DIY達人甚至任何人都有機會提出他們的想法,認識志同道和的朋友,運用和發展現有的開源和學術研究成果來把這些想法變成現實,並開放我們的成果供他人進一步研究,同時堅持不懈的嘗試將創新成果運用到現實生活中。同時,我們也提供獨特的學習機會和項目孵化。The open-lab(hackerspace) is a social enterprise founded by Flamingo and Justin。The mission is to encourage social innovation and develop the open-source hardware ecosystem by building a physical and online community where people can learn,share and work on projects and bring the result for public use。Like open-source software,open source hardware means people from around the world have already tried to build something and can share how they did it,so an engineer is not starting from nothing。The beauty of knowledge-sharing means people can build on and improve what somebody else has done which we believe will fasten the world‘s innovation。


