

姓 名: 劉洪剛

性 別: 男

職 稱: 研究員

學 歷: 博士

通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區北土城西路3號

所屬部門: 微波器件與積體電路研究室(四室)


劉洪剛,男,1974年生,博士,研究員。2003年7月於中科院微電子研究所獲博士學位,博士論文主要研究GaAs HBT微波器件與高速光通信積體電路;2003年9月赴加拿大Simon Fraser大學從事毫米波器件與電路方面的研究,研發成功的毫米波InP/GaAsSb DHBT技術,目前已經套用於安捷倫(Agilent)公司的高頻測量儀器中;2006年2月加入瑞士聯邦理工學院(ETH Zurich)從事太赫茲電子器件方面的研究,實現了0.6 THz太赫茲電晶體;2008年6月在多倫多大學負責高效低成本晶體矽太陽電池的研發工作;2009年9月受聘為中科院微電子研究所研究員、博士生導師,2010年獲中科院“百人計畫”擇優支持。




1) S. K. Wang, H.G. Liu, and A. Toriumi, “Kinetic Study of GeO Disproportionation into GeO2/Ge System Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

2) S. K. Wang, B. Q. Xue, H. L. Liang, Z. X. Mei, Y. Li, W. Zhao, B. Sun, X. L. Du, H. G. Liu, “Growth of Epitaxial Beryllium Oxide on Ge (111) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”

3) H.G. Liu, H. D. Chang, B. Sun, “Extrinsic Base Surface Passivation in Terahertz GaAsSb/InP DHBTs Using InGaAsP Ledge Structures”

4) H.G. Liu, O. Ostinelli, Y.P. Zeng and C.R. Bolognesi, “Emitter Size Effect and Ultimate Scalability in InP:GaInP/GaAsSb/InP DHBTs”

5) H.G. Liu, Y.P. Zeng, O. Ostinelli and C.R. Bolognesi, “600 GHz InP/GaAsSb/InP DHBTs Grown by MOCVD with a Ga(As,Sb) Graded-Base and fT × BVCEO > 2.5 THz-V at Room Temperature”, IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)

6) H.G. Liu, O. Ostinelli, Y.P. Zeng and C.R. Bolognesi, “High-Current-Gain InP/GaInP/GaAsSb/InP DHBTs with fT = 436 GHz”, IEEE Electron Device Letters

7) H.G. Liu, O. Ostinelli, Y.P. Zeng and C.R. Bolognesi, “High Gain Arsenic-Rich n-p-n InP/GaAsSb DHBTs with fT > 420 GHz”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

8) H.G. Liu, S.P. Watkins and C.R. Bolognesi, “Type-II InP/GaAsSb DHBTs with 15 nm Base and 384 GHz fT and 6-V BVCEO”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

9) C.R. Bolognesi, H.G. Liu, N. Tao, X. Zhang, S. Bagheri-Najimi and S.P. Watkins, "Neutral base recombination in InP/GaAsSb/InP double-heterostructure bipolar transistors: Suppression of Auger recombination in p+ GaAsSb base layers," Applied Physics Letters

10) Nick G.M. Tao, H.G. Liu, C.R. Bolognesi, "Surface Recombination Currents in "Type-II" NpN InP-GaAsSb-InP Self-Aligned DHBTs"

11) H.G. Liu, N. Tao, S.P. Watkins, C.R. Bolognesi, "Extraction of the average collector velocity in high-speed “Type-II” InP-GaAsSb-InP DHBTs"

12) H.G. Liu, J.Q. Wu, N. Tao, A.V. Firth, T.W. MacElwee, C.R. Bolognesi, "High-performance InP/GaAsSb/InP DHBTs grown by MOCVD on 100 mm InP substrates using PH3 and AsH3"







