

劉思金,男,1975年生,山東省威海人,中共黨員,研究員,博士生導師。中科院百人計畫入選者,國家傑出青年基金獲得者,國家973 項目首席科學家,國家萬人計畫入選者,國家青年科技領軍人才入選者。現任濟南大學校長助理(掛職鍛鍊一年)。 中科院生態環境研究中心研究員,擔任環境化學與生態毒理學國家重點實驗室副主任。擔任學術期刊Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (Elsevier出版集團)副主編。擔任國家環境與健康專家諮詢委員會委員






2014年終期考評被評選為優秀。在Journal of Clinical Investigation, Cancer Research, ACS Nano, Oncogene, Biomaterials等期刊上發表論文100餘篇。作為POPs研究集體的主要完成者,獲中科院2013年度傑出科技成就獎等;獲2015年度中科院青年科學家獎,

2018年入選國家第三批“萬人計畫” 科技領軍人才。











(1) 國家自然科學基金重點項目:高環境暴露風險金屬納米材料的胚胎髮育毒性機制研究,項目批准號:21637004,2017.01-2021.12。
(2) 國家基金委傑出青年科學基金:環境污染物的毒理與健康效應,項目批准號: 21425731,2015.1-2019.12。




1.Zhang, J., Wang, S., Gao, M., Li, R., Liu, S.* (2018) Multihierarchically Profiling the Biological Effects of Various Metal-Based Nanoparticles in Macrophages under Low Exposure Doses. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 6(8):10374-10384.
2.Wu, Y., Wang, F., Wang, S., Ma, J., Xu, M., Gao, M., Liu, R, Chen, W.,* Liu, S.* (2018) Reduction of Graphene Oxide Alters Its Cyto-Compatibility towards Primary and Immortalized Macrophages. Nanoscale. 10:14637-14650.
3.Bai, X., Xu, M., Liu, S.,* Hu, G.* (2018) Computational Investigations of the Interaction between the Cell Membrane and Nanoparticles Coated with a Pulmonary Surfactant. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 10(24):20368-20376.
4.Ma, J., Guo, A., Wang, S., Man, S., Zhang, Y., Liu, S., Liu, Y.* (2018) From the Lung to the Knee Joint: Toxicity Evaluation of Carbon Black Nanoparticles on Macrophages and Chondrocytes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 353:329-339.
5.Qi, Y., Liu, Y., Xia, T., Xu, A., Liu, S.,* Chen, W.* (2018) Biotransformation of Graphene Oxide in Lung Fluids Significantly Alters Its Inherent Properties and Bioactivities towards Immune Cells. NPG Asia Materials. 10:385-396.
6.Gao, M., Li, C., Xu, M., Liu, Y., Cong, M., Liu, S.* (2018) LncRNA MT1DP Aggravates Cadmium-induced Oxidative Stress by Repressing the Function of Nrf2 and is Dependent on Interaction with MiR-365. Advanced Science. 5:1800087.
7.Zhu, J., Xu, M., Wang, F., Gao, M., Zhang, Z., Xu, Y., Chen, W.,* Liu, S.* (2018) Low-dose Exposure of Graphene Oxide Significantly Increase Metal Toxicity to Macrophages by Altering Their Cellular Priming State. Nano Research. 11:4111-4122.
8.Yang, Y., Wu, Y., Ren, Q., Zhang, L., Liu, S.,* Zuo, Y*. (2018) Biophysical Assessment of Pulmonary Surfactant Predicts the Lung Toxicity of Nanomaterials. Small Methods. 2(4):1700367.
9.Gao, M., Chen, M., Li, C., Xu, M., Liu, Y., Cong, M., Snag, N., Liu, S.* (2018) Long Non-coding RNA MT1DP Shunts the Cellular Defense to Cytotoxicity through Crosstalk with MT1H and RhoC in Cadmium Stress. Cell Discovery. 4(1):5.
10.Wu, Y., Guo, Y., Song, H., Liu, W., Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Sang, N., Zuo, Y., Liu, S.* (2018) Oxygen Content Determines the Bio-reactivity and Toxicity Profiles of Carbon Black Particles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 150:207-214.
