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劉永宏,男,1972年4月生,2002年畢業於韓國釜山大學藥學大學 海洋天然藥物化學專業博士,之後去日本大阪大學 藥學大學,葡萄牙里斯本新大學 科技學院化學系做博士後,2006回國到中國科學院南海海洋研究所,任“百人計畫”研究員,2009年任廣東省海洋藥物重點實驗室副主任。


主要研究領域為海洋生物活性物質的研究,以海洋天然產物化學研究為基礎,以海洋生物中防治重要疾病創新藥物先導結構的發現與最佳化為主要研究方向。主要研究內容包括:綜合運用現代分離、分析技術與活性追蹤相結合的方法,研究發現海洋生物中用於防治嚴重危害人類健康的重要疾病創新藥物先導結構或目標分子;對發現的重要活性先導化合物進行系統的結構修飾或合成研究,探討相關衍生物的結構與活性的關係,發現結構簡單、活性強、毒性小的新藥研究目標分子。 近年來,開展了一些海洋化學生態學研究,旨在通過海洋生物學,生態學和海洋天然產物化學等多學科的配合,從仿生學的觀點,以抗污損生物附著活性篩選為導向,結合現代色譜學,現代波譜學,現代色譜-波譜在線上技術,快速分離並結構確定海洋生物中的抗藤壺幼蟲附著靶向化學防禦物質,改構活性成分,發現生產新的抗附著先導結構,研究抗附著活性與結構關係,總結出顯效基團,在此基礎上進行抗其它污損生物附著活性的研究,探討海洋生物抗附著化合物與環境競爭適應機制,揭示海洋生物的抗附著活性化合物的化學生態學作用,為研製海洋生物來源的新型無毒綠色防污劑奠定基礎。


2005年度第二批“引進國外傑出人才”入選者,美國化學學會會員。為Journal of Natural Products, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic &Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Journal Of Agriculture And Food Chemistry, Process Biochemistry, Molecules 等雜誌審稿人。長期從事海洋生物及天然藥物的化學成分和新藥研究, 在對20餘種海綿,海星的藥用植物,藥用動物的活性成分研究過程中,發現了100餘種新化合物, 300多個已知化合物, 2種新骨架結構成分及一些重要的新藥先導化合物,它們分別具有抗癌,抗病毒,抗瘧疾,抗愛滋病, 抗氧化等活性。主持,參與包括國家自然科學基金,中國科學院“百人計畫”,教育部留學回國啟動基金,973項目,蛋白質重大研究計畫,韓國科學與工程基金,日本振興財團,葡萄牙科技基金,香港王寬誠基金資助的科技項目等20餘項。近些年發表論文100篇,在Natural Product Reports, Phytochemistry, Journal of Natural Products,Planta Medica, Journal of Chromatography A,Marine Biology, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology,Food Chemistry等SCI論文上發表文章50篇,其中第一作者20篇,被引百餘次,參編著作4部, 申報專利10項,獲授權4項。


(1) 劉大有 劉永宏中藥美容 人民衛生出版社 1998. (2) 劉永宏中華海洋本草》軟體動物化學成分部分上海科學技術 出版社. (3) Liu Y, Zhang S, Jung J, Xu T. Bioactive furanosesterterpenoids from marine sponge 德國Springer出版的系列叢書《 Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry》中的一章,2007. (4) Zhou X, Xu T, Liu Y. Alisma orientale, a common Traditional Chinese Medicine as a diuretic agent,《 Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plant》中的一章,2009, Stadium Pree LLC, U.S.A. 論文 2010 1. Yang X, Dong G, Zhou X, Chai X, Li Y, Yang B, Zhang W, Liu Y. Antitumor steroids from the starfish Archaster typicus. Food Chemistry 2011, 124, 1634-1638 (SCI IF: 3.146). 2. Yan H, Liu Y. Identification of epidioxysterol from South China Sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla Linnaeus and its cytotoxic activity. Journal of Food Biochemistry accept (SCI IF: 0.779). 3.Chai X, Sun J, Tang L, Yang X, Li Y, Huang H, Zhou X, Yang B, Liu Y. A novel cyclopentene derivative and a polyhydroxylated steroid from a South China Sea gorgonian Menella sp . Cheimcal & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2010, 58(10), 1391-1394 (SCI IF: 1.698). 4. Ren S, Ma W, Xu T, Yin H, Zhou X, Yang X, Gao Q, Xu S, Liu Y. Two new alkaloids from the South China Sea marine sponge Dysidea sp. Journal of Antibiotics accept (SCI IF: 1.628). 5. Zhou X, Xu T, Wen K, Yang X, Xu S, Liu Y. A new N-acyl taurine from the sea urchin Glyptocidaris crenularis. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2010, 74(5), 1089-1091 (SCI IF: 1.326). 6. Yang X, Li S, Wu L, Li Y, Feng L, Shen Y, Tian J, Tang J, Wang N, Liu Y, Zhang W. Abiesatrines A-J: anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor triterpenoids from Abies georgei Orr. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2010, 8, 2609-2616 (SCI IF: 3.762). 7. Liu Y, Jung J, Xu T, Yin H. New cyclitol derivative from a sponge Sarcotragus species. Natural Products Research 2010 accept (SCI IF: 0.81). 8. Zhou X, Liu Y, Tang L, Zhang P, Wu J. Chemical constituents from the roots of Actinidia chinensis.Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2010, 46(2), 308-309 (SCI IF: 0.572). 9. Zhou X, Wen K, Yang X, Huang R, Dong G, Yang B, Sun J, Liu Y. Chemical constituents from the sea urchin Glyptocidaris crenularis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 2010, 38, 103-105 (SCI IF: 1.131). 10. Huang R, Liu Y. Diketopiperazines from marine organisms. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2010, doi: 10.1002/cbdv.200900211 (SCI IF: 1.962). 