出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第1版 (2000年1月1日)
外文書名: Eugene O'Neill
叢書名: 劍橋文學指南
平裝: 256頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 7810469819
條形碼: 9787810469814
商品尺寸: 20.6 x 13.8 x 1.2 cm
商品重量: 259 g
編者:(美國)Michael Manheim
List of illustrations
Notes on contributors
List of plays and poems
1 “celebrant of loss”: Eugene ONeill 1888—1953
2 ONeills philosophical and literary paragons
3 ONeill and the theatre of his time
4 From trial to triumph: the early plays
5 The middle plays
6 The late plays
7 Notable American stage productions
8 ONeill on scre
9 ONeills America: the strange interlude between the wars
10 ONeills African and Irish-Americans: stereotypes or“faithful realism”?
11 ONeills female characters
12 “A tale of possessors self-dispossessed”
13 Trying to write the family play: autobiography and the dramatic imaginati
14 The stature of Long Days Journey Into Night
15 ONeill and the cult o sincerity
16 ONeill criticism
Select bibliography of full-length works