11.Gao, J., Li, R., Wang, F., Liu, X., Zhang, J., Hu, L., Shi, J., He, B., Zhou, Q., Song, M., Zhang, B., Qu, G.,* Liu, S., Jiang, G. (2017) Determining the Cytotoxicity of Rare Earth Element Nanoparticles in Macrophages and the Involvement of Membrane Damage. Environmental Science & Technology. 51(23):13938-13948.
12.Zhu, J., Xu, M.,* Gao, M., Zhang, Z., Xu, Y., Xia, T., Liu, S.* (2017) Graphene Oxide Induced Perturbation to Plasma Membrane and Cytoskeletal Meshwork Sensitize Cancer Cells to Chemotherapeutic Agents. ACS Nano. 11(3):2637-2651.
13.Liu, J., Wang, L., Du, Y.,* Liu, S*. (2017) An Important Function of Petrosiol E in Inducing the Differentiation of Neuronal Progenitors and in Protecting Them Against Oxidative Stress. Advanced Science. 4(10):1700089.
14.Gao, M., Zhao, B., Chen, M., Liu, Y., Xu, M., Wang, Z., Liu, S.,* Zhang, C.,* (2017) Nrf-2-driven Long Noncoding RNA ODRUL Contributes to Modulating Silver Nanoparticle-Induced Effects on Erythroid Cells. Biomaterials. 130:14-27.
15.Wang, Z., Liu, H.,* Liu, S.,* (2017) Low-Dose Bisphenol A Exposure: A Seemingly Instigating Carcinogenic Effect on Breast Cancer. Advanced Science. 4(2):1600248.
16.Ma, J., Li, R., Liu, Y., Qu, G., Liu, J., Guo, W., Song, H., Li, X., Liu, Y., Xia, T., Yan, B., Liu, S.* (2017) Carbon Nanotubes Disrupt Iron Homeostasis and Induce Anemia of Inflammation through Inflammatory Pathway as a Secondary Effect Distant to Their Portal-of-Entry. Small. 13(15):1603830.
17.Chen, Y., Wu, Y., Sun, B., Liu, S.,* Liu, H.* (2017) Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Cancer Nanotheranostics. Small. 13(10):1603446.
18.Chen, Y., Xu, M., Zhang, J., Ma, J., Gao, M., Zhang, Z.,* Xu, Y., Liu, S.* (2017) Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Variations upon Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials and Their Implications in Nanosafety Assessment. Advanced Materials. 29(6):1604580.
19.Qu, G., Liu, A., Hu, L., Liu, S.,* Shi, J.* Jiang, G. (2016) Recent Advances in the Analysis of TBBPA/TBBPS, TBBPA/TBBPS Derivatives and Their Transformation Products. Trac Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 83:14-24.
20.Xia, T.,* Zhu, Y., Mu, L., Zhang, Z., Liu, S.* (2016) Pulmonary Diseases Induced by Ambient Ultrafine and Engineered Nanoparticles in Twenty-First Century. National Science Review. 3(4):416-429.
21.Ma, J., Li, R., Qu, G., Liu, H., Yan, B., Xia, T., Liu, Y., Liu, S.* (2016) Carbon Nanotubes Stimulate Synovial Inflammation by Inducing Systemic Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines. Nanoscale. 8(42):18070-18086.
22.Wang, S., Shang, L., Li, L., Yu, Y., Chi, C., Wang, K., Zhang, J., Shi, R., Shen, H., Waterhouse, GI., Liu, S.* Tian, J., Zhang, T.,* Liu, H.* (2016) Metal-Organic-Framework-Derived Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres Containing Porphyrin-Like Metal Centers for Conformal Phototherapy. Advanced Materials. 28(38):8379-8387.
23.Xu, M., Zhu, J., Wang, F., Xiong, Y., Wu, Y., Wang, Q., Weng, J.,* Zhang, Z.,* Chen, W., Liu, S.* (2016) Improved in Vitro and in Vivo Biocompatibility of Graphene Oxide through Surface Modification: Poly(Acrylic Acid)-Functionalization is Superior to PEGylation. ACS Nano. 10(3):3267-3281.