11. Dong G, Liu Y, Yang X, Zhou X. Chemical constituents and bioactivities of starfish. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2010 doi: 10.1002/cbdv.200900344 (SCI IF: 1.962). 12. Huang L, Wen K, Gao X, Liu Y. Hypolipidemic effect of fucoidan from Laminaria japonica in hyperlipidemic rats. Pharmaceutical Biology 2010, 48(4), 422-426 (SCI IF: 0.672). 13. Yang X, Feng L, Li S, Liu X, Li Y, Wu L, Shen Y, Tian J, Zhang X, Liu X, Wang N, Liu Y, Zhang, W. Isolation, structure, and bioactivities of abiesadines A–Y, twenty-five new diterpenes from Abies georgei Orr. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry 2010, 18, 744-754 (SCI IF: 2.822). 14. Xu Y, Liu Y, Xu T, Xie S, Si Y, Liu Y, Zhou H, Liu T, Xu D. A new furostanol glycoside from Tribulus terrestris. Molecules 2010, 15, 613-618 (SCI IF: 1.738). 15. Huang R, Ma W, Dong J, Zhou X, Xu T, Lee K,Yang X, Xu S, Liu Y. A new 1,4-diazepine from South China Sea marine sponge Callyspongia species. Molecules 2010, 15, 871-877 (SCI IF: 1.738). 16. Peng Y, Zheng J, Huang R, Wang Y, Xu T, Zhou X, Liu Q, Zeng F, Ju H, Yang X, Liu Y. Polyhydroxysteroids and saponins from the China Sea starfish Asterina sp. and their biological activities. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2010, 58(6) 856-858(SCI IF: 1.698). 17. Zhou X, Xu T, Yang X, Xu S, Liu Y. Chemical and biological aspects of marine sponge of the genus Xestospongia. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2010, 7, 2201-2227. (SCI IF: 1.926). 18. Xu Y, Bai L, Liu Y, Xu T, Liu Y, Xie S, Si Y, Zhou H, Liu T, Xu D. A new triterpenoid saponin from Pulsatilla cernua. Molecules 2010, 15, 1891-1897 (SCI IF: 1.738). 2009 19. Wang L, Zhao D, Xu T, Zhou X, Yang X, Liu Y. A new triterpene hexaglycoside from the bark of Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz.Molecules 2009, 14, 4497-4504 (SCI IF: 1.738). 20. Wang L, Cheng D, Wang H, Di L, Zhou X, Xu T, Yang X, Liu Y. The hepatoprotective and antifibrotic effects of Saururus chinensis against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic fibrosis in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2009, 126, 487-491 (SCI IF: 2.322). 21. Yang B, Dong J, Zhou X, Yang X, Lee K, Wang L, Zhang S, Liu Y. Proline-containing dipeptides from the marine sponge a Callyspongia species. Helvetica Chimica Acta 2009, 92, 1112-1117 (SCI IF: 1.435). 22. Wang B, Dong J, Zhou X, Lee KJ, Huang R, Zhang S, Liu Y. Nucleosides from marine sponges including known ones from Haliclona sp. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung 2009, 64c, 143-148 (SCI IF: 0.8). 23. Wang B, Lee K, Zhang S, Jung J, Liu Y. 2-Palmitamidoethanesulfonic acid, new aminoethylsulfonic acid derivative from marine sponge Haliclona sp. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2009, 45(1), 137-138 (SCI IF: 0.572). 24. Wang L, Zhao D, Liu Y. GC-MS analysis of the supercritical CO fluid extraction of Ephedra s inica roots and its antisudorific activity. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2009, 45(3), 434-436 (SCI IF: 0.572). 25. Zhou X, Tang L, Zhang P, Zhao X, Pi H, Zhang Y, Ruan H, Liu Y, Wu J. The interleukin-18 inhibitory activities of echinocystic acid and its saponins from Impatiens pritzellii var. hupehensis. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung 2009, 64c, 369-372 (SCI IF: 0.8). 26. Zhou X, Tang L, Liu Y. An isomeric mixture of novel cerebrosides isolated from Impatiens pritzellii reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced release of IL-18 from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Lipids 2009, 44(8), 759-763 (SCI IF: 2.382). 2008 27. Liu Y, Murakami N, Wang L, Zhang S. Preparative high-performance liquid chromatography for the purification of natural acylated anthocyanins from red radish ( Raphanus sativus L). Journal of Chromatographic Science 2008, 46(8), 743-746 (SCI IF: 0.863). 