主要研究方向(Research Interests)
內質網(Endoplasmic Reticulum,ER)是細胞內分泌蛋白和膜蛋白合成和修飾過程的重要場所,當細胞內質網內未摺疊蛋白和錯誤摺疊蛋白大量積累時,細胞激活未摺疊蛋白應答 (Unfolded Protein Response,UPR),調節一系列基因的表達,或更有效地對蛋白進行正確摺疊和修飾,或加速蛋白的運輸,或更快地清除未摺疊和錯誤摺疊的蛋白。本實驗室以擬南芥和水稻等為模式材料,採用分子生理學、遺傳學、生物化學、細胞生物學、基因組學和蛋白質組學等方法,主要從事以下三方面的研究:1)環境脅迫誘導的植物內質網脅迫應答信號轉導途徑與基因調節;2)植物膜相關轉錄因子及受調節的膜內蛋白裂解;3)植物抗逆、高效相關基因的分離和作物抗逆、高效基因工程。
⒈ Liu J.X*. and Howell* S.H.(2010). Endoplasmic reticulum protein quality control and its relationship to environmental stress responses in plants. Plant Cell.doi: 10.1105/tpc.110.078154.
⒉ Liu J.X*. and Bennett J.(2010). Reversible and irreversible drought-induced changes in the anther proteome of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes IR64 and Moroberekan. Mol. Plant. doi: 10.1093/mp/ssq039.
⒊ Liu J.X. and Howell S .H .(2010) .The bZIP28 transcription factor and NF-Y nuclear factors are activated by ER stress and assemble into a transcriptional complex to regulate stress response genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 22⑶: 782-796.
⒋ Liu J.X.,Srivastava R. and Howell S.H. (2009). Overexpression of an Arabidopsis gene encoding a subtilase (AtSBT5.4) produces a clavata-like phenotype. Planta230⑷:687-97.
⒌ Srivastava R., Liu J.X.,Guo H.,Yin Y.,Howell S.H.(2009). Regulation and processing of a plant peptide hormone,AtRALF23,in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 59:930-939.
⒍ Liu J.X.,Srivastava R. and Howell S.H.(2008). Stress induced expression of an active form of AtbZIP17 provides protection from salt stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Environ. 31: 1735-1743.
⒎ Srivastava R. Liu J.X.and Howell S.H.(2008). Proteolytic processing of a precursor protein for a growth promoting peptide by a subtilisin serine protease in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 56:219-227.
⒏ Liu J.X.,Srivastava R. Che P. and Howell S.H. (2007). An ER stress response in Arabidopsis is mediated by proteolytic processing and nuclear relocation of a membrane-associated transcription factor AtbZIP28. Plant Cell. 19: 4111-4119.
⒐ Liu J.X.,Srivastava R. Che P. and Howell S.H. (2007). Salt stress responses in Arabidopsis utilize a signal transduction pathway related to ER stress signaling. Plant J. 51⑸: 897-909.
⒑ Liu J.X.,Bennett J. et al. (2006). Genetic variation in the sensitivity of anther dehiscence to drought stress in rice. Field Crop. Res .97⑴: 87-100.