24.Gao, M., Liu, Y., Chen, Y., Yin, C., Chen, J., Liu, S.* (2016) miR-214 Protects Erythroid Cells Against Oxidative Stress by Targeting ATF4 and EZH2. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 92:39-49.
25.Ma, J.,Liu, R., Wang, X., Liu, Q., Chen, Y., Valle, R., Zuo, Y., Xia, T.,* Liu, S.* (2015) Crucial Role of Lateral Size for Graphene Oxide in Activating Macrophages and Stimulating Pro-inflammatory Responses in Cells and Animals. ACS Nano. 9(10):10498-10515.
26.Qian, Y., Zhang, J., Hu, Q., Xu, M., Chen, Y., Hu, G., Zhao, M.,* Liu, S.* (2015) Silver Nanoparticle-Induced Hemoglobin Decrease Involves Alteration of Histone 3 Methylation Status. Biomaterials. 70:12-22.
27.Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., Yang, K., Du, J., Xu, Y.*, Liu, S.* (2015). Myeloid Zinc Finger 1 (MZF-1) Suppresses Prostate Tumor Growth through Enforcing Ferroportin-Conducted Iron Egress. Oncogene. 34(29):3839-3847.
28.Wang, Z., Xia, T.,* Liu, S.* (2015) Mechanisms of Nanosilver-Induced Toxicological Effects: More Attention Should be Oaid to Its Sublethal Effects. Nanoscale. 7(17):7470-7481.
29.Chen, Y., Wang, Z., Xu, M., Wang, X., Liu, R., Liu, Q., Zhang, Z., Xia, T., Zhao, J., Jiang, G., Xu, Y.,* Liu, S.* (2014) Nanosilver Incurs an Adaptive Shunt of Energy Metabolism Mode to Glycolysis in Tumor and Nontumor Cells. ACS Nano. 8(6):5813-5825.
30.Zhang, C., Zhang, S., Zhang, Z., He, J., Xu, Y.*, Liu, S.* (2014) ROCK has a Crucial Role in Gegulating Prostate Tumor Growth through Interaction with c-Myc. Oncogene. 33(49):5582-5591.
31.Qu, G., Liu, S.,* Zhang, S., Wang, L., Wang, X., Sun, B., Yin, N., Gao, X., Xia, T., Chen, J., Jiang, G. (2013) Graphene Oxide Induces Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4)-Dependent Necrosis in Macrophages. ACS Nano. 7(7):5732-5745.
32.Wang, Z., Liu, S.,* Ma, J., Qu, G., Wang, X., Yu, S., He, J., Liu, J., Xia, T., Jiang, G. (2013) Silver Nanoparticles Induced RNA Polymerase-Silver Binding and RNA Transcription Inhibition in Erythroid Progenitor Cells. ACS Nano. 7(5):4171-4186.
33.Qu, G., Zhang, C., Yuan, L., He, J., Wang, Z., Wang, L., Liu, S.*, Jiang, G. (2012) Quantum Dots Impair Macrophagic Morphology and the Ability of Phagocytosis by Inhibiting the Rho-Associated Kinase Signaling. Nanoscale. 4(7):2239-2244.
34.Suragani, R.N., Zachariah, R.S., Velazquez, J.G., Liu, S., Sun, C.W., Townes, T.M., Chen, J.J.* (2012) Heme-Regulated eIF2alpha Kinase Activated Atf4 Signaling Pathway in Oxidative Stress and Erythropoiesis. Blood. 119(22):5276-5284.
35.Liu, S., Goldstein, R.H., Scepansky, E.M., Rosenblatt, M.* (2009) Inhibition of Rho-Associated Kinase Signaling Prevents Breast Cancer Metastasis to Human Bone. Cancer Research. 69:(22)8742-8751.
36.Liu, S., Suragani, R., Wang, F., Han, A., Zhao, W., Andrews, N.C., Chen, J.J.* (2007) The Function of Heme-Regulated eIF2-alpha Kinase in Murine Iron Homeostasis and Macrophage Maturation. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 117(11):3296-3305.