28. Liu Y, Ji H, Zhang S, Jung J, Xu T. Trisoxazole macrolides from the sponge Sarcotragus species. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2008, 44(1), 140-141 (SCI IF: 0.572). 29. Liu Y, Ji H, Dong J, Zhang S. Lee K, Matthew S. Antioxidant alkaloid from South China Sea marine sponge Iotrochota sp. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung 2008, 63c, 636-638 (SCI IF: 0.8). 30. Wang L, Zhao D, Liu Y. Quality assessment of Veratrum nigrum L. by LC-ELSD fingerprints and LC quantitative analysis. Chromatographia 2008, 68, 961-967 (SCI IF: 1.098). 31. Tao H, Wang L, Cui Z, Zhao D, Liu Y. Dimeric proanthocyanidins from roots of Ephedra sinica Stapf. Planta Medica 2008, 74, 1823-1825 (SCI IF: 2.037). 32. Wang L, Li W, Liu Y. Hypotensive effect and toxicology of total alkaloids and veratramine from roots and rhizomes of Veratrum nigrum L. in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Pharmazie 2008, 63(8), 606-610 (SCI IF: 0.812). 33. Wang L, Zhao D, Cheng D, Liu Y. ent-Sauchinone from Saururus chinensis.Heterocycles 2008, 75(5), 1241-1246 (SCI IF: 1.165). 34. Yin H, Zhang S, Luo X, Liu Y. Preparative isolation and purification of two benzoxazinoid glucosides from Acanthus ilicifolius L. by high-speed counter-current chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 2008, 1205, 177-181(SCI IF: 4.101). 35. Jiang S, Li X, Zhang L, Sun W, Dai S, Xie L, Liu Y, Lee K. Culturable actinobacteria isolated from marine sponge Iotrochota sp. Marine Biology 2008, 153(5), 945-952 (SCI IF: 1.999). 2007 36. Liu Y, Wang L, Jung J, Zhang S. Sesterterpenoids . Natural Product Reports 2007, 24(6), 1401-1429 (SCI IF: 9.202). 37. Liu Y, Zhang S, Jung J, Xu T. Variabilin, a chemotaxonomic marker for the familly Irciniidae. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung 2007, 62c, 473-476 (SCI IF: 0.8). 38. Liu Y, Ji H, Zhang S, Murakami N, Xu T. Structure-activity relationships of 1'- acetoxychavicol acetate homologues as new nuclear export signal inhibitors. Pharmazie 2007, 62(9), 659-662 (SCI IF: 0.812). 39. Liu Y, Murakami N, AbreuP, Ji H, Zhang S. Antimalarial flavonol glycosides from Euphorbia hirta. Pharmaceutical Biology 2007, 45(4), 278-281 (SCI IF: 0.672). 40. Jiang S, Sun W, Chen M, Dai S, Zhang L, Liu Y, Lee K, Li X. Diversity of culturable actinobacteria isolated from marine sponge Haliclona sp. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 2007, 92(4), 405-416 (SCI IF: 1.983). 41. Abreu P. Liu Y, Ozoroalide, a new macrolide from Ozoroa insignis. Fitoterapia 2007, 78, 388-389 (SCI IF: 1.363). 42. Jung J, Shinde P, Hong J, Liu Y, Sim C. Secondary metabolites from a marine sponge Discodermia calys. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 2007, 35, 48-51 (SCI IF: 1.131). 2006 43. Liu Y, Zhang S, Abreu P. Heterocyclic terpenes: linear furano-and pyrroloterpenoids. Natural Product Reports 2006, 23(4), 630-651 (SCI IF: 9.202). 44. Liu Y, Abreu P. Tirucallane triterpenes from the roots of Ozoroa insignis. Phytochemistry 2006, 67, 1309-1315 (SCI IF: 3.104). 45. Liu Y, Abreu P. Long chain alkyl and alkenyl phenols from Ozoroa insignis. Journal o f t he Brazilian Chemical Society 2006, 17(3), 527-536 (SCI IF: 1.458). 46. Liu Y, Jung J, Zhang S. Linear pyrrolosesterterpenes from a sponge Sarcotragus species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 2006, 34, 774-776 (SCI IF: 1.131). 47. Liu Y, Jung J, Zhang S. Indole alkaloids from a sponge Sarcotragus species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 2006, 34(5), 453-456 (SCI IF: 1.131). 48. Liu Y, Jung J, Ji H, Zhang S. Glycerolipids from a Sarcotragus species sponge. Molecules 2006, 11, 714-719 (SCI IF: 1.738). 49. Liu Y, Jung J, Zhang S. An unsaturated ω-hydroxy methyl ester from a sponge Sarcotragus species. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2006, 42(4), 487-488 (SCI IF: 0.572).


